Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z to Adieu - See I sort of Cheated There... Okay I did!

Here we go the end of another challenge as it comes to a close, another door opens... we can reflect, reflect on a couple of things. A matter of a success, finished a task, found yourself surrounded by new and old friends. What are some of the things you had seen, did you find yourself gravitating towards one or two sites everyday...

Also, did you finish the challenge... do you feel like a winner, well gosh darn it you are winner and what better way to show that. TELL SOMEONE!

May we suggest "AtoZ Challenge Gear"... well okay it's like a t-shirt but there are a few other things to choose from, for all the information please "CLICK HERE".

For now, until next time...
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Letter Y

Y: the next to last letter and the finish line is just ahead.

Do you see it? 

Isn't it beautiful? 

Y is for YOU did it!

Y is for YAY!

Y is for YIPPIE!



Tuesday, April 28, 2015

X is for X-hiliarated

Okay, so the word is actually “exhiliarated,” which means “happy, animated or elated,” at least that’s what Google tells me. That’s probably how you feel now, isn’t it? If it isn’t, well, you should.
  • You’ve managed to post every day, Monday through Saturday, in the month of April.
  • You’ve come up with 26 words, each one starting with the next letter in the alphabet in sequence. And most of you came up with 26 words, each one starting with the next successive letter, that fit into a theme. Whether or not you had a theme, you still managed to come up with a 26-word list, each word starting with a different letter. Including Q! and Z! and X! Those letters will break anyone, even the old pros!
  • Each one of your posts required preparation, whether it was going through photos in your collection, or reading web pages, or reading books, or listening to music, or drawing or sewing or knitting or cooking. And you did it!
  • You learned how to budget your time. You knew you had a post to do every day, Monday through Saturday, and you knew what you had to do to get that post out on time, every day.
  • You’ve been visited by people from all over the world, and you’ve visited people from all over the world, you’ve made some friends and read some pretty amazing stuff by some remarkable writers. They’re all in your feed reader (you do have them in your feed reader, right?), so, every time they post, you’ll know about it. And you’re in their feed readers so, every time you post, they’ll know about it.
It’s been an exhiliarating experience, hasn’t it? Whether this was your first A to Z Challenge or your fifth, it taught you a lot about blogging, and yourself.

So, what now? Well, there are still a couple more days left, so don’t quit yet. But, come Friday, this year’s A to Z Challenge wll be history. So, then what? Here are some suggestions.
  • First, there’s the A to Z Reflections, where you can recap your experience with the A to Z Challenge: what you liked about it, what you didn’t like, what you got out of it, what you wish you had gotten from it, things like that. The link might be different, so make sure you stay tuned to this blog for further details.
  • Then there’s the A to Z Challenge Road Trip. It’s a trip through the blogs that participated in the Challenge at a more leisurely pace. Where April is a dash, this is a meander. Take a look at the page linked above.
  • Make it a point to visit your new friends regularly, and to leave them comments. See who comments on their blogs and go visit those people, too. That’s what blogging is all about.
  • Keep an eye out for other challenges to participate in. As you follow your new friends, see what they’re doing when they aren’t doing A to Z, and join them. If it’s not as much fun as it looks, it’s okay to drop out of it. I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll enjoy.
  • And, by all means, make plans to join us again next year. This is the highlight of my blogging year, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes yours.
Have fun the last couple of days of the challenge! Straight ahead!

John Holton
The Sound of One Hand Typing
The Sound of One Hand Typing FM