Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Relax and Have Fun: Guest Sheri Larsen

REWIND:    I remember when I first heard about the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  It was last March, only a few weeks before the challenge was scheduled to begin. “What a fabulous idea!” raced through my brain. I was so excited at the thought of being included in an event with so many other bloggers that I signed up.

Obviously, there were ideas that immediately came to my mind for a few letters. But then I started to think about it, really started to think—THE ENTIRE ALPHABET—and then quiver, shiver, and sweat. How was I to handle committing to a new letter each day? What had I done?

What about those strange letters like X and Z? Or what if I had another commitment on the day P was supposed to be posted and there was no way to fit that letter into my post? How could I be unique? Would I make my posts about writing, which is what my blog is geared to? Or should I veer off course? If so, what the heck do I write about? What if there was an earthquake, a hurricane, or a flood?

I think you get my drift here.

With the help of a few deep breaths, I put an axe to that train of creative-diluting thoughts and went for the fun angle. I decided to stick to my normally posting days of M-T-F, highlight whichever letter fell on said day, and committed to seeking out new and interesting ideas to post about.  

FASTFORWARD: This challenge is to exercise your thoughts and push you out of that safe comfort zone. How else do we expect to grow if we don’t try new things? Whether you’re looking to grow as a blogger, a writer, or as a thinker, this challenge is for you.

Here’s a list of some fun ideas. All are special days celebrated during the month of April. Use this list as a reference if you feel stagnant during the challenge. I’ve even shared with you my official logo I’ll be using for all my ‘April’ posts! Hope you like it. 


  • ·     Autism Awareness Month = Letter A
  • ·          National Frog Month = Letter F
  • ·         National Humor Month = Letter H
  • ·         National Educational Mathematics Month = Letter M
  • ·         National Volunteer Month = Letter V

Of course, there are individual days to celebrate as well. April:

  • ·         1st – Cents Day = Letter C
  • ·         3rd – Find-A-Rainbow Day = Letter R
  • ·         6th – Jump-Over-Things-Day = Letter J
  • ·         10th – Encourage a Young Writer Day = Y
  • ·         13th – Scrabble Day = Letter S
  • ·         21st – Kindergarten Day = Letter K

For a more complete list and for fabulous explanations of each, click HERE. (can you link the HERE with this *credit for research goes to family crafts

Sheri Larsen is a published freelance and short story writer, and KidLit author. Her current YA novel is with literary agents, and she’s preparing to sub one of her picture books to agents. Her website, Writers’ Ally (, is where she explores writing, children’s literature, and motherhood. She lives in Maine with her husband and four children.

We're still accepting A to Z videos until Sunday March 11th.  Details can be found in the tab at the top of this page.  This video comes from Reka at A Chronicle of Dreams.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Getting to know the Hosts- Konstanz Silverbow


My name is Konstanz Silverbow.  I am not yet published but I hope to be soon! 
My signature says everything you need to know about me:
"Proud Creator of magical worlds, fictional creatures, ideal super heroes and sarcasm since 2007!"
(Okay you probably want to know more. . . .)

My main Blog: Nothought2small
I also run another blog with one of my bestest friends: Writeaway
I also have three Facebook pages, and you can also find me on Goodreads & Google+!
(I wont bore you to death with more links but now you know that's where you can find me and all the links are on the sidebar on the Nothought2small blog) 

And now. . .. the interview you have all been waiting for. . . .
(okay probably not but I would like to make myself think that)

 What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
There are many things I could answer this with but I have to say, I think agreeing to Co-host this challenge has been the most daring of them all.  I really have no idea what I am doing when it comes to blogging.  When I accepted the invitation to co-host this year, I had 38 followers on my blog.  Only four months later and I now have 350.  

What is your favorite article of clothing?
Hmmmmm. . . .I don't know.  I think it would have to be either my T-shirt that says ‘Muggle' or my t-shirt that says ‘Trust me, I'm a Writer'.

 What is your favorite monster?
This questions is very general so I could answer in many ways.  Most people consider Dragons to be monsters.  And I LOOOOVE dragons.  (If you don't believe me, you can see a small portion of my dragon collection HERE) So, does my love for dragons count as a love for a monster?  (I don't really consider them to be monsters).  

 If you had to dress up as your favorite literary character, who would it be?
Ooohh all the choices. . .   I think I would create a costume that allowed me to have a little piece of all my favorite literary characters on it. 

What is your favorite fairy tale, urban legend or nursery rhyme?
I don't really have ONE Favorite.  I love researching the original tales and comparing them to what people know the Fairy tales to be today.   It's fun to know why they are referred to ‘Fairies' which I will actually talk about in April for one of my posts. 

