Now that we're over half way done with the challenge, how are you faring? So far, I have posted every single day except Sunday, and have visited at least ten blogs on the list every one of those days. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun.
Anyway, here are some blogs related to the letter O that I have been enjoying during the challange:
Michael Offut has been posting about Star Wars: The Close Wars, the animated TV series.
Oh Frog It! has been embroidering song lyrics.
Tim Brannan, from The Other Side, has been covering all kinds of monstrous topics.
Duncan, at Our Home Called Kuantan, has a nice series of Keep Calm.
Outside Perception had a lovely tribute to Boston yesterday.
Do you have any blogs you've discovered through the Challenge that relate to the letter O? Feel free to share them in the comments, and make sure to visit my five, follow them, and tell them I sent you. Oh, and you can find my blog here: The QQQE, if you'd like to follow me.