Tuesday, March 22, 2022

2022 Theme Reveal CLOSED #AtoZChallenge

Theme Reveal 2022 #atozchallenge screenshot

The Theme Reveal sign-ups for 2022 are closed. You should grab a copy of the list and go visit and comment on as many of the blogs as possible this week. 

The team that makes this challenge possible is locked at the top and highlighted. These are the people who are most qualified to assist you, should the need arise. (You may also leave comments for us here on this blog, or reach out to us in other ways, as you like.) 

Once you click on FILE > Make a copy, you can edit and alter the list as you like. Column "F" is filled with the "no" response, which you could change to "yes" after visiting the blogs. 144 bloggers revealed their themes this year! 

Theme Reveal Results

If you took a copy before, make sure your copy is now updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. (Copy/paste any you missed.) Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Sign up for the 2022 challenge officially on MARCH 30!

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram @a.to.z.challenge @a.to.z.challenge Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Sunday, March 6, 2022

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal 2022! #AtoZChallenge

 #AtoZChallenge 2022 Theme Reveal

It's that time of the year again, bloggers! 

Welcome to the 2022 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

If you are planning to do a theme on your blog in April, this is your chance to share it with all of us! Fill out this form (link) to sign up! Make sure you put in the direct link to your theme reveal post, not to your blog. And take a look at our list of Categories, because this year we have some new options for you!

Then, head over to the list of participants (link), and visit others to see what themes they are doing! If you take a copy now (File> Make a Copy), be sure to come back after sign-ups close to grab the information of the rest of the participants.

Please join the Theme Reveal by March 21st. After that, this form will be closed. The Master List for the challenge will open on March 30th!


The theme of the A to Z Challenge main blog this year is:


J Lenni Dorner writes about this theme:

Eyes close and dreams come to those fortunate enough to get the escape of entertainment. Perhaps they allow the imagination to stretch. Or give the mind an alternative way to work out problems from the wakeful hours. Some say these images from sleep carry messages and meanings that require interpretation to better steer our lives. There is much debate on how much control we have over those dreams. 

Yet there is no light without dark, each day needs the duality of night, and entertaining dreams of the sleeping mind shouldn't be confused with the loftiest goals of a planner. 

 It is smart to set goals and to have dreams among them. To strive for what we know we can achieve, but also to note what might be possible if we push ourselves, if we prioritize one dream over the inevitable obstacles that will come. Achievement of a dream always requires a change, a sacrifice, and a dedicated choice to put its achievement first. 

Duality is about more than two opposites. It's also about how one cannot or does not exist without the other. We recognize the protagonist by the battle against, and change because of, the antagonist. 

Perhaps, to some of you, blogging is an outlet, a place for creative expression to be shared with the world. Yet, in our trying times, blogging for a month and the pressure to visit others might feel like an antagonist. It may require you to change your schedule to post that much, there is an inevitable sacrifice of spending time visiting other blogs- time which you otherwise spent watching television, reading one more chapter, or running one more block. Taking on the A to Z Challenge in April is a choice to be part of the blogging community, to make a difference in the world by connecting with others, exchanging ideas, and connecting with people in the medium where they feel comfortable sharing and expressing themselves.

We may not agree with every blogger. Duality shows that there are always two sides. Perhaps there will be a chance to learn something new, to expand your mind and experience ideas beyond your own. There's also always an option to close a window and click to the next. (Perhaps there's a duality between a hyperlink and the site "X" close icon?)

The number 22 represents duality and the power of dreams. Thus, the team has selected these concepts as our THEME for April 2022. We will also be honoring Jeremy, the great graphic artist of the challenge who passed away this year. We encourage you to make this April your best blogging and best blog-hopping year yet! Make it your dream come true. There will be times that it feels impossible, forces that make it difficult... this isn't the A to Z spa treatment, it's the A to Z Challenge. It's not supposed to be a stroll in the park.

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!

#AtoZChallenge 2022 banner

Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Thursday, March 3, 2022

New Wordpress Simulcast Blog!

This is specifically for those of you who use the "simulcast" A to Z Challenge Blog on Wordpress:

 In order to separate the simulcast blog from the rest of my blogs (for security and other reasons), I've rebuilt that blog and pointed the process that creates the blog entries from Blogger to the new one. You will definitely want to change the blog you're following to this one:  


Please make a note of it. If you have any questions, let me know.

