We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Here are ten kinds of questions you might ask:
1. "Have you ever visited this place too?" (Travel)
2. "Are there books you would recommend to someone who liked this one?" (Books)
3. "Have you tried this food before? Do you have a similar recipe?" (Culinary)
4. "Does this story/belief exist where you live?" (Mythology & Folklore)
5. "Where do you think this story is going next?" (Writing)
6. "Do you have a similar memory?" (Personal)
7. "Would you play this as it is, or would you make changes to this game?" (Gaming)
8. "Are there songs from other genres that this one reminds you of?" (Music)
9. "Do you have suggestions for resources on this topic?" (Genealogy)
10. "How do you think these events could be best told as a story?" (History)
Even if questions seem self-explanatory, they can spark responses if they are written down, rather than implied. Be creative, and have fun!