J -- Co-host for the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer http://jlennidornerblog.what-are-they.com
Based just on the signature, you now know five facts about me.
- You know I go by the name J.
- You know who I am in relation to you. (We are both in the challenge.)
- You know something I enjoy doing — interviewing debut authors. (If you know one, this would spark a conversation.)
- You know what I do for a living. This too might spark a conversation.
- You know how to reach me because you have a link to my blog.
Now I’m not just another commenter. I’m the writer who interviews debut authors and volunteers for the blogging challenge we’re both into.

Brains like lists. It’s natural for memories to form based on information gathered about a person. “Someone left a comment,” isn’t as memorable as, “someone with a common interest left a comment,” or, “someone with a unique job left a comment.”
Your comment (when it’s meaningful, adds to the conversation, is thought provoking, or is funny) is your first opportunity to be memorable. Your signature is the second.
A to Z bloggers have come to expect a hyperlink signature in comments. There are at least four instructional posts on the blog:
The purpose of the challenge is not only to promote your blog, but also to increase your social network. Someone who leaves a link in their signature is someone who is ready to communicate and engage. It’s easier to find someone who left an engaging comment or thought provoking question if the person dropped a breadcrumb trail. There isn’t always time to do a websearch for people. A hyperlinked signature is a calling card or business card in the blogging world. A hyperlinked signature is an invitation to form a relationship. This is why it’s a good way to concluded your comment.
What about comment boxes with a separate area for links?

In this case, leaving your link there instead of in the comment itself is acceptable.
Cultivate relationships online by including a signature with brief details about yourself and a link to you following your meaningful, valuable comment.
Plant the seed of social networking growth by including your hyperlinked signature.
by J Lenni Dorner
Reference and Speculative Fiction Author
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Operation Awesome Debut Author Spotlight Organizer