Friday, February 25, 2022

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Dates and New Graphics Team Member Chosen

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge #AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge

Please give a warm welcome to:

Anjela Curtis

This is our new graphic artist and team member! 
You'll see the winning badge, plus an alternative (non-tribute) badge for 2022, both shown above.
Please welcome our newest volunteer and note the unique name spelling!

Important Dates for 2022

Mar 7- Theme Reveal OPEN
Mar 21- Theme Reveal CLOSES
Mar 30- Master List OPENS -- officially sign up for the challenge
April 10- Master List CLOSES
May 2- Reflections
May 7- Reflections CLOSES
May 16- Road Trip starts

#atozchallenge 2022 calendar

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Please Review the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge on Facebook

Please Review the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge on Facebook

🤔 What to say? Here are suggestions:
  • Mention how many times you've participated (and won!)
  • Provide useful, constructive feedback.
  • Did the challenge help you and your blog? In what ways?
  • Be honest.
  • Leave out links and personal information.
  • Mention if you feel the challenge impacts the blogging community and how. Beneficial or detrimental to the blogging community?
  • How is it the same as other blog hops? How is it different?
  • Do you support the challenge? Would you suggest it to other bloggers? Will you do it again?
  • Have you learned anything from the challenge?
  • Does it help with blogging goals?
  • Keep a civil tongue.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

2-22-22 TUEsday Twosday

Twosday: 2-22-22

Hello A to Z Bloggers.  The A to Z Blog had been maintaining a bit of radio silence since last year's doings, so I asked the team if I could write a guest post.  To my surprise and delight, they said yes. Before I get into full A to Z mode, let me tell you about myself.

My name is Dave I'm a 57 year old midwesterner, who's been happily married to my best friend Amy for almost 24 years. a father of 3, an educator, an avid blogger someone who absolutely loves the A to Z Challenge

My first year in the challenge was 10 years ago.  It was the first and only year that I did not have a theme.  On Sunday April 1st I wrote this post about not fooling around.  Since then I have participated in several of my blogs.  At least one year, I did 3 at the same time.  

That's probably a good enough introduction about me for now.  

I love a good palindrome.  A palindrome is anything that is the same backwards as forwards.

I am writing this on January 31st 2022 or 1/31/2022 or 1-31-22.  Tomorrow is 2-1-22 and Wednesday is 2-2-22, a palindrome.  Could you imagine an alarm clock next to a calendar at 2:22 showing 2-22-22? If that's not enough awesomeness for you, it's also groundhog day!

But wait there's more ...

There is another spectacular palindrome filled day coming later in February.  February 22nd 2022 otherwise known as 2-22-22 it's a twosday that falls on a Tuesday.

🤯 (If this isn't a place for a mind blown emoji I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!!!!!!) 🤯

So what does this have to do exactly with the A to Z challenge?  Well, let's put it this way:If you guys are going to get back into the challenge  you probably need to do some forward thinking at the same time.  What will you write about?  Who will you invite to participate along with you? How will you make this the best A to Z year ever?

I may do more than one theme this year, but one of them is definitely going to be limericks.  8 years ago between my 49th and 50th birthday I wrote and posted a limerick a day on my facebook page.  For the challenge, I will be recycling about 10 of those limericks, writing about 10 new limericks prior to the challenge, and creating approximately 10 more during the challenge, generally on the day of the entry.

Here is a palindrome based limerick I wrote for this post::

I have a dear friend named Jerome
Who sure loves a good palindrome
on 2-22-22
in a racecar he "flew"
both backwards and forwards towards home.

I am really hyped up about this year's challenge. I hope that many of you are getting ready for it as well.  I'd like to thank the team for letting me do this guest post. 

Shameless Plug:  Please check out my blog Leap of Dave, it was called Home School Dad for many years but since our home schooling days have been over for a few years now, I decided to at long last change the name and consolidate my other blogs into the flagship.  This means that you can see all of my a to z blog entries over the last 11 years in one place.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

VOTE Please - Graphics Team Member #atozchallenge

We have two wonderful contenders. Please cast your vote:

Contender 1

  • Has done the challenge (2, 3, or 4 times)
  • Creates graphics for a living
  • Uses Facebook and Twitter, and might create an Instagram for us
  • Wants to act as a full-fledged team member, creating posts and whatnot
  • Is willing to create merchandise (shirts and such) 

1A 1B

Contender 2

  • Has done the challenge more than 5 times
  • Is a graphic designer who also designs other things
  • Not into social media
  • Would join us just for graphics
  • Would allow the team to create merchandise (but not do it themself)

2A 2B 

Each has presented us with two possible graphics for the 2022 challenge. Please cast your vote for the contender of your choice, and the badge (A or B) you prefer. 


Friday, February 4, 2022


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spread the word about this! Share everywhere you can.

Covid has taken Jeremy away from us. With heavy hearts, we must find another volunteer to do the A to Z graphics.  



In the event the team likes more than one applicant, we will hold a contest on Feb 16-18 showcasing the offered badges and ask the A to Z audience to vote.

You will need to create one badge to apply. 

width="250" height="250"

Form set to close Feb 12.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Jeremy Hawkins Tribute

On January 3, we lost an amazing guy – Jeremy Hawkins. http://www.beingretro.com

Today, February 2, we pay tribute and give back to one who was so giving and involved in our community.

To honor his life and support the family he leaves behind, on that day:

·       Create a blog post a story or memory about Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post with photos of Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post to share some of the graphics he made for you.

·       Post a photo of you wearing one of the t-shirts he designed on social media.

·       And to support his family, please purchase his t-shirts https://www.neatoshop.com/artist/Jeremy-Hawkins, art https://society6.com/izombie , and his books https://amzn.to/3rNVlnH

Spread the word and let’s pay tribute to one of the most supportive and loyal guys ever to cross our paths, Jeremy Hawkins.

#atozchallenge shirt 2015 2016 #atozchallenge shirt 2018 #atozchallenge shirt 2019 #atozchallenge shirt #atozchallenge shirt

#atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear

If you are posting a tribute on your blog, I invite you to leave a link in the comments. If you share your post on Twitter, please include the #atozchallenge hashtag. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

#atozchallenge After Survey 2021 RESULTS

Thank you to the 46% of bloggers who filled out the survey.

Almost everyone enjoyed the challenge this year.

"Visiting the blog in March, April, and May" is the most popular way to follow us. Our Facebook page is the second most popular. 

Most said they'll be back next April, or probably will. No one answered that they definitely won't.

Nearly everyone who took the survey said they completed the challenge.

90% got on the Master list this year. Only 2 bloggers said they didn't share links anywhere, including to their own followers.
Half posted links to their blog onTHEIR OWN Facebook page or profile, and half posted links to their blog on Twitter using the #AtoZchallenge hashtag.
Over 90% did not use a linky ran by another site to join this challenge.

Only 30% of you don't want Instagram added as an optional follow social media option on the Master List sign-up, so that will likely be included next year. (Instagram itself will not be allowed as a blog.)

However, over half were strongly opposed to the email option. 

Categories (that we don't already offer) requested include:
Author/ Writing mixed-bag (also requests for storytelling, flash fiction, and poetry to have their own sub-categories), Brand Management and Marketing, Finance and Frugality, Heritage and Culture, the Quilters requested their own sub-category under crafts, Inspirational, Music as a sub-category in Entertainment, Names, Current Affairs as a sub-category of Politics and News, and Random Blogging.

Most people responded that we have plenty of categories and they're happy.

Were you given enough time to sign up for the challenge? Almost 90% said yes!

30% use the HTML codes and find that helpful. (7% don't know what that means.)

Thanks to the 70% who read the daily posts written by the team!

Only 7 people said they weren't visited by a co-host. 39 said they didn't visit one of us.

Most people reported commenting on 1 to 50 blogs. 

"How many comments did your blog get in April?" The most popular answers fell between 11 to 150.

Nearly everyone prefers replies posted in the comment section, email being liked only if it's a private matter. Also popular was just visiting the blog of the commenter and saying hello on one of their posts. (Also known as comment-reciprocation.)

