Showing posts with label uniquelymaladjustedbutfun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uniquelymaladjustedbutfun. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Day 17 #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop! badge

Today we're featuring one of the blogs in this event.

Blog: Uniquely Maladjusted But Fun

Uniquely Maladjusted But Fun blog logo #atozchallenge

Does your blog support diverse books?
The diverse book movement recognizes all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, Native, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.

Are you willing to include debut authors?

Yes! Though this blog doesn't do many book posts.

And yet you volunteered to help out during this event?

Yeah. I know two of the authors in it. You and JR. So it wasn't like I was going to say no and miss the fun.

Why do you take part in the A to Z Challenge?

I take part in the A to Z Challenge because it gives my blog some focus, it's a fun event to take part in, and... oh right, I'm friends with two of the team members.

Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I wanted an online outlet that wasn't just social media. A place that was more for me.

What goal do you or your blog hope to accomplish this year?

Two of my fellow writers and I started writing a book together. I hope we can finish it this year because it's such a fun project.

As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?

A great cover gets me to pick it up, and reading the back and first few pages help me decide if I'll buy it. A sale price or a suggestion from a friend are also big influences.

Find this blogger at:
@PenMinion Pumpkin Pi, get it?๐Ÿ˜„๐ŸŽƒโ„ผ
Amazon reviewer profile

Time to HOP over to today's stops:

Rafflecopter has FIVE prizes for the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

There are FIVE prizes up for grabs on the Rafflecopter.
You have all month to complete as many options as you choose.

Keep coming back to the A to Z blog every weekday this month so you don't miss any of the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Day Seven #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop! badge

Today we're featuring one of the blogs in this event.

Blog: The Girdle of Melian

Does your blog support diverse books?

The diverse book movement recognizes all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, Native, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.


Are you willing to include debut authors?


Why do you take part in the A to Z Challenge?

Love the challenge of it, love having themes, love discovering bloggers, helps me organise my posts

Why did you start blogging?

A place to corral my thoughts and ideas and favourite things about writing, reading, research, travelling, etc.

What goal do you or your blog hope to accomplish this year?

Keep up with regular blogging despite work and school and new baby!

As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?

Inttriguing premise, well written first page

Find this blogger at:
Amazon Reviewer Profile

Time to HOP over to today's stops:

Rafflecopter has FIVE prizes for the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

There are FIVE prizes up for grabs on the Rafflecopter.
You have all month to complete as many options as you choose.

Keep coming back to the A to Z blog every weekday this month so you don't miss any of the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day Two #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!

First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop! badge

There are FIVE prizes up for grabs on the Rafflecopter.
Rafflecopter has FIVE prizes for the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!
It will take all month to complete all the available options.

Time to HOP over to today's stops:

Keep coming back to the A to Z blog every weekday this month to follow the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop!