Friday, May 3, 2013

A to Z Reflections Post 2013 Now Open

For the benefit of those on the other side of the world and anyone who has a Reflections post ready, here is the Linky List.  

      This list is intended only for those who are posting an A to Z Reflections post. Please post only the link to your Reflections post and not the URL address of your blog. If your intent is to add a link to your advertising site or just to get your blog noticed, be aware that those links will be removed from the list when discovered. If you have any problems with your entry or accidentally enter the incorrect link, please contact us. Refer to the "Contact Us" tab for contact information:

For list go to:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Not Over Until It's Over! Time to Reflect

The "I Survived" Badge Is Ready!
      Thanks to our in-house art guru, Jeremy Hawkins from Retro-Zombie, we have available for all of you who finished this year's A to Z Challenge a badge for you to proudly display on your site to show all the world of your amazing April feat.  Congratulations to all of you!

The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post 2013

         By now you have probably heard mention of this Reflections Post.  Those who are past A to Z participants are undoubtedly familiar with this Reflections Post and may have done one in previous years.  For those who don't understand what this is all about, I'm here to explain it to you.

          The A to Z Reflections Post is a post presented on your own blog site giving the A to Z Team, the other Challenge participants, and any other readers your thoughts about this year's April Challenge.  The way you present your post is up to you.   Essentially you can take the same approach with this post as you did your other Challenge posts.

          We are looking for feedback about the Challenge.  Tell us what you liked and didn't like, what worked and what didn't.   If you have suggestions about making future A to Z Challenges better, this is a good time to let us know.  You can highlight other bloggers who you felt did an outstanding job or direct us to specific posts that particularly impressed you or that you found to be very helpful.

          In other words, we want to know how the A to Z Team did and how the Challenge worked for you.  If you'd do it again, tell us why.  If you would never consider A to Z again, let us know what would make you feel that way.

         Please put up your Reflections post between now and Thursday May 9th.  After your post has gone online you can add the link to that specific post to the Linky List once it has opened starting Thursday night.  Enter the link that goes directly to your Reflections post and not your general blog address.  The list will remain open for entries for one week and will be accessible for the remainder of this year.

         The list is intended for A to Z Reflections posts only.  Any links to advertising sites or non-relevant posts will be removed from the list.    And remember that these posts will be directed to a diverse audience of varying ages and sensibilities so please respect others by refraining from posting obscene materials or hurtful attacks upon others.  We want a productive interchange of ideas that can lead to positive innovation.

Coming Soon!  The A to Z Road Trip!

       Details for this will be coming on this blog in the next few weeks.  Be watching for more information about this event.

       If you still have questions please let them be known in the comment section.  

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z - Is "Z" the END?

Not the World, just the...
A to Z Challenge" for 2013
So another challenge has come to a close, were you able to make your post, did you make them on time and did you have a great time meeting new friends?

Did you have fun!
Jeremy [Retro]
Oh, No... Let's Go CRAZY!

If you get a chance please stop over to my site and say "Hello" and thank you for another great challenge!!