Hi Guys, and welcome to the 2013 Post A-to-Z Road Trip!
Feel free to snag this badge for your own blog! |
Despite quite a bit of late snow here in Colorado, including a lovely blizzard on May Day, I'm totally ready to get back on the road. Blue skies, black roads, yellow lines, and the sound of my tires on the pavement. I want to feel the heat, smell the wildflowers and chlorine.
But most of all, I want to visit the rest of the A-to-Z Challenge participants. I definitely didn't have time to visit everyone during the Challenge, so now is the time.
What are the technicalities? There aren't many. The linky opens today. Sign up if you'd like to come with us on a summer of fun, visiting fellow A-to-Z'ers, discovering new blogs. We'll close the linky in December, meaning you can waffle all the way until then. And though it will be closed in December, that doesn't mean you have to stop. The linkies will still be available for visit up to the 2014 Challenge.
We'll have occasional check-ins, but there's nothing required of you other to make whatever effort you like to visit participants of the 2013 A-to-Z Challenge.
We won't be alone on this road trip. No, Tina will be revising her role as my lovely co-host, and Nicole will be joining us for the first time this year!
As we get started, Tina has some pointers for you, and Nicole's got something to say, so I'll hand the floor over to them.
See you on the road!
~Shannon, The Warrior Muse
excited about this 3rd road trip! First of all, did you
know that it was because Shannon and I organized the Post-Challenge
Challenge in 2011 that we got chosen as co-hosts? Pretty cool. Then
in 2012 we renamed it the more apt “road-trip”. History lesson
over! We're really glad to have Nicole to take some driving shifts. The more the merrier the trip!
for the road: you're in charge. Want to visit one new blog a day?
Want to visit hundreds of blogs a day? No problem. You're driving.
Unless you hitch a ride with a friend, which I think is a good idea.
Accountability and all that, not that this is a diet or a competition
or anything. It's just some friends hanging out and continuing
strategies you might want to try:
all the blogs with your same category
all the blogs whose names intrigue you
all the even (or odd) blogs
from where you left off and keep on truckin'...
you do, don't forget that this trip is a journey, not a destination.
Signing up on the linky doesn't mean you're committing to visiting
ALL the blogs. All you're saying is, “I ain't done yet.” We'll
have some encouraging rah rah posts along the way, and a chance for
you to share your best “finds” along the road. Personally, I
like those little Mom and Pop cafes that are off the beaten road, and
the food is real and so is the atmosphere – so cool but unknown
blogs that need some customers!
track of your finds, give us a holler if you run out of gas or need
your tire changed. We're here as your guides – we've journeyed
similar roads in the past! Good luck, and drive carefully.
Maps - Check! iTunes – Check! GPS - Check? Water – Check!
I’m ready to hit the road with Shannon and Tina for this
Post A-to-Z Road Trip that’s taking us over some commenting highways, down a
few tweeting tunnels, up through subscribing/following bridges and back again.
One of the most exciting things about this trip are the fellow drivers and
carpools accompanying us as we stop in towns all across the country to find out
what each and every person in our alphabet network is cooking up on his or her
Want to know a secret? We’re also taking advantage of some
uncharted territory – back roads and routes that have little to no traffic
signs – which means there are no set rules for how or where you drive your
vehicle, no speeding limit for how fast or slow you go and most importantly,
zero guidelines for where you choose to park your vehicle throughout our
cross-country journey. I’ll be offering up some refreshments at rest stops,
accompanied by tips and tricks that you can use to keep you on course – until
we’ve racked up enough miles, stories and traveling buddies that will get us
through another 26 days of blogging in April or any other month for that
Honk if you’re packed in, gassed up, buckled up and ready
to join us on the road for some sing-a-longs, games, rest-stop snacking and
much more cruising through lanes of A-to-Z blogs!
Sign up here for the Post A-to-Z Road Trip!