Showing posts with label Putting Pen to Paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putting Pen to Paper. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cori McKeivor: Channeling the A to Z Motivation All Year Long

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their post-challenge roadtrips and new projects. I entered two blogs into the A to Z challenge and found it a great motivator for my blogging. Tiring, yes. Stressful, yes. However, it was ultimately a great motivator and a great source of inspiration (but my post challenge 'reflections' blog post will tell you more about that if you are interested).

What I want to talk about today is channelling that A to Z motivation all year round. Shelina wrote a great post last month about missing the April challenge and trying to plan the month ahead to get more regular writing done. I did just that. As discussed in my reflections post, I had a plan for April. Since then I have had a (bit more disorganised) plan for the following months.

It has been working well even if it is a bit haphazard juggling an extra blog. This month I have started a new A to Z challenge all of my own to boost the content on my new blog.  I have chosen to write an "A to Z of Skills" for my DIY Career Development Blog which was 'born' out of the challenge. It is a new blog and I am still trying to build up the useful content. This will be weekly post which I started at the beginning of the month (which means if I stick to it it will end neatly at the end of 2013).

It is a great new challenge if you are still feeling the post challenge blogging blues or have lost your momentum. Action point: Try a themed weekly a to z for a topic you want to write more content on but never quite get there. So why not try it yourself to build up you content on a particular theme or topic without the stress of the daily challenge but still maintaining some consistency. Besides, being in a weekly A to Z zone might also inspire you to check off some blogs on your post-challenge roadtrip.

Info about me:  Cori of Printed Portal is a young professional working and writing in the UK. She writes about planning and organisation at her blog Planning with Printed Portal, about writing (when she has time) at Putting Pen to Paper and more recently has started a new blog about taking control of your own career development at DIY Career Development after an enjoyable A to Z Challenge in April.

Thanks so much for being here today, Cori, and for sharing your enthusiasm and great ideas.