Wednesday, April 12, 2023

J's Jamboree #AtoZchallenge 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter J

Howdy! J Lenni Dorner here, your April Blogging from A to Z Challenge team captian, with the letter j post. Time for

J's Jamboree!

(A celebration, possibly international in scope, with a party-like atmosphere.)


Jubilation is a jackpot when working on resilience. Stay jolly while being as flexible as jelly and your resilience in blogging will be justified. A joyful attitude can be felt by your audience.

Be sure to jump to the blogs of others who joined us. Jabber in comments may cause bloggers to dance a jig. Our master list is jam-packed with more than just journalized blogs. Jellyfish don’t have brains 🧠, but bloggers do, so use them to juggle some jim-dandy remarks.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

I is for, well, I. #AtoZChallenge

 I is for, well, I.

We're now in the second full week of A to Z, and I want to encourage you all to not lose sight of why you're doing this challenge. I won't speak for you, but I will share with you the reasons I am participating.

  1. I want to encourage others to challenge themselves.
  2. I want to challenge myself to get back to writing again.
  3. I want to share my blog with the world.
  4. I want to find more blogs I love reading.
What are some of the reasons you are participating?

Monday, April 10, 2023

Hope Keeps Us Going ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter H

       Hope is like an essential nutrient that keeps us alive.  Water, air, and food are necessities without which we'd eventually die.  Without them, we would struggle on with the hope that we will find what we need until we give up our last dying breath.  Hope drives us.  Hope sustains us.

       Maybe the A to Z Challenge is not quite as vital as just staying alive, but it serves as a decent metaphor for our lives and the pursuits that keep us going.  As another April approaches, some of us hope there will be another April Challenge and then when we get word that it's on, we sign up with the hope that we will finish the blogging ordeal that lies ahead.  Once the Challenge starts we hope that we will complete a post for every letter.  We hope that we will write good content that will draw readers.  We hope some of those readers will leave a comment.  We hope it's a nice comment.

        Hope moves us forward in life as well as through the things we do in life.  Without hope, we are essentially aimless.  Hope is the expectation that tomorrow is going to come and that maybe it's going to be better than today.  The best hope is realistic hope because that is hoping for a goal that we are actually likely to attain.

        Hope is the fuel that burns inside of us to bring us success and satisfaction.   But remember:  Hope works best where there is intent.  Unguided hope is just an aimless dream if you don't intend to finish what you start.  Keep your hope on a true path guided by intent.

         We are hoping you will finish the Challenge and finish well.  Now, what is your intent?

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Friday, April 7, 2023

Fun? Are We Having It Yet? ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter F

       Fun is what A to Z is about.  If you aren't having it then you might be doing something wrong.  I can relate to some stress, but only in a minor sense.  Come on folks!  This Challenge is writing, reading, writing, and reading some more.  It's up to you to decide how much work you put into it.   Just don't decide that it ain't fun!

        Sure, you want to finish the alphabet and end up with some reasonable blogging content on your site.  So just do it!  Keep it simple if you like.  Or do research and put great care into what you write.  That's good too.  It's all good.  It just depends on what your own personal goals are and how you intend to achieve them.

         Look at it this way:  April Challenge month is like any other month except maybe in hyper mode.  More writing than usual.  More posting.  More visiting.  Same but bigger than usual.  Next month you can slow down if you like and go back to blogging as normal.

         Are you having fun with your normal blogging?  Then have a good time with blogging during A to Z April.  Make new friends.  Learn new facts.  Enjoy new fictions.  Enjoy yourself.  The first week is behind us now and the rest should go as easy if not easier.

         Are you ready to have fun?  Fine!  Fantastic!  Fabulous!  Far out!

         It's all about fun so don't get overly stressed.  It's not like you're going to get fired from your blog.  You are free to have fun.  The A to Z Team is giving you permission.  To have fun.   Let's keep going!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

E is for Energy

People who are especially enthusiastic and dedicated to what they do (whether it is work, a hobby, a cause) tend to overlook the fact that your energy is a finite resource. Some of these things sound self-explanatory, but they are worth repeating:

1. Just because you technically have the TIME to take on another task, doesn't mean you have the ENERGY to do more.

2. The best way to be prepared for unexpected situations life throws at us is to have RESERVES we can use to problem-solve. That means, even if you can't prepare for everything (I know, my anxiety hates this too), you'll be prepared to have the ENERGY to deal with stuff.

