Saturday, April 2, 2022

#AtoZChallenge BINGO!

It's Sunday, a.k.a. Break Time, a.k.a. Visiting Day. And we have a game for you!

In 2017 J Lenni Dorner made an A to Z Bingo, just for fun, and we decided this would be a great time to revive the tradition. So, here is your A to Z Challenge Bingo card for 2022!

You can share your wins and results in your Reflections post in May, or with us in the comments.


#AtoZChallenge Better Book Discovery

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge #AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

It's letter "B "day on the A to Z Challenge blog. It is said that the second day of any challenge is the hardest. Motivation is pelted with realizations of the commitment needed to succeed. Scheduling and prioritizing become tangible instead of theoretical (inked-in instead of penciled-in πŸ–‹πŸ–‰). 

Banish the voices that say you can't do this. Hundreds of bloggers JUST LIKE YOU have completed the challenge successfully for over a decade. Don't bow out!

What benefit can come from completing the challenge? Building a better blogging community, for one. 
And if you're using your blog to write a book, you might publish it one day!
The best books created because of the April Blogging from #AtoZChallenge

That's a list of books that exist right now because of this blogging challenge. How many of them have you read? has many book lists with various topics and themes. Over 40,000 people visit the site every month. And now our A to Z Challenge is there with a list of books that were written by bloggers like you who completed the A to Z Challenge in the past. A big thanks to Ben Fox for making this possible. 

When you're looking for a website with better book discovery tools, check out
Authors recommend books and market their own for free on this site. Reach out with a theme idea for a list of five books that go along with a book of your own. πŸ“š

Have you ever published a book you wrote during and because of the A to Z Challenge?

The first of three #AtoZChallenge 2022 #AZchat sessions on social media is today. #AtoZChallenge #AZchat 2022 #AtoZChallenge #AZchat 2022
πŸ“… April 2 ⏰ 11pm GMT
See the time in your area:

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

Sign up for the 2022 challenge? Click this:

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Friday, April 1, 2022

Attention!! Attention!! The Blogging from A to Z 2022 Challenge has begun!! ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2022 banner

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge #AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

     Are you ready?   Are you ready?  !!!
     Yeah, I said it twice.  Duality you know.  And I just want to make sure you're there for the Challenge.  I've got my posts all finished other than a few inserts I'll make along the way to keep things topical.  This is my first year for finishing every letter post ahead of time.  Whew!  What a relief!  Now maybe you'll see more of me in your comment sections.

       How about you?  Did you prepare ahead?  Or are you just winging it.  Either way it's all okay.  This is your personal Challenge.  You're not competing against anyone else.  You're only up against yourself.  Can you do it?  Will you finish?

        We think you can.  In fact we know you can.  We've done it and so have many of you.  If it's your first time then I assure you that you'll be fine if you just don't stress out about it.  This is supposed to be fun.  Are we having fun yet?   Hey, it's only the first day.

        You can do it!    

        How much preparation did you do ahead of time?   What advice would you give to other bloggers who might be concerned about whether they can finish this Challenge?    What is the biggest obstacle that you are facing in regard to finishing the Challenge this year?
Sign up for the 2022 challenge? Click this:
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:

Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!

Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge