Showing posts with label Suzy Turner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suzy Turner. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Suzy Turner: My Blogging Journey and FREE Book Giveaway!

I first started blogging on Monday September 22, 2008. It seems like such a long time ago now doesn't it? My first blog was entitled Iberian Bird and it was about my life as a British woman living in the south of Portugal. I moved here when I was ten years old and have now been here for 27 years. Hubby and I came very close to moving back to England recently, we had our house on the market, and then we realised that, actually, we've got a pretty good life here. So we decided not to give it up. But I digress.

Blogging. After almost exactly two years of posting about Algarvean life on Iberian Bird, I created a brand new blog. It was very uniquely and originally entitled... Suzy Turner (!). It was to become my author blog. You see, at around that time I was also busy writing my first YA book, Raven (I've since written five more).
So I said farewell to Iberian Bird and hello to Suzy Turner and I haven't looked back since.

Speaking of looking back, as I was writing this I decided to check out some of my original posts - what a blast from the past! Surprisingly, most of my early posts had little to do with writing. Instead they were about my general life in Portugal - visits to Lisbon, a fashion show where I was the guest of honour (I use to be a magazine editor), posts about the real me, etc. I recommend reading back over your blog, it's actually quite entertaining as well as being somewhat therapeutic!

More recently though, my blog has been all about writing. Whether it be about my books or other people's, there are tonnes of interviews, guest posts, giveaways, and more. But it's made me realise that it's nice to sometimes have more personal posts in there. To give the reader a glimpse of my life here. Funny isn't it, how doing one thing like writing a guest post for A to Z has allowed me to see the bigger picture?

Currently, three of Suzy's books are FREE:

Find Suzy:

Wow, Suzy! Thanks for offering your books for free! Bonus! It was nice to hear about your blogging journey, too. Thanks for being here!