I Miss A to Z April, How About You?
So you had this fabulous daily blogging regimen and then April comes to an end and you’re exhausted from the hectic life that is daily blogging. But your jazzed at the idea that you could do it and no one caught on that you had no idea what you were doing. You figure, going down to two or three blogs a week will be easy in comparison. You’ve balanced a full life and your blogging life at last. A week or two passes and you start losing steam. You're barely getting out a post a week. Why?
( Business Calendar & Schedule (Photo credit: photosteve101)
You stopped writing daily.
That’s the easy answer but it’s the truth. If you wrote every day like you did during April you wouldn’t be here now, thinking, what happened? So if you’re in a blogging funk the easiest fix is to do exactly what you did for April. You don’t have to hit “publish” everyday, but you should still create posts everyday or close to it, if you want to hold on to your momentum. What I did for April was planned my posts for the month and then I had something to work from during the month and I was able to keep ahead of my posts by a week or two. That was one of my easiest blog months ever, because I planned ahead. I've gone back to that. I don't have all them blogged and scheduled yet but I have them planned out and I know what I want to say and how. It's given me more time to work on some other projects that I've been wanting to get to: editing two finished novels, my YouTube channel and a new blog concept coming out shortly. I even did my first giveaway. Don't worry it's not to late to fix things.Writing Exercise:
If you’re a blogger or thinking of starting a blog, try to get ahead by a month you’ll feel the comfort and stress free feeling of being on top of your blog giving you more time to focus on giving your readers quality content and timely responses.

Just in case you missed my A to Z posts under the theme "Get Writing" you can download them in book form here.
Related articles
- A Little BIT Distracted (awriterinspired.wordpress.com)
- What Makes You a Blogger - Nature or Nurture? (keepmarketingfun.com)
- Time Management (awriterinspired.wordpress.com)
- How Good Are Your Blog Posts? Ten Tips for Making Them Remarkable (sys-con.com)
- Reflection of creating a weblog (hazz14.wordpress.com)
- Lessons I Learned from Seven Years of Blogging (stirrup-queens.com)
- Get MORE out of your blog! (strenghtostrength.wordpress.com)
– these are great words of advice! Thanks for being here to share.