Showing posts with label infectious blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infectious blogging. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Infectiously Interactive Blogging

“Imagine the possibilities, Isaac. I mean, I can write about anything I want, as long as it’s related to a letter of the alphabet. I only have to write during 26 days in April, giving me Sunday’s off for good behavior. It’s such an innovative way to blog, I just know I can do it!” Isabelle sat idly at her computer, remembering this conversation with her husband last January. Here she was, barely finishing up the second week, and she was feeling the pressure.

She stared down at her cell phone, noticing the text her husband just sent. “Ignore the insecurities, dear. Just do it! You know you can, and when you’re all through, you’ll be so proud and incredibly successful! Now get out there and start blog hopping to get some inspiration. I want to hear all about at least 15 new blog friends you’ve made when I get home.”

“Intuitive as usual,” she replied with a smiley face. Then she infectiously interacted with an increasingly large number of bloggers, and ingeniously scheduled three of her remaining posts.

If Isabelle can do it, so can you!

Thanks for taking part in the A – Z 2014 Blogging Challenge this year!

M. J.

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Photo credit: Nick Michael, Sampler by Elizabeth Laidman (1760), Public Domain