Showing posts with label Sue Harding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sue Harding. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

Another One Who Reached the Finish Line: Sue Harding

       Sue Harding may blog at I Refuse to Go Quietly, but she stayed noisily right up to the end in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge of 2011.  Sue has her success story to tell today.


Well, that's the April A-Z challenge over for 2011! There's a sense of relief tinged with a bit of sadness - relief, because it's been quite a feat to think up and create something new and different for each letter (thank goodness for pre-scheduled posts!); and sadness, because the cameraderie of us 'all in this together' is at an end.

But is it?

I tried to look into at least five different blogs every day and leave comments and mostly I succeeded. Some were blogs where my interest was piqued enough to want to 'follow' - some have already become fixtures on my blogroll! So, what started as a chance to nosey through other people's blogs has grown into a desire to keep up with the musings of these hitherto unknown 'blogger-friends'. So, thankyou A-Z, for broadening my horizons and 'growing' my followers, too! (more than doubled!)

Thanks, too, for the wonderful 'surprise me' button - it was always an adventure to see where I'd land next! :-)

I'd also like to thank all who stopped by to view the eclectic posts on my blog - and for their kind (and constructive!) comments!

Congratulations to all who participated and made it through to 'Z' - I hope those who didn't succeed (for whatever reason) will be inspired to try again next year.

Most of all, thankyou to those who promoted, encouraged and facilitated the whole event and generally kept us on the right path throughout - esp. to Arlee Bird, for all your positive support!

So, the next few days are going to seem strange without the motivation of creating a new post for the challenge......but I'm sure I'll come up with something! (I guess you'll have to watch this space to find out!)


         Sue lived up to her blog name and we thank her for that. Now all of you make some noise about the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge and tell all of your blog friends about it. What the heck--tell of your friends who don't blog yet to start a blog and join us. The more the merrier.

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