I'm just going to go Blogging 101 on you here since I know that we have a lot new bloggers joining the the A-Z Challenge. Besides, I was a math and English teacher and review never hurts. A hyperlink signature gives readers a "wormhole" directly to your blog. (I write sci-fi...it's like a Transporter...um Tardis...magic tunnel? Oh, I got it: apparating. You read Harry Potter, right?)
So since one of our wonderful co-hosts from last year already explained it so well, I'm just going to say...Take it away, Shannon! (We miss you...)
When you comment on other people's blogs, you want them to be able to track you down to return the favor. This can be tricky or time consuming sometimes, so the easier you make it for them to find you, the more likely you are to get a return visit.
Some people have multiple blogs, which makes it hard to know which one you need to visit. Clicking on each blog to find half of them empty or not having been updated can be frustrating. The same goes for trying to track down someone's blog when you get bounced all over the place. When their profile connects with Google+, for instance, you often have to go to the "About" page to track down their blog, though if they update their daily posts there you can click through there instead.
In order to make it easier for people to track you down, follow this method of hyperlinking:
1. Choose your link. Do you want them to go to your main page, a specific page or a specific post?
2. Choose your signature. What do you want it to say? Only a portion of it will be visible. I'll give an example below.
3. Make your hyperlink. This is what it looks like:
Notes: You will insert your own URL between the quotes ("http://yourwebsitehere") and your blog or destination in place of "The Warrior Muse" (>Your Website<)
4. Add your signature. Note that the only things that will be visible after you post are where it says "Shannon at" and "The Warrior Muse." Anything within the carrots (<,>) is invisible once you hit post.

Note: Make it say whatever you want. My signature isn't gospel, just an example. I will often change it for something specific, like a blogfest, so that it says something about the blogfest and directs them to the related post, rather than my overall blog. (Ex. Shannon, visiting from the A-to-Z Challenge)
5. Post it following your comment! That simple.
I've become accustomed to typing it out as I go along, but when I first started I used someone's example, made my own, then emailed it to myself so I could always copy it from my email and post it wherever I was commenting. Figure out what works best for you, and go from there. People will appreciate you providing them a hyperlink, and you'll appreciate them visiting you.
May you find your Muse.
The Warrior Muse
Hi, Tina again. I have mine saved in a word processing document that I always open when visiting blogs so it's handy to copy and paste. I could never remember all those symbols to just type it out...