Made it to the mid-month part of the Challenge!
Mid-month means we are halfway through this April's A to Z. How you doing so far? I've been seeing some great posts as well as some interesting creative thinking. Personally, I'm still working on my posts, but I have been managing to keep up with the daily schedule. Mixing up blogging with my day to day routine has been challenging, but--hey--that's why we call this a Challenge.
Some of you might be going through mayhem trying to keep up with everything, but then that might be the story of your life. This Alphabet Challenge is a test of your ability to organize and to see a project to its conclusion. A successful April might be a shining reflection of how you manage your life. Or it might be just the learning experience you've been needing to get your life work and goals together.
So, what's it been? Mayhem or mastery? Don't stop now. You can do this and you can do it well. It's just writing and blogging. You've made it to the middle of the journey so no point in stopping now. Not when you've gotten this far.
Let's keep up the momentum!
What's been your biggest challenge so far this April? If this is your first A to Z, is it pretty much what you had expected? If you're an A to Z veteran, how's this year's Challenge stacking up to previous years?