What's the strangest item you've used as a bookmark?
A stick of glue.  (It didn't stay there long. . .) 

 Do you have any nicknames?  What are they and how did you earn them?
Not really.  Tina calls me ‘K' (which I love btw) But other than that I just go by Konstanz. 

Name one habit you want to change in yourself:
I have this awful habit of blogging and updating my blogs and always checking them and it has gotten to the point that I never have time to write.  I would really like to change that and get more writing done. 

Tell us something interesting or shocking about yourself:
Something interesting: I play the Violin, Organ and Piano. And I plan on going to college for Music. 

Some A-to-Z Questions:

What was your favorite A-to-Z post from 2011?
I didn't participate in anyway last year so I really can't say.  Sorry.

What brought you to the A-to-Z originally?  Tell us about your first A-to-Z:
Last year I saw the badge for it on Elizabeth Mueller's blog and although I thought about joining, I didn't.  But Elizabeth is also the one who asked me to co-host so Elizabeth is what brought me to the challenge.  This year will be my first year doing it.

 Are you doing a theme? Are you writing & scheduling posts in advance?
I am doing a theme.  I'm not really talking about what my theme is until April (although I did mention it above sort of). I am writing the posts and scheduling everything in advance so I have time to visit other blogs and comment lots!
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet, and why?  What letter do you like least?
I love, love, love 'D' and 'F' specifically for the challenge.  Aside from the challenge, my favorite letter is 'S' and I don't know why.
I don't, don't like any letters.  For the challenge, I am not liking  'A','Q', 'X', & 'Z'.  But putting the challenge aside, I love all the letters.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

#atozchallenge: Sunday Summary March 4, 2012

Your A to Z Challenge promo posts are appearing all over the place and now it's getting difficult to keep up with all of them.  I'm sure we'll miss some of them, but please bear with us as we love them all and appreciate every mention that we get.

We tried our best to get to 1000 sign-ups this past week.  With your help we can still make it.   By April 1st I hope to see at least 1500.  Keep encouraging everyone you know to join us.

Don't forget about the A to Z Video contest.  We haven't had any submissions in the past week and we'd love to see a few more before next Sunday's closing date.  The video doesn't have to be professional or anything elaborate, just you and something you want to say about the A to Z April Challenge.

Here are some of the special posts we came across this week:

Jessica at Visions of Other Worlds is in a quandary about how best to approach the Challenge.  She even offers a poll for those who want to help her decide.

I believe the announcement on ReAhkemiH's fullishness in its fool blog was in Portuguese, but her final sentence assured readers that her Challenge entries will be in English.  A to Z is a worldwide event!

Jennifer Wells declared her love of a good challenge and exhorts her readers to sign up for A to Z in April.

Overcrowded Book Shelves blog makes an April Challenge debut in 2012. Can anyone help her with the letter "z"?

Back for her second year, Miriam joins in Jenny Pearson's A to Z Tag questions on her blog An' de walls came tumblin' down.  She found the questions on the blog Wake up, eat, write, sleep where Annalisa Crawford also answered the questions.

Teresa at Jounaling Woman has been posting about the A to Z Challenge with some regularity now including this Open Letter.   Hang in there Teresa--chocolate marshmallow eggs are the best cure-all for all that ails you.

Sarah Allen at No Write No Wrong is back for a second year and she tells how she's ready to go.  She'd like to hit the 200 follower mark and as I write this she needs 74 more to make it. Maybe you can help her out right now by visiting her blog and clicking the "Friend Connect" button.  Maybe you'll get a new follower as well (that's usually the way it works you know).

Julie at Empty Nest Insider recalls how last year's Challenge got her fired up.  She's looking forward to the 2012 Challenge.

Yadin Bromberg is making lemonade:  Main ingredient the A to Z Challenge.  That's the way my blog friend!

Lucy Jane is at her Writing Desk and geared up to go in April.   She's in for a second year.

Theres Just Life has joined the A to Z party and is crazy about the Challenge.

Sylvia at Writing in Wonderland is returning to the Challenge and offers some good reasons why others should be a part of this great blogging event.

Then there was inspirenordic who passed on an award with a "join the A to Z Challenge" stipulation.  We condone bribery in this case.

Kelly at Kelly Said... said that she was accepting the Challenge so said Kelly at Kelly Said...  Now say that quickly three times.

Thank you Jennifer Fischetto for the mention.  Also Cynthia at Read Is the New Black, and Tambo Writes.

Tracy at A2ZMommy gave us a great shout-out in her post.  Thanks, Tracy!

I leave with a video idea offered by Nicole from Madlab Post :

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