Showing posts with label returning comments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label returning comments. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Challenge Tip – How to Make Friends! Plus the Challenge Theme Reveal is Today

One of the goals of the Challenge, besides posting daily the letters of the alphabet, is to make friends.

The very first Challenge, there were only a hundred of us. We got to know one another over the course of the month and made lasting friendships.

Has that changed now that there are thousands of participants? No! The same opportunity to connect is there. And despite the numbers, I’ve managed to make many new friends every year. So can you.

Here are some tips on how to make friends next month:

Explore the list. Not everyone uses the coding system, but even with just blog titles, you’ll have an idea what to expect. We encourage everyone to visit five new blogs a day, starting with the one right after your own, anyway. Go through the list and note those blogs of interest.

When you find a blog of interest, follow it. Most blogs have one or more follow widgets, or an RSS Feed at the very least. Click on that Google Friends Connect, Linky Followers, or Networked Blogs widget. Show the blogger you are genuinely interested.

Comment on that person’s blog. Friendships are all about interacting and the exchange of thoughts and opinions. Comment on what that person posted about and let him know you read his post and it mattered. Blogging is all about community. Hits and visits don’t tell us much or lead to connections. Comments do.

Return comments on your own blog. That’s someone who stopped by and was interested enough to respond. Return the gesture. Continue the lines of communication. That’s how friendships are formed.

Connect with that person on other platforms–Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, etc.

Continue visiting after the Challenge ends. That’s the real test – who keeps coming back? Who wants to continue the communication? If you made a connection during the Challenge, don’t let it fade away in the months following.

Friendship takes effort. But it offers the greatest rewards. Next month, make it your goal to make some friends!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, and CassaStorm, and his blog can be found HERE

And don’t forget – the great Theme Reveal is today!

Looking for some cool themes to follow during the Challenge? Here’s a great list to get you started:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is for HOPE

Hey there, hi there, ho there!  How are you doing? Yesterday you may have been GO GO GO with AJ, but a lot can change in a day.  I learned this the hard way.

We can be cruising along, all is fine, email is under control, we're getting our posts done, though at the last minute and under the wire and not without stress, but it's working.  We're even finding time to return comments!  Visit friends!

Then BAM.  Up against a wall.  Something in life derails us, and we feel hopeless, and like giving up.  It may be a sudden problem at work , it may be a crisis with a child, or it may be a health situation.

Now all looks bleak.  You can't do this anymore.  You're too far behind to catch up. You missed a post or two.  You didn't visit. Email is backed up.

Don't give up!  There's always HOPE.  There's always tomorrow.  Write the next letter.  Get it up there!  Look forward, not back.  Missing one or two isn't the end of the world nor will it cause you to "lose" The Challenge.

This whole crazy undertaking is about the journey, and as in life, we find pot-holes, construction, detours, we might even get lost.  We need to go around them, wait for it, follow the signs, and ask for directions.  Your co-hosts are here to help.

We HOPE you know that!  Now get out there and post!

~Tina, who is not going to be counting how many posts you wrote in April, but did you make it to the end?  I have HOPE in you.