Wednesday, April 17, 2024

O is for Opportunity

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter O #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

The A to Z Challenge is an opportunity to test your creativity and see if you can come up with 26 words that start with each letter of the alphabet. Unfortunately, that includes letters like X, Q, and Z, and sometimes you have to be creative with those.

So this month is an action-packed and fun-filled monthlong exercise in creativity. If you're like me, you'll probably want to take on another challenge to further your reach into the blogging world. In other words, you'll look for further opportunities to hone your blogging chops, Where do you find them?

You're going to make some friends this month, some of whom are more advanced than others. The long-time bloggers will probably be announcing other blog hops that they're participating in. That was how I got involved with this challenge: I saw people talking about it and said "hey, that looks like something fun to do, I think I'll try that!" In fact, this challenge was what got me to start my blog.

So keep your eyes open for further blog hops. I run one called "Writer's Workshop." Fandango runs a bunch of blog hops from his blog, so look in his direction. If music is your thing, there's Monday's Music Moves Me, which I participate in (on Mondays, naturally). And that's just a tiny sample.

I hope you love blogging enough that you want to do more of it!


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Monday, April 15, 2024

Now or Never, or maybe Next Time #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter N #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

We are past the halfway point! Pat yourself on the back, if you have made it this far! The Challenge is an intense undertaking, for sure. So this is your halfway reminder to be kind to yourself. Celebrate the posts you made! Even if you didn't have as much time, or haven't done as much research, or visited as many people... you are still doing it, and that is great!

Also halfway through the challenge, whether you are a newcomer or a veteran, things usually become more clear. Take a moment to take some NOTES. 

What are you doing well NOW? What are the things you are enjoying this time around in the challenge?

What are you NEVER doing again? Is there something you would change?

What are you going to do NEXT TIME? Keep, discard, change - were you inspired by someone's blog, or theme, or style? Do share in the comments!

Keep on blogging! :) 


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge

Magic Month ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter M #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

Magic Month
       For bloggers I think April is a magical month mainly because of the A to Z Challenge.  This is the time to network, to get your blog out in the spotlight, and to find out what other bloggers are doing on their sites.  If you walk away from April without having made at least one new blogging friend then you haven't been taking advantage of this great opportunity to grow your blog and your blogging circles.  

      In my own blog searches I've had some of those "Wow!" moments when I learn something new or discover a blogging talent that catches me off guard.  It's like going to a fair or some widespread event where we have the opportunity to show off our own pursuits as well as admire the work of others.  It's a truly festive time for those who enjoy blogging.

       Have fun!  This is a magic month that can be a big boost to your blog and allow you to interact with the other bloggers in the Challenge.  The magic is there, but if you don't believe in the magic then you'll likely miss it.   You don't want to do that!   Go visit some blogs right now!

       Have you gained some new readers?   Have you discovered any blogs that you will continue to visit after the Challenge has ended?   Do you have any especially magical memories from the 2024 Challenge so far?


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallengeTwitter X @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge