Showing posts with label visiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visiting. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

#AtoZChallenge E is for Encouraging Each Other


#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

Day 5 of the challenge. You may be hitting your stride by now, or you may be starting to reconsider your choices... either way, we are in full swing! If you are a perfectionist like me, who wants to make the most of everything, I am here to tell you: You are doing great. You are doing ENOUGH. Being in this challenge, putting your posts up, visiting some others, is enough. Don't let the pressure to do more spoil the fun.

We are here to help you! All of us. My favorite thing about the Challenge is that we cheer each other on. Everyone can use a little encouragement from time to time, right? That's what visiting and commenting is for! Seeing that people have read what you've written. And they are engaging with your content. And letting you know you are doing an excellent job.

Keep going! Keep exploring! Tell us about your visiting experiences in the comments!

Visit some fellow bloggers, and leave some encouraging words! 
Isn't it nice to cheer each other on?

Friday, April 19, 2019

Q is for Questions (#AtoZChallenge)

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

Sometimes, even if you enjoyed a post, it is hard to say something fun and original in the comments. So here is a neat thing a lot of you are already doing, and some of you might also want to try: Ask a question at the end of your post! It inspires conversation, sparks ideas, and engages visitors beyond "nice post!"

Here are ten kinds of questions you might ask:

1. "Have you ever visited this place too?" (Travel)
2. "Are there books you would recommend to someone who liked this one?" (Books)
3. "Have you tried this food before? Do you have a similar recipe?" (Culinary)
4. "Does this story/belief exist where you live?" (Mythology & Folklore)
5. "Where do you think this story is going next?" (Writing)
6. "Do you have a similar memory?" (Personal)
7. "Would you play this as it is, or would you make changes to this game?" (Gaming)
8. "Are there songs from other genres that this one reminds you of?" (Music)
9. "Do you have suggestions for resources on this topic?" (Genealogy)
10. "How do you think these events could be best told as a story?" (History)

Even if questions seem self-explanatory, they can spark responses if they are written down, rather than implied. Be creative, and have fun!


That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

H is for saying Hello (#AtoZChallenge)

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

We are in the second week of the challenge! Have people been stopping by at your blog, saying hello? One of my favorite parts of the Challenge is the visiting. A to Z really brings people together. For our tenth year, here are ten things that make visiting even better:

1. Make sure to say hi! If you stop by on a blog, leave a comment, even if it is a short one. 
2. Make sure people can say hi on your blog! Check your comment settings to make it as easy as possible.
3. Make sure to leave a link to your own blog. It is sometimes hard to track you through your Google profile, so it makes visiting back a lot easier if you leave an address!
4. However, don't just leave an address. Say something nice first. No one wants a guest who just yells "come see my stuff!" through the window without saying anything about yours.
5. Venture outside your own category! It is fun to visit like-minded people, but it is also fun to discover topics you have never really read about before. 
6. Visit back those who visit you. 
7. Try to visit a few new blogs every day! Even if just one or two, keep returning to the master list, and see what you can find. You can make new friends in unexpected places!
8. Save your favorites for beyond A to Z. Bookmark them, Follow them, or sign up for their updates. A to Z comes around once a year, but good blogging relatinships are fun all year round :)
9. Sometimes I see people sharing my posts on Twitter or Facebook, and it warms my heart. You can make someone happy by sharing something they wrote that you loved!
10. Put your creativity into your comments. We are all dedicated writers (of posts), we can brighten each other's day by leaving lovely messages!

Everybody say hi! :)

That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A to Z tips - Keeping track of the blogs you visit during the #atozchallenge

Half the fun is the blogging.
The other half is the visiting.

It is basic A to Z etiquette to visit back the people that have visited you and left comments on your blog. In addition, we also recommend visiting a couple of people from the sign-up list every day, to promote blogging friendships and to support each other's work.

But even if you only visit 5 new blogs a day, keeping track of all of them can become daunting. Since the list numbers change over the course of the challenge as inactive blogs and broken links are deleted, simply visiting by number is not always the best way to go.

Here are some other things you can try. I have done them before and they worked for me, but you'll have to try to see which one works for you best:

1. Bookmark your favorites
Create a new folder in your Bookmarks on your browser, and bookmark any blogs you came across that you definitely want to visit again.
(I usually just clicked "Open all bookmarks", got my morning coffee and cereal while the browser loaded them, and then leisurely clicked through them every morning)

2. Follow / sign up
Even better: Sign up for the blog itself! Bloggers love to see their follower numbers go up during A to Z - they tell us that people didn't just walk by, they want to stay to read more. If you see a blog that you definitely want to keep reading, during A to Z and beyond, make sure to click Follow (if they have a Followers gadget), or sign-up for email notifications.

3. Feedly
If you want to take blog-following to a more organized level, create yourself a Feedly account. You can add any blog to it (Wordpress, Blogger or otherwise), organize them by themes, and it will put all of their new posts into one newsfeed you can easily look through.
WARNING: Feedly allows you to read blog posts without actually going to the blog site. Make sure you go to the actual blog and leave a comment there. It's only polite. 

Important reminder: Make sure to visit blogs that are below you on the list. If everyone starts at the top, people towards the end will get a lot less much deserved attention.