Just who are the Ninja Minions? Only the most awesome bunch of bloggers in the world. They will be assisting me in April, helping this Ninja keep his sanity.
What makes a Ninja Minion? Stealth. Know-how. Top blogging skills. And sheer awesomeness.
Let me introduce you to this cool team of Ninja Minion Masters. If you’re not following them, you should!
Master of travel and New Zealand, Rhonda Albom
Master of introspection and honesty, Nicola Burggraf
Master of poetry and truth, Nilanjana Bose
Master of her writing and IWSG admin, Susan Gourley
Master of mystery and book blogger extraordinaire, Mason Canyon
Master of freelance writing and middle grade mayhem, Stephanie Faris
Master of mysteries and flash fiction, Yolanda Renee
Master of deep thoughts and contemplation, Ann Bennett
Master of snark and other-worldly writing, Patricia Lynne
Master of innovation and writing entrepreneurship, Melanie Schulz
Master of book events and youthful writing, Donna McDine
Master of music and rants, JA Scott
Now you see them – now you don’t! Because they are Ninja Minions…
Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-Sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, CassaStorm, and Dragon of the Stars, and his blog can be found HERE