3. This also means that REPLENISHING your ENERGY is not laziness. Rest, recharging, and self-care are vital.

4. Sadly, replenishing energy takes more time than you think. And since many of us work in situations where taking days off is not easy or even always possible, this makes ENERGY an even more precious resource. To have, and to spend.

What does all this have to do with resilience? The better you learn to spend your ENERGY, the more resilient you become in the face of unexpected challenges. And also, knowing what you are willing to spend it on makes you better at drawing boundaries, and valuing yourself. And that is very important.

Which is why it is especially awesome that you decided to spend so much energy this month on participating in the Challenge! Posting and visiting. Don't stress about numbers. You're doing great. Just have fun :)

D is for Durability

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter D

I was working with synonyms for resilience (since that's our theme this year) and I realized that durability was one. Saying that something is resilient means that, when it's folded, spindled, mutilated, and otherwise abused, it comes back as good as new. That's pretty much the same as durable, except, when something's durable, it might not come back as good as new, but it'll come back just as useful as it was before.

Think of luggage: when you take it on a trip, the chances are good that it'll be roughed up pretty badly by everyone who handles it. The test of a good suitcase is whether it can endure all that punishment and still be used again. Not exactly resilient, because it'll accumulate scratches and dents and maybe even have a hole or two knocked into it, but you won't have to find time during your trip to replace it. It'll work just fine, it just won't look as good as it did when you bought it.

There are times that we're resilient and bounce back good as new from physical or emotional injury, but more frequently injuries prove our durability. We're still left with broken hearts and scars and bones that have repaired themselves, and maybe with challenges that we didn't have before, but we find our way through them, around them, under or over them, and manage to survive, even thrive. That's durability!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

C is for Candy #AtoZChallenge 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter C

Resilient candy. 

My area of the world is near the Just Born candy factory in Bethlehem, PA. Local stores are flooded with Peeps. What can these marshmallow candies endure?

"Peeperiments" (Peep experiments) include various acids, water, and microwaving. (πŸ’₯ I don't suggest trying the microwaving test. It's fun to watch, but not to clean.) Could Peeps "survive nuclear fallout"? Probably not. If they are kept in an airtight container they will last for up to two years.


On a personal note, as evidence of my own resilience, the second book in my Existence series was released TODAY!
Proof of Existence is on Amazon- There's a giveaway for a blanket or character name on my blog.

C is for Candy #atozchallenge 2023

Will you celebrate #PeepsDay tomorrow, April 5?
What candy do you think is the most resilient? 

Monday, April 3, 2023

B is for Beauty

 B is for Beauty

B 2023

There is beauty in resilience, don't you think?

A rainbow appears over a field

Whenever I see a rainbow after a storm, I'm reminded of the resilience of nature. The beauty that is encapsulated in this simple act of nature makes me think of other beautiful and resilient things in nature. I always think of all the animals who had to literally weather the storm. There is beauty in imagining the emerging of the animals from their shelters as the storm lets up and the sun begins to shine again.

As we embark on Day 2 of our A to Z Challenge, let's all remember the beauty in our resilience as writers, as bloggers, as people. 

Tell us about the beauty you find in resilience!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Copy of the MASTER LIST 2023 #AtoZchallenge

Here's something new we're testing in 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge

Jayden has created a way for the spreadsheet FOR THE MASTER LIST 2023 to be visible here on the site.

#atozchallenge Theme reveal scroll reminder

This is not your personal copy. You won't be able to reorganize the entries. You can't change "no" to "yes" as you leave comments for others. 
You CAN see if anyone noted "other" with their theme category, and see which sites are "adult," by scrolling left and right. (see the image pointing out where the bottom scrollbar is located). 

Depending on feedback, if this method is popular with our blog-hopping participants, we will make a post like this for the other forms too. The form will update until April 9. (It can take Google up to five hours to refresh. If you sign up and don't see your info on the list on this post by then, please contact a team member. We're locked to the top of the list for your convenience.) 

Please, let us know if you enjoy having the completed list on a post on our site.

Get your own copy of The 2023 OFFICIAL MASTER LIST: (File, make a copy -- be sure to keep it updated!)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Arrival! A to Z is Here! ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge A

All Aboard!


     The A to Z train has pulled into the station once again.  The train has arrived, but this is just the beginning of a great journey.   Many of you have climbed onto the train to start off another trek through the alphabet.  It might be a first for some or just another journey with which you're familiar.

      This year promises to be another wild ride with all sorts of sites to see and ideas to entertain us.  The trip tickets are free and all that is required from those riding with us is a bit of work that is hopefully more like play.  If you've got your mind set in the right place then you're going to have a great time.  But many of you have been down this way before and know pretty much what's going to be happening this April.

       Whether you're a new traveler on this journey or a veteran of this train trip, you've got what it takes.  Resilience and creativity.  Hang it there.   The trip might seem a bit wild and grueling, but don't let it overwhelm you.  It's all about fun!

        Are we ready?   Then let's go!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Master List SIGN UP for the April #Blogging Challenge

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge
Get your graphics:

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:
What will your theme be, if you'll have one at all?

Sign up for the 2023 challenge! Click this:

Get on the Master List! You aren't officially part of the challenge without completing this sign-up form.

(The Theme Reveal is a *separate* A to Z Challenge activity. Signing up for the Theme Reveal did NOT automatically sign you up for the Challenge. Thank you.)

What information will you need to sign up this year?
  • Blog name -- This is what you call your blog. It doesn't include the word "Wordpress." ⛔ It isn't a link. There's NO "www" or ".com" -- It's just what you call your blog. This blog's name, for example, is "April Blogging from A to Z Challenge."
  • Author's Name -- How you would like people to refer to you. ("Great post, *name*!")
  • Blog Link -- This is a link to your blog. It isn't the hidden place where you create posts. It's what people type or click to get to see your posts. (For example, you're currently viewing "" which is our LINK)
    • It must go to a PUBLIC blog where anyone doing the challenge may COMMENT WITHOUT LOGGING IN, SIGNING UP, or SUBSCRIBING. 
  • Category -- There are 49 choices, including the option to "prefer not to say." Pick whatever best aligns with your theme. Don't have a theme? Pick whatever best matches the type of blog you have.

2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories
2023 #AtoZchallenge categories 2023 #AtoZchallenge categories

  • There's then an option to name your own category if you couldn't find something suitable.
  • Adult content? -- As this is an all-ages event, there is an obligation to note if a site is unsuitable for young people. Adult content blogs generally have any of the following:
    • Excessive Violence — If your blog reads like a how-to guide for Hannibal Lecter, you have excessive violence. If you've written the A to Z guide of how to pummel someone, make πŸ’£, create πŸ”ͺ weapons from ordinary objects, or kill without detection, you have excessive violence.
    • Nudity for sexual purposes — If you write erotica, you have adult content. πŸ‘™ If body parts normally covered by swimwear or underwear are visible on your blog, you've got adult content. This gets tricky with art blogs, so if you fall into that gray area, ask the team for a ruling (before April 8, please). 
    • Strong and frequent harsh language — If the F word is being used as a verb, or it is used more than three times in 500 words, that is considered adult content. If most of your blog posts have three curse words, that is adult content. 🀬
  • Continuous story? -- If someone visits your blog for the first time in mid-April, will they be able to figure out what's going on? Or will it be like reading a book from the middle, watching a movie without the first half, or trying to enjoy a show without character introductions?
    • People may wish to visit daily to keep up. Or might want to read it all at the end of the month.
  • Voting? -- Some bloggers will let the audience decide what their next post will be.
    • Blogs that mark this as "yes" especially need to attract commenters daily!
  • Will you hop to other blogs? -- The April Blogging Challenge has two parts. One is posting to your blog every day in April (except most Sundays), and the other is commenting on the blogs of others in the challenge. Here are your choices:
    • I will seek out new blogs from the list 😁
    • I will visit those who comment on my blog 😊
    • I will visit my friends' blogs 😏
    • I'm new, so I don't know yet πŸ€”
    • I won't be visiting other blogs 😐
    • Other:
  • Author's Pronouns -- he/him, she/her, they/them, abstain, other (Use "abstain" if you prefer not to select the pronouns by which others may correctly refer to you.)
  • Year -- The challenge has run for THIRTEEN years! What year did you first try it?
  • Twitter Link (optional) -- If you use it. Remember, this link starts with "" and then has your handle. There's no "@" symbol.
  • Facebook Link (optional) -- If you'd like people to friend or follow you there.
  • Instagram Link (optional) -- If you use it.
  • Other social media (optional) -- If you use some other social media site you wish to share.
  • Comment Name (optional) -- If, when you leave comments, your name does not match the one on the MasterList. If when you comment on other Wordpress sites, you "comment as" a name different from what you have on the MasterList.
  • Physical location of blogger (optional) Country first please -- This is an International blog hop. A great way to find others beyond your homeland, or to discover those living nearby, is to share a general location.
  • Theme (optional) -- Please keep it to 100 characters or less. A short summary of your planned posts for April. The theme reveal hop had the option for longer descriptions.

That's it. Now you know what to expect when you sign-up. It looks like a lot, but it doesn't take long to fill out the Google form. 

Remember to make sure that your blog is open to public comments and that people do not need to "log in, sign up, or subscribe" to leave you a comment.
(If you use Wix --  -- please learn how to allow people who don't use Wix to leave you a comment.)
(You must create and sign into a Tumblr account before you can leave comments. This is why the A to Z Challenge does NOT recognize Tumblr blogs as official participants.)
(The A to Z Blogging Challenge is not a "blog by email sign-up" either. We do not support or recognize "private blogs" that request email addresses be sent first, and then blog links or posts are privately sent later.)

Any blogs found in violation will be removed. Please privately contact a team member if you feel you've found such a blog on the Master List. (Include the blog name, please.)

Master List Sign-up Form

Are you ready to make posts and hop to other blogs this April?


Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File Make a Copy phone image File Make a Copy image
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
The Master List will be complete on April 9, when sign-ups close.
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Copy of Theme Reveal List 2023 #atozchallenge

Here's something new we're testing.

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2023 #atozchallenge

#atozchallenge Theme reveal scroll reminder

Jayden has created a way for the spreadsheet FOR THE THEME REVEAL 2023 to be visible here on the site. 
This is not your personal copy. You won't be able to reorganize the entries. You can't change "no" to "yes" as you leave comments for others. 
You CAN see if anyone noted "other" with their theme category, and see which sites are "adult," by scrolling left and right. (see the image pointing out where the bottom scrollbar is located). 

Depending on feedback, if this method is popular with our blog-hopping participants, we will make a post like this for the other forms too. So please, let us know if you enjoy having the completed list on a post on our site.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Theme Reveal is now Closed #AtoZChallenge


Thanks to all those who signed up for the Theme Reveal for the A to Z Challenge!

If you missed signing up, have no fear. The Master List opens on Sunday, March 26th! In the meantime, check out these blogs who are going to be participating in the A to Z Challenge! Feel free to make a copy of the list so you can check off the ones you've read. Remember to leave your link on others' blogs so we can all get to know each other a bit through this challenge.

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Event 2023! #AtoZChallenge


HTML Code for those who use it:

It's that time of the year again, bloggers! 

Welcome to the 2023 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

***Note: This is a separate event, for those who want to announce their A to Z theme. You will still have to sign up for the Master List to participate! The Master List opens on March 26th! There will be a post!***

If you are planning to do a theme on your blog in April, this is your chance to share it with all of us!

Step 1: Write a Theme Reveal post and publish it on your blog. Tell us what theme you chose for yourself this year!

Step 2: Fill out this form (link) to sign up! Make sure you put in the direct link to your theme reveal post, not to your blog in general! And don't forget to take a look at our list of Categories!

Step 3: Head over to the list of participants (link), and visit others to see what themes they are doing! If you take a copy now (File> Make a Copy), be sure to come back after sign-ups close to grab the information of the rest of the participants.

Please join the Theme Reveal by March 18th. After that, this form will be closed. The Master List for the challenge will open on March 26th!

We are all looking forward to being on this journey with you!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2023 Calendar #AtoZchallenge


March 12- 18= Theme Reveal
March 26- April 8= 2023 Master List sign-up
May 1-6 = Reflections
May 15= Road Trip

Participant Badge

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge
Change the * height="250" width= "250" * numbers in the code to suit your needs. As long as both numbers match, the image remains square.

The team's theme for the 2023 A to Z Challenge is RESILIENCE.

Our bloggers have adapted to new circumstances, many having persisted through tough times in and outside the blogosphere, and have transformed and revolutionized their blogging skills to be here with us this year. We praise the fortitude it takes to run a successful blog (whatever qualities you consider a success) in 2023 and are grateful for each participant in the
April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Our new (anonymous πŸ₯”) graphics person hopes you'll enjoy the image of the resilient tree on the 2023 graphics. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Zip thru Autumn - an #AtoZchallenge Event

Zip Thru Autumn #atozchallenge event

The cooler temperatures of Autumn (especially in America) bring about zippered jackets. In some areas, as chlorophyll breaks down, leaves change from green to hues of red, yellow, or brown fall foliage. Bloggers have asked the team for a second, but easier, challenge event during this season. Here it is!

No Masterlist, no forms to fill out, and no special place for links. You might want to share links to your posts using the #AtoZchallenge hashtag, or in the comments of these posts. That's up to you. 

Do as much or as little as you like during this reverse alphabet challenge. 

Here are some SUGGESTED prompts.
We propose doing two posts a week for this event.

Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog
Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals
Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating 
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas 
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022 
Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips 
Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance 
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

#BlogTip What Other Blogs Do

Write Better Right Now: The Reluctant Writer’s Guide to Confident Communication and Self-Assured Style by Mary-Kate Mackey

This book is full of tips for those struggling to write. It's aimed mostly at non-fiction. But there is a great tip for bloggers on page 35.

Spend some time visiting other blogs. (Need to find some? Check out our master list. Figure out what you like or don't like about each one. What titles draw you in? How do colors and graphics impact your experience? What causes you to click away instead of scrolling for more? How did a blog impact your decision to subscribe or follow the author on social media? What posting schedules most appeal to you, and where do you place the line between "too often" and "not often enough"? Which blogs got you to leave comments, and which blogs are getting the comments you want to see on your blog?

Knowing what you like, and what you don't, will help you determine your blogging goals. Make yourself happy first, make your blog your happy place, and you'll be more likely to find like-minded readers. And if you can't figure out a favorite blog is doing something you wish you were doing, ASK! Most bloggers in the A to Z Community are happy to share their experience and expertise with you. 

(If you're too nervous to ask on your own, shoot me a private message. I interview authors and bloggers all the time. We can keep you anonymous if messaging your "blogging hero" is too intimidating.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Road Trip 2022 Feature 2

A total of 37 blogs signed up for the 2022 Road Trip

Starting in July, visiting just a handful of blogs per month would accomplish the whole trip!

Let's Do This


Check back next month for more blogs to visit from the A to Z ROAD TRIP!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

#AtoZChallenge An Alphabet of Blog Tips

Guest Post from Susan Sanderson

Hi, A to Zers and other readers! I hope you will find something interesting and helpful in this alphabetical post of blogging tips.

Accessibility: It is worth taking time to fill in the ALT box for photos and images on your blog so that visually impaired readers can hear about them. Some people may also appreciate blogs with dark text on a plain light background rather than the reverse.

Image of Alt Text example

Blogger/Blogspot is a blogging platform from Google.

Comments are searchable on the internet. Be honest, but kind! It is often easier to comment on blogs when logged in to a related service. For Blogger, this is Google. For WordPress it is WordPress. Other blogging platforms are available!

Directions may be necessary if your blog is difficult to navigate.

Enthusiasm for your subject and for blogging will be apparent to your readers.

Formatting your posts makes them easier to read. A clear font, good text size with short paragraphs and space between them make a good impression.

Greeting your readers may draw them in and help them feel connected to your post.

Hop is part of blog hop. The A to Z Challenge is a blog hop. There are many other opportunities to hop from blog to blog leaving comments and generating interest in your blog.

Ideas may be found in the most unlikely places. Jot them down in a notebook or an app. If you are stuck for an idea your notes may help.

Journal: Many bloggers use their blog as an online diary or journal. Be careful how much personal information you share online.

Knitting and other crafts make interesting blog posts for other knitters and creative people. ‘How to’ posts are helpful. Search engines like them too!

Layout is similar to formatting. Photos or images may be aligned left, right or centrally. Their size may also be adjusted. A preview will show whether the text beside an image is in such short lines that it is irritating.

Music is a universal language. Is there music, which is relevant to your post? You may be able to choose whether to link to it or to embed it using HTML.

Numbers: Don’t be despondent if you don’t have many visitors to a new blog. It takes time to build up a following. Tell your friends. Share your posts on social media. Take part in blogging challenges. Visit other blogs and comment if you have time. The numbers will increase.

Originality is important. There may not be many new ideas, but your way of writing about them should be (and almost certainly is) unique.

Pictures should be your own. Failing that, there are sites where copyright-free pictures may be found. If you wish to use a picture belonging to someone else, always ask their permission and credit them 

Questions: A question at the end of a post is likely to prompt more comments than a post without a question.

Research is interesting. I have learned a huge amount as a blogger, which I would not have discovered otherwise. Research is important. Your readers expect to read reliable information.

Shortcut keys help save time. My favourite is Control +V to paste text into my blog. Control+Shift+V pastes it as plain text, which is useful if there are hyperlinks in the text, and if the text has a different font, size, or color.

Theme has two meanings for some A to Z bloggers. If your posts for the challenge are linked by their subject matter, that is your theme. You might let others know in a Theme Reveal post. (Signing up for the Theme reveal ahead of the main challenge is a good way of increasing the number of visits to your blog.) For WordPress bloggers there is a wide choice of ‘Themes’. These are the designs available for your blog. Blogger also gives some choice. (Did I mention other platforms are available?)

Understanding of other cultures is something the A to Z Challenge facilitates. Bloggers participate from many countries around the world.

Vexing Emojis: While the occasional emoji can dress-up a post, using long strings of them will be stressful for visitors using text-to-voice. Each emoji is read as a description, sometimes a long description. For example, πŸ‘¨πŸΎ is read as "Man: Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji," which is fine once, but is annoying to hear twelve times in a row.

(V Contribution from J.)

WordPress is not the only blogging platform, but it is the one I use most. It allows bloggers to ‘like’ posts and comments and to rate posts with up to 5 stars, if this feature is enabled by the blogger.

Xenophilia is the opposite of xenophobia. People from foreign countries should be welcome to read our words. We can visit their blogs too.

Yourself: Your readers will notice the difference between a post consisting of information and one, which has something of your personality about it. The tag ‘Personal’ is popular as most people are interested in people.

Zebra is perhaps an unlikely choice for Z. ‘What has that to do with blogging?’ I hear you ask. The theme I chose for my main blog has a Zebra in the heading picture 

image of blogger labels

Twenty six hints are too few to include everything. An important omission is the use of categories and tags (Wordpress) or labels (Blogger). These help people find your blog posts. 

What else have I missed? Please add you own hints in the comments.

Writer bio: Susan always wanted to be a writer.  In 2012 she revived her interest in writing with a project to collect the kinds of sayings, which were much used in her childhood.

Blogging was intended as a way of improving writing skills, but has become an interest in its own right.  Susan experiments with factual writing, fiction, humour and poetry.  She does not yet have a book to her name. Her interests include words, languages, music, knitting and crochet.  She has experience of the world of work, being a stay-at-home mum and an empty-nester.   She is active in her local community and Church, where she sings alto in the choir. She is a member of the Association of Chritian Writers. She and her husband live in the north of England. 

Follow her on Twitter @suesconsideredt

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Road Trip 2022 Feature

A total of 37 blogs signed up for the 2022 Road Trip

Starting in July, visiting about 5 blogs per month would accomplish the whole trip!

