Showing posts with label thinking outside of the box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thinking outside of the box. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013

Think Beyond Your Blog's Genre

The A to Z Challenge provides participants the opportunity to find new blogs. We can discover bloggers who share our interests, live in our own city or state, or share our profession. It’s a chance to find like-minded souls and validate our likes and interests.

Sometimes though, it benefits us to step out of our box and discover something new. It challenges us mentally and helps us to grow as a person.

Coming from the position of a writer and author, I know our group tends to gravitate toward each other online. We benefit from the tips and support. Unfortunately, what happens is we end up following mostly writers and authors. The platform building campaigns are fun, but they don’t acquire what we really seek - our target audience.

We need to think beyond the boundaries of our blog topics. There are people who enjoy what we blog about even if they don’t post on the subject. Let’s take gamers for example. You post about RPG and computer games and follow others who also post about games. But who else likes games? Fantasy buffs perhaps? That would include fantasy writers, readers, and movie hounds.

Most of us have more than one hobby. The A to Z is a chance to find others that share our interests. Like to take photos? There are many photo bloggers out there. Travel? Lots of travel blogs. Whatever our interests, there is sure to be a group of bloggers who also enjoy those things. Even if that’s not the focus of your blog, you’ll still share some common ground.

Networking means stepping out and meeting new people. Every person you meet could be an opportunity. Not just to further yourself, but to grow as a human being and possibly help someone else grow.

Take a chance this year. Visit a variety of bloggers. You just might be surprised who you meet.

By L. Diane Wolfe, a.k.a. Spunk On A Stick