Showing posts with label Jeremy Retro-Zombie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy Retro-Zombie. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Delightful! Jeremy Tribute Day ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Celebrate Jeremy Day
         Today we want to take a pause to honor one of our long term behind the scenes members of the A to Z Team--Jeremy.

           If the name isn't familiar with you then his artwork surely is.  Jeremy Hawkins has been designing all of the badges and other graphics for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge since 2013.   All the way from the yearly badge to the daily letter badges as well as headers and even T-shirt designs, Jeremy has been the creative genius behind those ubiquitous graphics that appear on numerous blogs throughout April and beyond

           Where can you find more about Jeremy?  He has an extensive social media and internet presence that covers a wide range of his interests and endeavors.   I encourage you to visit his blog or his other sites to say thank you and hello to him and to get a better idea of exactly what his talents encompass. 

             And I want to say to Jeremy, "Thank you my friend for being there when we need you!"

             Here are some of the places where you can find out more about Jeremy and his work:

Jeremy Hawkins

For Hire:

Art Available:
Animal Art/Design
Cheap Movie Art/Design

Visit: Being Retro

Being Retro

For A to Z T-Shirts as well as a lot of other cool designs:

Music Label:
Howlin' Wolf Records
Executive Producer/PR

Six Strings: Magazine


Social Media:

Six Strings: Magazine @jmhdigital68
JMH Digital [2020]

You can see the list of all Blogs on our Master List!

Monday, April 30, 2012

"Z" is for ZOINKS

Shhhhh the Baby is Sleeping...
So it's the last day, the last letter and it is the "Z" this is an easy one what we should all be doing in May.What were some of your highlights of the "A to Z Challenge", did you make a friend or two and are you looking forward to next year... come on you know you are. I am glad I was part of all the fun and being the behind the scenes co-host of the event, team it was a pleasure. A special thanks goes out to Lee for making this all possible and making it a grand old time... Now go feed the Monkey Meter... it's hungry.

- Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
  Visit the Madness

Friday, April 20, 2012

"R" is For Reading!

Reading and Commenting...
Who doesn't love a comment on your blog, someone saying something nice on your latest post...cause why write it if no one reads it. I am putting up a few slang terms that start with the letter "R" from a old book I had found in my travels, if you know me... well then you know me and this makes sense.

Rook (Old Eng.), a cheat, a card sharper.
Rook (Eng.), a clergyman, from his black clothes.
Rook, to cheat or swindle.
Rooked, cheated.
Rookery, a low neighborhood, street or collection of houses.
Rooky, rascally, scampish.
Roorback (Am.), a false allegation issued for political purposes.
Roost, a resting-place, "Going to roost," going to bed.
Rooster, the male barnyard fowl.
Root of all evil, money.
Root, hog, or die (Am.), signifies that one must hustle for a living.
Rope, to cause a horse to win or lose a race. See Pull.
Rope-in (Am.), to swindle; to induce one to enter a scheme in which he will be cheated. Shakespeare uses "ropery" for roguery.
Roper-in (Am.), a "capper" for a gambling house or for any other swindle.
Ropes, "to know the," to be "up to snuff;" to know the way about; familiarity with city life and tricks.
Roping, pulling or otherwise restraining a horse in a race.
Rose, "under the," quietly, in secret.
Rot, nonsense.
Rot-gut (Am.), bad whisky.
Rough and tumble, a fight in which all rules are ignored.
Rough diamond, a man whose character is better than his appearance.
Rough it, to put up with inferior accommodations or food ;to work hard, as at mining in the Territories.

Rush, spirit, energy, vim.
Rush, to come suddenly on one. To give a man the rush is to spring a demand for money on him.
Rushing the can or the growler, sending to the saloon for beer with a can or pitcher.
Rush it (Am.), hurry up.
Rust, "to nab the" (Eng.), to take offense.
Rustle, to move about sharply ; to hustle.
Rustler, a hustler.

I Love Comments... So go ahead, say something nice... or I will send "Bugsy the Chimp Boy" to your site and trust me no one wants that.

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
Visit the Madness

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Making A to Z Challenge More... Friendly!

