Showing posts with label The American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The American. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm An International Superstar Thanks to Blogging A-Z!

Please give a warm A-Z welcome to Claire Gillian, a number-crunching executive by profession, an after hours writer by passion, and a darkly romantic curmudgeon. While Claire’s writing spans all ages and subject matters, she’s happiest penning romance drenched in humor with a dash of intrigue and loads of spice. She released her debut novel, The P.U.R.E. in April 2012.  An International Superstar thanks to Blogging A to Z!

Haha! No, not quite, but it makes an eye-catching post title doesn't it? But I was the focus of an article about my working experience in the UK  many (thirty) years ago. I first wrote about my summer working in the UK during the April A to Z Blogging Challenge in my "L is for London" post. BUNAC, the sponsor of my work abroad program happened upon it thanks to their Google alert. They contacted me and asked if I wouldn't mind writing a post for their blog about my experience, to help ease anxieties of those considering the program. I said, "Of course!", dug out some old photos and souvenirs and sent them on. On July 3rd, BUNAC emailed informing me my guest post was up AND added this extra tidbit:

We’ve also been approached by The American magazine, an ex-pat magazine for Americans living here in the UK, who want to run the blog as an article. We’ve forwarded on your story and photos and I believe they’re planning to run it in the August issue.
Sure enough, the kind people at BUNAC put me in contact with the features editor of The American. I sent them higher resolution scans of certain pictures and added a couple of additional paragraphs. My story ran in the August issue. Click the image to go to the online magazine, then go to page 18!

So the morals of the story are: Blogging A to Z can be a wonderful catalyst for the coolest kind of serendipity and always tag your blog posts. You never know who might stumble upon them. Cheers and happy blogging!

Thanks Gillian for sharing your great success story - what can happen from one simple blog post.  I've always wondered why tagging is necessary since I have a search function...but this looks like it answers my question!