Has this year seemed to be going extraordinarily fast for anyone else besides me?
We've hit July and that means we're at the top of the roller coaster and on the downhill side. Yikes! There's a wild ride ahead with summer (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) wrapping up and a parade of holiday seasons to follow. Many schools start back in August now. So much for those long drawn out summers like I used to have when I was a kid.
Before we know it Halloween will be history and cooler weather will be gusting in--a welcome respite for many who have been experiencing record high temperatures this year. I'd say more than a few are looking forward to snow and colder weather.
Of course that colder weather brings NaNo November for the writers, Thanksgiving for those who love to eat, and all of the December holidays for all of the rest of us. And then it's another year--2013! The next A to Z is just around the corner it seems.
Maybe we need to slow down and get back to July. Oh, sure, we can keep stimulating the A to Z brain for ideas for next year. Perhaps a few of you will even start writing a few posts as flashes of inspiration hit you. That's fine, but that flying time has got to be grounded.
How about a walk on a mountain trail? Head for a glacier I'd say. Or bask at the beach if the sun and salt spray is your thing. Drift on a lake or down a river in a canoe or kayak. Visit the zoo or an air conditioned museum. And speaking of AC, there's always the mall. So much to do and a lot of it can be found right close to home.
Of course, you could do like I'll be doing for the next few weeks. My wife and I will be driving cross-country to spend a few days with a daughter in Houston, Texas and then heading on for a few days with relatives in Orlando, Florida. With about eight 12-15 hour driving days and other days filled with family activities, I have a feeling that I won't be doing too much on the computer during that time.
And here I thought I was going to be doing some serious writing this month of July. Well, there is August. I hope I can manage to keep that month under more control.
Hope you're having a great summer--or winter if that's what it's like where you are.
What are your summer plans? Anybody just staying around the house and doing things there? Are you going anyplace unusual? Are you ready to do an A to Z Blog guest post? Let us know if you are. We've got some open dates to fill.