Okay this is something that I did on the last year's "A to Z Challenge" and I thought this would be a good thing for you all to... so I share. I made a desktop calendar that had the breakdown of April right at the click of a button, this way no having to fumble back and forth.

Click on Image [First, should fill screen] and then right click [PC] save to your Hard drive or as your Desktop.
If you save it to your hard drive just click once on image and it should allow you to save as the desktop, you may need to readjust it in your settings. This also should work for most monitors as most have this shape and I have tried on most successfully

Also I have been making a few more banners/badges with some of the suggestions you had mentioned from the last post... you can find all of them either at the bottom of the main page or look for "A to Z Badges and Banners" at top.

So many banners/badges so little time, got something you would like to see... I will get it done...
Any questions please ask or stop by my site and I will do the best I can to help!

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tell Me About This A to Z Challenge

Artwork by Ada Z
         Many of you reading this know about the April Challenge, but there are still some of you who have heard about Blogging from A to Z and don't know what it is.  Or perhaps there are those who are still trying to decide or are even afraid to try it.  Don't worry--it's all in good fun!

        If you're new to the A to Z Blog, be sure to click on the tabs at the top of the page to see if that information answers your questions.   There are a couple of polls in the sidebar for you to answer if you'd like to express yourself.  And please click the "friend connect" button to become a "Friend of the Alphabet".  That's not the same as the sign-up list but it will keep you connected to the official Challenge blog.

        The sign-up list will appear this coming Monday January 30th.  You will be able to find it at the A to Z Team of hosts' blog sites and on this blog.  The A to Z Team blogs are listed about halfway down the sidebar to your right.   Be sure to visit all of the blogs of our Team members, drop in to say hello, and follow our blogs.   We will all have our own updates in addition to the ones on this Challenge Blog and each blog host may have their own special surprises along the way.  Don't miss out on that part of the fun.

         Alex Cavanaugh talked about the Linky List yesterday on this blog.  If you missed that post be sure to scroll down and read it.  Tomorrow we'll have some last minute business before the big day on Monday.

        After Monday the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Blog will continue presenting daily posts with Challenge news and helpful tips about doing the Challenge and blogging in general.  Be sure to check into this site frequently.

          Here's a check list of what you can do before Monday if you will be participating in the A to Z April Challenge:
  • Add the official A to Z Badge in a prominent place on your site.  The top of the sidebar is probably best.  Announce to other bloggers that you will be participating in April by displaying the official logo.  Use the code under one of the badges on this page to place it on your site.
  • There are a couple of  animated A to Z graphics that I'm sure you've seen.  These were created by co-host Jeremy at Retro-Zombie.  If you copy the code beneath each of these you can transfer this code to your own blog design page and you will have your own animated banner or button minus the code.   It makes a snazzy addition to dress up your page and show your enthusiasm for the Challenge.   If you still don't know which animated pieces I'm talking about, it's the apple to zebra banner at the top of this page and the flashing letters of the alphabet about halfway down the sidebar.   They'd look very nice on your blog.
  • Plan a post about the A to Z Challenge.   Let your regular readers know what you'll be doing in April and encourage your fellow bloggers to join you.  You can do one or as many posts as you like about the Challenge.  Talk about previous years, what you plan on doing this year, or ideas that you think might help others.   This provides your blog content and gets the word out to others.
  • Spread the word about the April Challenge.  Shout it out on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media you like to use.  Let others know that the sign-ups will be starting and let them know when you've signed up.  Let's make the first day of sign-ups a big splash.
  • Follow the A to Z Challenge Facebook page.  Also click the follow button for Networked Blogs.  Help the A to Z presence grow.

       You are a big part of the success of A to Z.   Last year was a hit because of wonderful bloggers like you.   We're going to make 2012 even bigger and better.    

          Some of you have been putting up some wonderful promotional posts to spread word about the A to Z Challenge and that is greatly appreciated.  There are posts like the one found Sommer Leigh's blog.  That's the kind of post that will stimulate more interest as it explains what the Challenge is all about.

          If you blog about the Challenge, let us know here in the comments or by sending one of us an email.  We'll try our best to get you and your post recognized.   Thanks for your help and participation.  Now let's do some prepping for Monday's big day.

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