Name: Shannon Lawrence
Blogs: The Warrior Muse, Writing From the Peak (as Managing Editor)
Publications: Sunday Snaps: The Stories, an anthology
Other Places to Find Me: LinkedIn, Facebook (blog), Facebook (personal), Twitter (@thewarriormuse), She Writes, Google+
1. When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse code? While I wish I knew Morse code, I usually compose in a mix of pencil and computer (but never the two together...that would be messy!) For novel writing, I prefer that go directly onto the computer. A specific computer, in fact. For short stories and such, I will often write on paper first, though not always. It really just depends when and where the mood takes me, and if I feel like paper and pencil or computer keys.
2. Who would win a fight: Jiminy Cricket or Tinkerbell? Tinkerbell, hands down. That girl is feisty. She's pretty scary. J.C. is a bit of a softie, and I feel like he'd run and hide when he saw the pixie dust flying.
3. Cake or pie? Cake. Always cake. While I won't turn down pie (for the most part), a moist delicious slice of cake is impossible to say no to.
4. Describe the last Halloween costume you wore. I was a rainbow faerie this year. I'd intended to go with something different, but found a rainbow wig and colorful wings that I couldn't resist. Below is a pic of hubby and I (he made that Batman costume). I also had on rainbow striped leggings. Fun!
5. Where do you hail from? All over! I was born in California, and have lived in Oregon, Maryland and Colorado. Not as many places as some, but good enough for me. We've had opportunities to move, but have so far passed them up; some of those opportunities were for overseas. Maybe some day. I really love it here in Colorado, though. I AM a Coloradan.
6. Do you know how to Gangnam Style? Heck yeah, I do! I like to bust it out to humiliate my children. That's why we have them, right? Unfortunately for my son, he's very easy to embarrass. My daughter, on the other hand, is impossible to humiliate. I imagine my son will adjust, as both his parents are smart alecks (I can never figure out the proper spelling for that word...).
7. Where do you go to get away from it all? I like to hike, and I back up to a place called Ute Valley Park, so I can go there if I need a walk or to hide myself. If I'm okay with being around other people, but want gorgeous views, I'll go to Garden of the Gods. It relaxes me. Both places do.
Garden of the Gods in the fall |
8. What makes life worth living? So much. My kids, my hubby, my family, my writing, nature, my surroundings, my kitty, my friends, movies, books, the simple pleasures.
9. Who inspires you to write? My fellow writers. My friends and family. My writer's groups. Nature. I find my inspiration all around me. I love writing!
10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Cone or cup? Sprinkles or hot fudge sauce? I like anything chocolate, but chocolate and marshmallow make me supremely happy. I prefer a cup. I don't like the taste of cones, and I'm always sad when that is the flavor I'm left with. I prefer whipped cream, hot fudge and a maraschino cherry. Not the mediciny ones I always manage to get from Baskin Robbins, though. What's up with that?
I hope you feel like you've gotten to know me a little better! What are your answers to these questions? I'd love to see your views in the comments.
May you find your Muse.
Shannon L.
The Warrior Muse