Showing posts with label henry ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label henry ford. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Henry Ford, Help!, Hanging in There and Hoofing along

ere we are at day number 8, hoofing it along toward the halfway point of the A-to-Z Challenge. Hopefully everyone is hanging in there, not feeling hopeless or discouraged.

As Henry Ford said, There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can." If you're starting to doubt yourself, know you CAN make it through the rest of the A-to-Z. If you feel like you need help, just ask for it! One thing you will find is that your fellow A-to-Z'ers are always willing to be supportive. You can ask for help in a post, in the comments below, on Twitter with the hash tag #atozchallenge. Wherever you ask, you are bound to get some support and the encouragement you need to keep powering through.

How are you doing? Enjoying it so far? Have all your letters figured out or flying by the seat of your pants?

May you find your Muse.


The Warrior Muse

"H" image courtesy of Ramsha on