Friday, March 1, 2024

The 2024 April Blogging from #AtoZChallege is coming!

#AtoZChallenge2024 badge1 #AtoZChallenge2024 badge2
Two badges from which you can choose.

The 2024 April Blogging from #AtoZChallege is coming!

The Theme Reveal will be up on March 10. The team's theme for this site for April 2024 will be hope, positivity, and living your best life blogging your best blog. Victorious Blogging.

Some changes this year:
We're not planning to put "voting" as an option on the Masterlist. It is not as popular as it once was. We suggest you put such an option in your theme reveal if you're going to use it. We want the Masterlist 2024 to be cleaner and more concise. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Fall in Love with Blogs and Blog Hops Again!

February the Month Of Love: Image by Freepik

February is often thought of as the month of love. Here at the A to Z Blog Challenge, we're falling in love with Blogs and Blog Hops again! With my own blog, I have found my attention to it waxes and wanes throughout the year. I try so hard to keep updating it consistently, and I have definitely found that my best success has been through the community of bloggers (and the support of my husband and co-blogger!) and I am very much looking forward to my next round of A to Z Challenge posts to keep my momentum going!

So tell us, what are your favorite blog hops or blog challenges that you participate in throughout the year?

~Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Blogger (adults only!)

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year 2024 Bucket List of Blogging Goals #AtoZChallenge


Happy 2024!

Blogging proclamation for 2024: 


That's the challenge put forth to you, a suggested New Year's Resolution, a goal, or a Bucket List item. 

What do you want? What would make a blog your favorite? Is it just the blog, or is it the blogger behind it? 

Do you love blogs with daily, weekly, or monthly posts?

How about blogs with lots of pictures?

Maybe your favorite spots are where someone replies to comments? Or reciprocate by visiting your blog in turn? Perhaps it's where a blogger has created a community? 

There is no right or wrong way to become a favorite blogger. Make a list of what you'd want in an ideal blog, and then do that. 

Maybe you'll find that your favorite blogs are ones that review products or recommend books. Or blogs where authors are interviewed. Perhaps your favorite blogs will be ones that normally get more than fifty comments a post. It could be blogs filled with poems. 

Refer back to the 2023 Master List. Look at the different categories. Check out what other people are doing. Take notes about what you love most. 


It's a new year. That's the best time to remake your blog. Turn it into your own favorite. It's a great way to renew your passion and get the attention of your ideal audience.

@StevenBartlett @quote #life