Most joined the road-trip. Over half checked out the shirts, and at least 10 said they bought one this year.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Time for the Post-A to Z Challenge Road Trip!

Roadtrip #atozchallenge 2021

It's time for the Post A to Z Road Trip 2021! This is a great opportunity to catch up on the many blogs you would have liked to have spent more time visiting, but didn't during the Challenge, and a chance to visit the blogs of people who did the Challenge that you never got to. And, if you're one of those people who did the Challenge but didn't get a lot of visitors, this is a way to let people know that you'd appreciate a visit.

Here's what you do:

  1. Sign up for the Road Trip. There's a place where you can put in the URL of a post that you would like visitors to read first. I used the address of my reflections post because there's a list of all the posts I did with links. Just a suggestion!
  2. Get copies of both the Road Trip List and the Master List. Both will be useful.
  3. Start with the Road Trip list and visit the blogs of the people who signed up there. Take some time to read their blog and their Challenge entries. Leave comments where you feel led to do so, and make sure you identify yourself as a Road Trip participant. Leave a link to your blog so they can return the favor.
  4. Then, if you have the time and inclination to do so, visit some of the blogs on the Master List that you didn't get the chance to visit. Even if they didn't sign up for the Road Trip, I'm sure they'd appreciate a visit.

There's no set time limit to the Road Trip (i.e. no specific end date), so if you wanted to, you could visit everyone who was part of this year's Challenge between now and the start of next year's Challenge. If that's what you want to do, go for it! Most importantly, have fun!

Happy Motoring!

Monday, May 3, 2021

#atozchallenge Reflections 2021

Reflections 2021 #atozchallenge


Taking the after-survey can help gather your thoughts before writing your reflection post! https://forms.gle/qUZogGKvMDVHd5rN6 That's also where you'll find the WINNER badge.

What did you like most and least about the challenge this year?
How did you do? What did you learn? Did you get out more, less, or as much as you put in?
Any thoughts on the shirts? Care to thank any team members?
Did you "double down" this year?

SIGN UP with your REFLECTION link HERE: 

(Closes May 8!)


Did you do the scavenger hunt from A? On your reflection post, you can share with everyone how well you did and on what participating A to Z blogs you found the items on the list! Here's a reminder: 

  • A is for — Apple 🍏 
  • B is for — Bear 🧸
  • C is for — Cobweb 🕸
  • D is for — Dragon 🐲
  • E is for — Evil 👿
  • F is for — Flowers 💐
  • G is for — Game 🎲
  • H is for — Hat 👒
  • I is for — Island 🏝
  • J is for — Jewelry 💍
  • K is for — Key 🔑
  • L is for — Leaves 🍂
  • M is for — Men 👬
  • N is for — Nuts 🥜
  • O is for — Orange 🍊
  • P is for — Pen 🖊
  • Q is for — Questions ❓
  • R is for — Rainbow 🌈
  • S is for — Scissors ✂
  • T is for — Tiger 🐯
  • U is for — Uniform 💂
  • V is for — Velvet 🧶
  • W is for — Whale 🐳
  • X is for — X-ray 🦴
  • Y is for — Yellow  💛
  • Z is for — Zipper 🤐

How many of you used a dictionary of some kind to find words for the challenge?
Did you stop to think about what it took to create a dictionary?
Sean Penn and Mel Gibson's 2019 film The Professor and the Madman explores that, while delving into the lives of two real people who were largely responsible for the creation of what would become the Oxford English Dictionary. 
The critics mostly dislike the film. I thought it was good. If you're a blogger who loves words, or if you've ever been curious as to how a dictionary was compiled, or you just want to see a movie with a workaholic and someone getting treatment for mental health issues (in the 1870s), here you go. The movie is actually based on a book that is considered a biography. 

📕 🎥

#atozchallenge 2021 map

#atozchallenge 2021 most popular posts

#atozchallenge 2021 page views

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays a participant badge so everyone knows they're in the right place!
Please consider getting a t-shirt.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

The AtoZChallenge 2021 AFTER SURVEY #atozchallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Fill it out here, or go to: https://forms.gle/FhjZGTynxQmH4gaS6

The AtoZChallenge AFTER SURVEY 📋

Your winner badge is inside, along with the answers to yesterday's Z post. 

