We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
We are in the second week of the challenge! Have people been stopping by at your blog, saying hello? One of my favorite parts of the Challenge is the visiting. A to Z really brings people together. For our tenth year, here are ten things that make visiting even better:
1. Make sure to say hi! If you stop by on a blog, leave a comment, even if it is a short one.
2. Make sure people can say hi on your blog! Check your comment settings to make it as easy as possible.
3. Make sure to leave a link to your own blog. It is sometimes hard to track you through your Google profile, so it makes visiting back a lot easier if you leave an address!
4. However, don't just leave an address. Say something nice first. No one wants a guest who just yells "come see my stuff!" through the window without saying anything about yours.
5. Venture outside your own category! It is fun to visit like-minded people, but it is also fun to discover topics you have never really read about before.
6. Visit back those who visit you.
7. Try to visit a few new blogs every day! Even if just one or two, keep returning to the master list, and see what you can find. You can make new friends in unexpected places!
8. Save your favorites for beyond A to Z. Bookmark them, Follow them, or sign up for their updates. A to Z comes around once a year, but good blogging relatinships are fun all year round :)
9. Sometimes I see people sharing my posts on Twitter or Facebook, and it warms my heart. You can make someone happy by sharing something they wrote that you loved!
10. Put your creativity into your comments. We are all dedicated writers (of posts), we can brighten each other's day by leaving lovely messages!
Everybody say hi! :)