Showing posts with label E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

E Is For Everybody And Everything #atozchallenge

There's a lot to remember to do during the A to Z Challenge:

  • Write all your blog posts. 
  • Schedule all of them for the correct day.
  • Respond to everyone's comments.
  • Visit other blogs and leave them comments.
It's that last thing that trips up a lot of people. How do you find blogs to visit? 

Here's what I do:
  • Visit the blogs of everybody who was kind enough to visit my blog and leave a comment. This should be the first thing you do: acknowledge the comment they left, then go visit their blog and leave a comment there.
  • Visit the blogs of everybody who left a comment on my visitors' blogs. As I'm reading and commenting on someone's blog, I look at the other people who left comments there. Some of them are bound to be people who left me a comment, but many others won't be. I give them a visit and leave a comment there.
I can keep iterating through this over and over, or I can refer to the daily lists, the theme reveal list, or the original sign-up list

Two things you'll want to remember: you won't be able to visit everybody, and not everything will be interesting to you. There are close to a thousand people who participate in A to Z each year, each with their own interests. If you visit 10% of them over the next month, you're doing really well, and don't feel guilty if the theme isn't all that interesting to you. The goal is to make blog buddies! Remember, you share one interest: you're bloggers. 

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If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:

If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:

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Click here for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!

Make new friends and learn new things!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for ...

Elizabeth! Go figure . . .

And no, I promise you I am not narcissistic.

Something inspiring is mor like it ...
I am surprised of the journey I hav taken so far and am hopeful for what lies ahead.

I grew up in a hom where  the kids bee-lined it to their  bedrooms, screaming, "Dad's home, Dad's home--HIDE!" And we  meant it. We  were scared of him.

As a newly married woman so many years ago, I yearned to reinvent my parenting skills. My relationship with my father now is much different. Better--and we see  eye-to-eye (for the most part). The only reason why I bring up my past is because it amazes  me how far I've  come and that anyone in my position can most definitely  lead a happy and productiv life.

I coped with such atrocious circumstances through my art and writing. I combined the two very often and came up with graphic novel books that I had lost myself in. Of course they  are as cheesy as I'll get out, but through my characters, I learned how to deal with circumstances and even took out some of my aggression on them as I made  them endure situations, but I witnessed their growth as well. I had no idea that a few decades down the road I'd become published.

 I am glad that I had the  strength as a teenager to stick to the thing I loved most and turned it into something dreamers dream of becoming.

If I can do it, so can  you. Yes, you can let your light shine no matter your circumstances!

Would you care to share with us some of your roadblocks, and your action plan to clear them away?