Imagination is a limitless resource, but it should be used wisely. But the most important thing is to use it...
Income tax might be on the minds of at least some of those in the United States. Our taxes are due in a few days. Fortunately I got mine done last month so now I can focus on the April Challenge. If you are still scrambling to finish taxes as well as keep up with your A to Z posts then I'm sorry to hear that. You've really got a big challenge on your hands.
Other than the taxes being soon due, my mentioning of income tax is also a reminder about blogging ideas. I've often read bloggers saying that they are running out of ideas for their regular blogging let alone coming up with an idea that is bloggably sustainable for an entire month. If you want to be a blogger then you're going to be a writer and as a writer you've got to have ideas and imagination.
So let's say next year you decide to write about "income tax." What can you write about? History of the tax. pro and cons of taxation, how-to hints about tax preparation, or where tax dollars go are some suggestions. You could write fictional stories related to income tax--a lot of intriguing ideas for that!
Don't get hung up on trying to come up with ideas. Look around you. There are stories within every field of your vision and the limitless expanse of your imagination. Don't think you're going to throw in the towel for this year's Challenge for any lack of ideas about what to write next. That's the point of the A to Z Challenge--to tax your mind. No ideas is no excuse.
Now start writing your next posts whether they be for tomorrow, next week, or next year. It's tax season. Time to tax your brain!

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If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click: spreadsheets/d/ 1eZsa6jmaOaF51YwDsEO1f8MAtU66f 4WTYaDqcO6ba3Y/edit?usp= sharing

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