Check back on MONDAY, MAY 3 for the REFLECTIONS sign-up. 🔮
Reflections 2021 #atozchallenge

Plus, sign-up for the Roadtrip on MONDAY, MAY 10. 🚗

Please consider getting a t-shirt.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Z is for... #atozchallenge

Z is for...Let's find out!

Let’s have some fun! Unscramble these words that start with the letter z:

  1. maoznib
  2. pepriz
  3. mnaiozoa
  4. cihnuczi
  5. tzengis
  6. grneiz
  7. ndoze
  8. imboz
  9. peplsnzei
  10. gzagzideg
  11. liloniearzi
  12. fictionaombiz

We hope you’ve had a great time with the A to Z Challenge! Get ready to write your Reflections about the month. Reflections will be open May 3rd-8th, and then the Road Trip will open on May 10th where you link up to your one favorite post of your own!

Looking forward to seeing you then!

And if you fill out our survey that opens tomorrow, the answer key to today’s puzzle is at the end!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Yes Game #atozchallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter Y

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

The YES game was a challenge given to Shonda Rhimes. The rules are simple: say "yes" to opportunities for a year. Say yes to positive experiences and thoughts.

Can you keep your blog going all year? YES
Can you spend the rest of the year visiting every blog that signed up in April? YES
Can you use what you learned this month to make your blog more appealing? YES
Can you promote your blog by giving readers more of what they want? YES
Can you double-down on more self challenges for your blog this year? YES


(Say it, say it, say it... 🎉)

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays a participant badge so everyone knows they're in the right place!
Please consider getting a t-shirt.

Get a copy of the Master List so you know who is officially participating! 
Please come back on SATURDAY for the AFTER SURVEY. 📋
And on MONDAY, MAY 3 for the REFLECTIONS sign-up. 🔮
Plus, sign-up for the Roadtrip on MONDAY, MAY 10. 🚗

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

X in Noughts and Crosses #atozchallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter X

kikel Christos chi rho tic tac toe noughts and crosses

Noughts and Crosses, or Tic Tac Toe, is a very old game. There is some debate among historians as to when it first began (ancient Egypt or ancient Rome) and what was originally used to make the board and pieces. (It's suggested that it was four sticks, pebbles, and coins.) As it evolved, it became a game of unity between Christian and Jewish children.

The X represented Christianity, as it came from chi. (The Greek letters for Christos, chi (looks like an X) and rho (looks like a P), is an early symbol for Christianity and for Christ Himself. Emperor Constantine is likely responsible for crafting the letters together.) The o or 0 is a kikel, a circle in Yiddish. Many Jewish immigrants used an O rather than an X as their signature in the early days of Ellis Island. The 0 is also known as a nought. The name tic tac toe wasn't given until the 20th century.

The object of the game is to get three of your symbols in a row. Players take turns selecting one of the nine squares. Statistically, the player who goes first has the greatest chance of winning. Marking in a corner first is considered the best move. 

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays a participant badge so everyone knows they're in the right place!
Please consider getting a t-shirt.

The Master List - know what blogs are officially taking part in the 2021 challenge:

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Well, What Now?

So, we have four days left in this year's A to Z Challenge, and I'm sure some of you are going to ask yourselves "Well, what now?" You've made some serious changes in your blogging lifestyle to get through this month (or not), you've probably made some new blog buddies, you've read some new blogs... and, if you're like me, you feel badly that you didn't do more...

Well, just because April is done and dusted doesn't mean you can't just keep going. To the best of my knowledge, no one's blog shuts down until the next challenge. No one says you can't read some of the blogs you didn't get to read during the month. That's what the Master List is for, so now would be the time, if you haven't done so already, to snag a copy of it.

You might want to go through your comments and make sure you've replied to everyone, and that you've visited everyone who visited you. You might even want to subscribe to their blogs. (By the way, did you know that you can subscribe to Blogger feeds using the Wordpress reader?)

Another thing you might want to do is start giving some thought to possible topics for next year's Challenge (you will be back, I just know it!).

We're going to do the A to Z Road Trip again this year, as always. Signups start May 10!

