Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2023

Hope Keeps Us Going ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter H

       Hope is like an essential nutrient that keeps us alive.  Water, air, and food are necessities without which we'd eventually die.  Without them, we would struggle on with the hope that we will find what we need until we give up our last dying breath.  Hope drives us.  Hope sustains us.

       Maybe the A to Z Challenge is not quite as vital as just staying alive, but it serves as a decent metaphor for our lives and the pursuits that keep us going.  As another April approaches, some of us hope there will be another April Challenge and then when we get word that it's on, we sign up with the hope that we will finish the blogging ordeal that lies ahead.  Once the Challenge starts we hope that we will complete a post for every letter.  We hope that we will write good content that will draw readers.  We hope some of those readers will leave a comment.  We hope it's a nice comment.

        Hope moves us forward in life as well as through the things we do in life.  Without hope, we are essentially aimless.  Hope is the expectation that tomorrow is going to come and that maybe it's going to be better than today.  The best hope is realistic hope because that is hoping for a goal that we are actually likely to attain.

        Hope is the fuel that burns inside of us to bring us success and satisfaction.   But remember:  Hope works best where there is intent.  Unguided hope is just an aimless dream if you don't intend to finish what you start.  Keep your hope on a true path guided by intent.

         We are hoping you will finish the Challenge and finish well.  Now, what is your intent?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is for HOPE

Hey there, hi there, ho there!  How are you doing? Yesterday you may have been GO GO GO with AJ, but a lot can change in a day.  I learned this the hard way.

We can be cruising along, all is fine, email is under control, we're getting our posts done, though at the last minute and under the wire and not without stress, but it's working.  We're even finding time to return comments!  Visit friends!

Then BAM.  Up against a wall.  Something in life derails us, and we feel hopeless, and like giving up.  It may be a sudden problem at work , it may be a crisis with a child, or it may be a health situation.

Now all looks bleak.  You can't do this anymore.  You're too far behind to catch up. You missed a post or two.  You didn't visit. Email is backed up.

Don't give up!  There's always HOPE.  There's always tomorrow.  Write the next letter.  Get it up there!  Look forward, not back.  Missing one or two isn't the end of the world nor will it cause you to "lose" The Challenge.

This whole crazy undertaking is about the journey, and as in life, we find pot-holes, construction, detours, we might even get lost.  We need to go around them, wait for it, follow the signs, and ask for directions.  Your co-hosts are here to help.

We HOPE you know that!  Now get out there and post!

~Tina, who is not going to be counting how many posts you wrote in April, but did you make it to the end?  I have HOPE in you.