Showing posts with label Psalms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalms. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2012

#atozchallenge: Getting to Know Me -- Arlee Bird

         Some of you may not know all of the co-hosts of the A to Z Challenge so we thought we'd do a series of getting to know us posts.   We'll give you some basics about each of us and answer some of those questions you've all been dying to know.


Name:   Arlee Bird--it's a phony writer name.  If you want to know my real name it's not too difficult to find, but I'm not gonna say here.

Blog:   Tossing It Out is my main blog where it all started.
I can also be found at Wrote By Rote (memoir), A Faraway View (a blog about dreams), and A Few Words (a contemplative blog inspired by Psalms).

Other Online Info:  I do have a page on Facebook and I'd be happy if you signed up to "like" it.   


1. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?   I once gave up everything to walk from Tennessee to California.  Well, actually I didn't make it very far on that trip, but 17 years later I did end up in California after an adventurous life.

2. What is your favorite article of clothing?  Hmm---Depends on the time and place, but I do like Hawaiian shirts.

3. What is your favorite monster?   Godzilla was the first monster movie I ever saw.  I saw the film in the theater when it first came out in the mid-1950s.  I was a very young kid then but I was fascinated.  Godzilla was my first monster love and has remained my favorite.
4. If you had to dress up as your favorite literary character, who would it be?   Well, heck if I know!  I actually usually don't think about the way characters are dressed.  And I can't think of anything for this--Huckleberry Finn maybe?  

5. What is your favorite fairy tale, urban legend or nursery rhyme?  This certainly covers a lot of ground.  I guess I'll go with first loves again.  Here is the first rhyme I ever memorized and I can still recite it:
Deedle, deedle dumpling, my son John
Went to bed with his stockings on.
One shoe off.  One shoe on.
Deedle, deedle dumpling, my son John.

6. What is a cause near and dear to your heart?   The greater appreciation of juggling and classical music.

7. What's the strangest item you've used as a bookmark?   Candy wrappers?  I used to use them as bookmarks all the time when I was in college.  

8. Do you have any nicknames?   What are they and how did you earn them?   A few guys in high school used to call me "Juggler".   I have no idea why--well, I guess I do know.  The name didn't really come into common use though. 

9. Name one habit you want to change in yourself:   I have a terrible nail-biting habit that I've had since I was a small child.   My parents tried to stop it by putting some sort of hot sauce on my fingers.  I guess that's how I developed my love for hot sauce and spicy foods.

10. Tell us something interesting or shocking about yourself:   I've revealed so much about myself on my blog that it's difficult to think of something I haven't said.  But let me toss this one out:  I love musicals--especially Rodgers & Hammerstein and old Busby Berkeley extravaganzas.  I know, shocking!


1. What was your favorite A-to-Z post from 2011?    Not fair!  That's like asking which of my kids is my favorite.  But okay, I'll play this one.  I'll go with my X post II x X=XX.  It's a tough letter and I felt like I came up with something fairly unique. 

2. What brought you to the A-to-Z originally? Tell us about your first A-to-Z:  Short story: 200 followers and I had an amazing time.  You can find the longer story here.

3. Are you doing a theme?  I'm doing at least 3 themes and I'll be saying more about that later on those 3 blogs.  Not sure what I'll be doing on Tossing It Out yet.   I will be doing some blog juggling for sure.

4. Are you writing & scheduling posts in advance?    My 3 themed blogs are mostly done.  I will hopefully have Tossing It Out written and scheduled before the Challenge begins.

5. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet, and why?    What letter do you like least?   Favorite letter is probably "A" since it represents excellence.  "F" represents failure, but I can't totally knock the letter since it also represents fun and fantastic.   Actually I guess I like all the letters.

I hope you've enjoyed these questions and answers. Don't forget, you are welcome, even encouraged, to ask any additional questions you might have in the comments section. Or feel free to answer the questions yourself! We won't tell.


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