Hope you've had fun and found some great reading material. See you in the funny papers!

John Holton

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays the participant badge so people know that you're doing the Challenge!

Please consider getting a t-shirt.

Be sure to get a copy of the Master List! Go here and select File > Save A Copy.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

V is for Variety #atozchallenge

Today your challenge (should you choose to accept it) is to switch it up a little! Variety is good for creativity and good for the soul - especially in times like this when many forms of entertainment are not available, or have migrated online. 

So, change one thing today! Here are some options:

1. Find a Category on the Master List that you usually are not interested in, and visit some blogs!

2. Write a genre you don't usually write!

3. Read a genre you don't usually read!

4. Find a new challenge! (another blogging challenge, a reading challenge, a kindness challenge, etc.)

5. Try a new form of exercise!

6. Eat breakfast for dinner!

We are nearing the end of the A to Z Challenge, but it is not quite over yet. I hope you all are having fun posting and visiting! Don't forget to schedule a Reflections post (Reflections starting May 3rd) so you can tell us about the experience! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

U is for Ultimatum #atozchallenge

 U is for Ultimatum

Give yourself an ultimatum (don’t accept them from anyone else!). Use that ultimatum to challenge yourself to do the best you can as we get close to finishing out A to Z! We have one more week. Set your ultimatum to help yourself achieve your goals!

As we end the week, I’m specifically talking to those of you (myself included) who haven’t quite made our goals yet. Give yourself an ultimatum to meet those goals.

Meet that goal OR ____ [fill in the blank]. What happens? Give yourself some consequences. Or better yet, give yourself a reward!

My Ultimatum: 

If I don’t finish my goal, I don’t get to go on a shopping spree at a book store!

Then work toward it. Figure out what’s motivating to you and set your mind to it! With just 5 posts left, we can do it! Don’t give up now.

Friday, April 23, 2021

T is for Takeaways #atozchallenge

T is for Takeaways

As we start to wind down (only six more posts to go!), what Takeaways do you have from this year’s A to Z? Have you challenged yourself in new and interesting ways? Have you done anything you’re particularly proud of? Share with us in the comments what your Takeaways are so far!

Then get ready to share your Reflections in a couple of weeks. Our Reflections officially open on May 3rd, and brainstorming your Takeaways is a good starting point for that. If nothing comes to mind, look back to our bonus challenges and see if you can squeeze one in this final week.

My personal takeaways so far:

- Blogging is so much easier and so much more fun when you share the load. Bringing on a co-blogger in January has been the best decision I ever made, writing-wise.

- A to Z is a lot more fun the years I had pre-scheduled all my posts. I feel like it’s been a struggle to go out looking for new blogs, but I did manage to do that some this month. I’m very much looking forward to May and the Road Trip (which officially opens on May 10th). If you aren’t familiar, the Road Trip is when you post the link to ONE of your A to Z posts that you want people to go back and read. It’s a lot of fun, even if we are going back and reading something from a month prior.

- I need a challenge to achieve my goals. Just having a vague goal isn’t enough of a motivator. During a sprint, I can write so much more than just setting a timer for myself.

- I am a social creature. I am desperate to be back into normal socializing patterns. It’s coming! Sooon!

Okay, so I knew some of these things about myself before, but I bet you didn’t!
Now it’s your turn. Share with us your Takeaways so far!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Solve Word Puzzles #atozchallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter S

Solve Word Puzzles!
This is yet another game you could play on your blog.
Once again, ANSWERS will be posted at: https://twitter.com/AprilA2Z on Sunday!

Here are SIX words with SEVEN letters, each starting with S:

  1. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: 😞😢😭 unhappy
  2. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: An expensive red spice
  3. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship
  4. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: these have an absorbent, porous body
  5. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: multiply a number by itself
  6. S _ _ _ _ _ _ Hint: 🤔 what you are when you can't figure this out

Or perhaps you prefer a word search? https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/2139471/a-to-z-wordsearch/
You'll seek another set of six words with seven-letters starting with S, plus four words relating to the #atozchallenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays a participant badge so everyone knows they're in the right place!
Please consider getting a t-shirt.

The Master List - know what blogs are officially taking part in the 2021 challenge: