Showing posts with label writer's block. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writer's block. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

When You Don’t Know What to Blog About…

The internet can seem like a scary place for bloggers who are experiencing a bit of writer’s block. After all, you have followers who visit regularly to read the latest pondering on your topic of choice. Who knows what’s going to happen if they arrive and there’s nothing new on the horizon? Do you even really want to find that out? Here are a few ways to get through those periods when your creativity engine has halted and you don’t know what to blog about.

Post a picture because images are nice to look at. It’s an easy way to deliver one thousand words to your blog readers without having to write a single sentence.

Tell a story because people relate to each other through shared experiences and intrigue. You’ll probably get return visitors if it’s funny, empathy from readers if it’s sad or hate mail if it’s controversial enough to make someone uncomfortable.

Ask a question because you’ve been dying to know something. Maybe you want to know if it’s just you who does that unspeakable thing sometimes in the middle of the night. Maybe you’re curious to find out where other people stand on a particular subject. Maybe you want options to troubleshoot a problem you’re having. Or maybe…just maybe…you want to outsource the need for having to come up with blogging ideas on your own. Whatever the reason for asking is…just ask.

Link to someone else’s blog because he or she has already done the work and beat you to it. Ugh. Don’t those prolific bastards just make you sick?! Yeah. They’re blogging it up while you’re staring at the keyboard and a blank page on the computer screen. Don’t hate them. Congratulate these bloggers instead by telling your readers to go check out the good blog post they recently put up. It will make you look good to your blog visitors because you’re helping them find other cool blogs to read and it will also save you from having to put up your own post…at least for now.

Respond to a current event because everybody has an opinion about the latest stories being reported on by the media. Whether it’s Dunkin Donuts’ new Cronut, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay,” Ebola, Immigration, Olivia Pope’s outfits on the last episode of ABC’s “Scandal,” Martha Stewart’s recipe for pumpkin soup, there’s something in the news that you surely can comment on in 400-500 words or more. Do that.

Review a product, service or event because that new thingamajig you recently bought or ate or participated in has exceeded your expectations. That is, unless it fell short of what you thought you were getting into, for one reason or another. Either way, blog about whether you are happy with your purchase or experience. The information could possibly be very helpful to another person who is considering buying/reading/eating/using/doing the very thing you already bought/read/ate/used/did.

What do YOU do when you don’t know what to blog about?

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host Nicole Ayers blogs at The Madlab Post and she is an official ambassador of the 2014 Couch Fest Films Festival. Connect with her @MadlabPost on Twitter.  

Monday, September 15, 2014


No. This not a blog block: 
This is a building block. 
But if the above chunk of rock fell on your toe, you would probably yell, “Oh, damn!”

Not this kind of dam. Do not be confused. 

Blog block is a painful malady. Fingers are raised to the keyboard…the pressure is on to produce funny repartee and… YA GOT NUTHIN'! It’s a horrible feeling.
What’s a blocked blogger to do? There are several options.



It’s simple. Turn off your inner editor and procrastinate productively (Whaa?). Scour the net for unique images that speak to you. Pinterest is a great place to start. Photographer websites are good, too. Check out    (Remember to not nab the photos. Need I say more?)
Need a quote to get ya going?  Try Brainy Quote or GoodReads’ popular quotes.

There is so much out THERE…in that unseen, untouchable ether which we lovingly call the ‘net’.
What? How do I know so much about blog block? Uh…well…you see…OMG! Where are my wrist braces? I think I left them outside at the last blood moon. Oh, I’m not scared. My muse will find them!

 Today's colorful post was brought to you by the inimitable Helen Jameson!

**all images borrowed from free image sharing sites - thanks!**

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Season of Blogging

Do you know what it's like to sometimes feel like there’s not enough time in the day to post new content? Those of us who have had blogs for longer than a year have likely become broken down at one time or another, for one reason or another, in the struggle to keep our blogs going. Once it starts, the wave of procrastination, doubt and lack of interest in blogging can make us believe that our world doesn’t have room for our blogs at the moment.

It’s like a blogging breakdown happens, especially when writer’s block has reared its ugly head….again. Yet, it’s rarely noticeable as dirty dishes are piled mountain high in the kitchen sink because all the time spent working for the man required overtime this week. Plus, laundry needs to be done, dinner must be served and little Jimmy has baseball tryouts this weekend. Then there’s that sudden feeling technology overload once the cell phone starts ringing, alarms go buzzing and social media notifications pop up on the little screen. Oh wait…“The Real Housewives of Orange County” is coming on tonight and, well, the mere thought of blogging just elicits one big sigh, or maybe even a sense of sheer panic. 

Updating ones blog used to be a fun activity but now it just seems sooo last season. If this sounds like you and if you ever find yourself neglecting your blog or letting it fall by the wayside because, hey, life happens after all, remember this…
There is no right season or special sauce that determines when the time is right to get back into the swing of blogging.

As bloggers, we have to constantly work at putting out fresh content, out of respect for our readers, the platforms that we’ve built and for ourselves. We must find a way to make blogging fun again. This can be done by approaching our blog in a way that is hassle free, given our schedule and interests.

Maybe time and life duties won’t allow you to write that epic blog post today but what’s stopping you from posting a photo and a simple caption? Or perhaps, a roundup style blog post containing links to other bloggers that may be of interest to your readers? Or, maybe list style posts describing all of the things/people/places keeping you from blogging like a rockstar?

Blogging is never out of season, so we must do what we can to make sure that our corner of the web is always trending.

What are YOUR blogging struggles that YOU would like to overcome?

Nicole Ayers is an A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host who operates The Madlab Post and chats on Twitter. Her short narrative drama film “ABYSS: THE GREATEST PROPOSAL EVER,” is available on DVD (Limited Sneak PreviewEdition) as she works further relief efforts for disaster survivors including U.S. Military Veterans. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to Blog Better by the Day

Having fallen behind on blogging activities myself, coupled with several social media hiatuses, I know what technology burnout looks like and I understand that overwhelming anxiety of feeling like you'll never get up to least not as soon as you hoped. The solution to this recurring issue is designating each day of the week for one specific blogging activity or other online task. It is an effective way to get a handle on your internet presence so that it doesn't drive you bonkers. 

A fun way to get in the habit of sticking to an online routine that goes day by day is naming days of the week in a manner that coincides with the task -- Wordless Wednesdays style -- and then listing this schedule on your calendar, in a notebook or some other place where you'll have them handy:
  • Return-Commenting Monday
  • Blog Promotion Tuesday
  • Visiting/Reading Wednesday
  • Email Inbox cleaning Thursday
  • Blogging Friday
  • Social Media Saturday
  • Blog Planning Sunday

Using the above sample schedule, I've been able to complete more tasks with this method than when I try to squeeze several important online activities into one single day. My experiences with doing this has led me to realized that the days on our blogging calendars are not set in stone. Sometimes I miss a day (or two) and end up playing catch-up by either doubling up on the task of the day or moving the next scheduled tasks to a later day. Sometimes I even skip a day (or more) depending on how well my week is going. In any case, naming one day each for a different blogging activity makes it easier for me to not worry about having to be everywhere, all of the time.

Do YOU control the internet or does it control YOU?

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Hostess Nicole Ayers writes about movies and the people that make them, at The Madlab Post. She also tweets @MadlabPost.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Kriti: Curing Writer's Block one Rhyme at a Time

Please welcome Kriti to the A-Z today! She hails from India and is an engineer and a photographer, and has THREE blogs. I want her time management skills...

Hola people!

Accompanying the Friday bliss, this is Kriti Bhatnagar, back in the game with all my chaos! Just for a better case study…across the web I can usually be located on my blogs Just a little time , Bumps and Bruises and Alpha and Omega unless it’s raining or I’m into some abrupt kind of surfing or busy stalking the profile of my blogger friend I’m having a crush on :P

Firstly, I’d like to thank Sir Arlee Bird whole heartedly for providing me with this fabulous opportunity ‘Blogging from A to Z Challenge’! It occurred as the most rough, adventurous (because of some stupid things I did to get some fine ideas! :P) and super fun experience for April 2013 and if you ask it’s candid description according to my views…it was a Ninja Act for me! Not because it was quite a commitment but because I dived into it off the cuff. Each night I fell asleep with hundreds of thoughts, about the supposedly next post I needed to write, haunting my mind and the next day I woke up just to pen down a sufficiently alien thought…it was kind of a repeated blackout each day for 30 days…ummm…29 actually! The ‘Z’ post I had prepared in advance…it consisted of a kind of tribute to Sir Arlee Bird which later got published in Woven Tale Press…I felt really glad as it got a position next to the introduction of the very host! Felt like all my endeavors amidst that dust and sweat paid off…thanks to Sandra Tyler, Editor, Woven Tale Press, for that!

The thought that stalked my mind at usual punctuations was…the writer’s block! :P The experience and pain, I felt like rhyming up it all! Life seems bit lively when you introduce a tinge of rhyme to it…I think! :)


So…here it comes again…the famous writer’s block!

A drink might help…a shower or maybe a distant walk…

I thought I’d go with the walk…try out the new shoes I just bought…

Some flora and fauna around…I might get some new thought…

But I came back with the same head…wherein there was nothing right…

And my new shoes…don’t ask about them…like hell did they bite…

Worked out on substitutes…the first, the second, the third…

And tried out every word with my vision all blurred…

I tried to make them fly like a free bird…

Got stuck…helplessly…surrendered to the Crossword…

Choked with it all…as I tried sipping on my Ice tea with a straw…

I tried to replace the words…instead, they all formed a Jigsaw… 

They never got straight…struggling I felt as a groove… 

Didn’t stop…kept turning and twisting them like a Rubikks cube move…

I tried and tried and tried to think…

They seem more or less like some Cubin link…

I had to get it done…so applied all my wit…

And in the end…guess who won…

Somehow I got rid of it…

Somehow I got it all done!


This is from me as for now! Keep blogging…it refines a soul in the best possible way :)

To express it all is so not a crime

Just try to introduce a little bit of rhyme

Put your faiths and sorrows in a fine string of words

Let your thoughts fly, in this open sky, like free birds

Love and Regards


About the Author: Kriti is an Artist as well as an Engineer hailing from India. She can eat, she can sleep and she can write!

Thanks for sharing your tips with us, and congrats on making it to Woven Tale Press!