Let's Do This


Check back next month for more blogs to visit from the A to Z ROAD TRIP!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Alphabet of American States

United States seen from orbit - 2015 NASA

There's only one letter not used in any US State names.
  • A is for — Alaska
  • B is for — Alabama
  • C is for — California
  • D is for — Delaware
  • E is for — Connecticut
  • F is for — Florida
  • G is for — Georgia
  • H is for — Hawaii
  • I is for — Idaho
  • J is for — New Jersey
  • K is for — Kansas
  • L is for — Louisiana
  • M is for — Maine
  • N is for — Nebraska
  • O is for — Ohio
  • P is for — Pennsylvania
  • Q is for — *
  • R is for — Rhode Island
  • S is for — South Carolina
  • T is for — Tennessee
  • U is for — Utah
  • V is for — Vermont
  • W is for — Washington
  • X is for — Texas
  • Y is for — Wyoming
  • Z is for — Arizona

There is a city named Quincy in Massachusetts and Illinois. And Quartz Hill in California. Not to mention, with 66,151 residents, Queen Creek, Arizona.
But the letter Q is not used in any state name in the United States.

Today in History: 
July 27, 1953 - The Korean War ended with the signing of an armistice by U.S. and North Korean delegates at Panmunjom, Korea. The war had lasted just over three years.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

#AtoZChallenge News and Updates

Greetings, A to Z Bloggers. 

Our graphics person, Anjela, has retired from the team. We thank her for her time and the beautiful 2022 logo. 

The team is working on more year-round content to help you blog better and faster, grow the community, and be more connected. 

Our "target audience" is, and always has been, bloggers of all ages in all genres worldwide.
We hope to inspire our fellow bloggers to keep blogging regularly and "hopping" to each other's blogs all year. πŸ’»πŸ‡

We hope to bring you more content, insights from the team, and chances to share your own blogging tips with the community. We're here for you year-round, not just in April. We're going to explore ways to expand your blogging audience. 


That's right. You asked for it; you got it. This September and October will have a low-key reverse alphabet challenge. Details coming soon. 

What about the regular April A to Z Challenge?

No significant changes. The banners, badges, forms, and sheets will remain. There will still be a Theme Reveal hop, the normal April A to Z Challenge bloghop, and the Road Trip. It's okay if you only want to visit us in March, April, and May for those events. We're just stepping the site up to give you more during the rest of the year.

What's next for the A to Z Team?

We are diligently working behind the scenes to create inspiring blog posts.

Please don't forget that the Road Trip is still going on. We're planning to throw more support to those who signed up!

We're getting someone else to do graphics. What do you think of the look of this offering?

#AtoZChallenge possible new logo #AtoZChallenge possible new logo in round #AtoZChallenge possible new social media #AtoZChallenge possible new favicon
Square, Round, Social Media, Favicon

  • Are you interested in more posts and content from the A to Z Team?
    • Would you be interested in contributing a post?
  • Are you excited about a second challenge?
  • What are your thoughts on this possible graphic set for the A to Z Challenge?

Monday, May 16, 2022

The 2022 Post A to Z Challenge Road Trip Starts Today!

Roadtrip #atozchallenge 2022

It's time for the Post A to Z Road Trip 2022! This is a great opportunity to catch up on the many blogs you would have liked to have spent more time visiting, but didn't during the Challenge, and a chance to visit the blogs of people who did the Challenge that you never got to. And, if you're one of those people who did the Challenge but didn't get a lot of visitors, this is a way to let people know that you'd appreciate a visit.

Here's what you do:

  1. Sign up for the Road Trip. There's a place where you can put in the URL of a post that you would like visitors to read first. Then, grab a copy of the Road Trip badge from the graphics page (if you want) for your home page to use as a "bumper sticker."
  2. Get copies of both the Road Trip List and the Master List. Both will be useful.
  3. Start with the Road Trip list and visit the blogs of the people who signed up there. Take some time to read their blog and their Challenge entries. Leave comments where you feel led to do so, and make sure you identify yourself as a Road Trip participant. Leave a link to your blog so they can return the favor.
  4. Then, if you have the time and inclination to do so, visit some of the blogs on the Master List that you didn't get the chance to visit. Even if they didn't sign up for the Road Trip, I'm sure they'd appreciate a visit.

There's no set time limit to the Road Trip (i.e. no specific end date), so if you wanted to, you could visit everyone who was part of this year's Challenge between now and the start of next year's Challenge. If that's what you want to do, go for it! Most importantly, have fun!

Happy Motoring!