The first year I did the A to Z, I didn't use a theme. To be honest, I didn't know that most people did use themes. I didn't do much advanced planning that year, either. Every morning I wrote a post, alphabetical, of course, so I got that right. And I visited as many blogs as my nimble brain and fingers allowed, then I patted myself on the back. Great job!
What I discovered was the bloggers who created thematic posts were the most interesting to visit. Guess what? The second year I had a theme.
To wax a bit nostalgic here are some of the themes that I thought were the most exciting in the 2014. I couldn't get around to the hundreds out there, so I know there were others I would have put on this list. Here are a few that I returned to daily and really enjoyed.
- Lexa Cain
- Hillary's Positive Letters
- Michelle Wallace's Writer in Transit
- J.L. Campbell's Character Depot
Why were these among my favs? Here are the qualities these bloggers brought to the Challenge.
They were
- informative
- humorous
- fun with puzzles or games to play
- short or with lots of white space
- well-written
- easy on the eye (no fancy dark background with green fonts or flashing gifs)
- no word verification
This year I'm looking forward to finding more favorites, and I have a feeling that the themes I'll gravitate to will have these qualities.
Ready? Set? Almost GO!