There's lots of activity going on as we make our big push for 1000 sign-ups by March 1st. If you haven't signed up yet why not do it now. Also please consider liking the A to Z Facebook page. We're still sort of 200 likes there--shouldn't we have more like at least 700 likes? Same with this A to Z Blog. Have you clicked the "Follower" button yet to become a "Friend of the Alphabet"? Let's fire up some A to Z spirit!
We had some great posts on the A to Z Blog this past week. If you missed any be sure to go back and check them out. We are no longer accepting guest posts for the A to Z Blog as the schedule is now full. Thanks to all of you who have shown such hearty participation.
Fellow co-host Konstanz Silverbow is providing some incentive with a great give-away. Check out what she's offering at her blog No Thought 2 Small and then be sure to tell others about it as well. Somebody's going to win a very cool package.
Be sure to be at the A to Z Blog this coming Tuesday February 28th. I won't tell you what's going on, but I bet some of you can guess. Tuesday is a very special day to celebrate.
Jenn at Scribbles from Jenn participated in Jenny Pearson's game of tag and helped with the push for 1000 by March 1st.
Sommer Leigh at Tell Great Stories provided one of the best A to Z posts that I've seen so far. Make sure you pay her a visit to thank her for providing this valuable information and make sure you follow her advice when the April Challenge starts. In fact, don't wait, start now!
RJR Daydreamer gave not only a nice summary of what the Challenge is but also provided an excellent graphic layout of what he did last year.
Donna Mc is a first-timer on her blog My Write Spot and she's getting organized for April. She provides some excellent tips on how to plan for the Challenge. I hope all of you will go through her checklist and make sure you've got these points covered.
A to Z got a slightly eccentric mention at The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z Tobor. Thanks Rob--I think. Now don't you forget to start the Challenge on time.
Jman at Death of a Hardcore Gamer appears to be ready for April. I think you'll have loads of fun, Jman. Let all your friends know about this.
Susan Kane at the contemplative cat provided a round of A to Z brainstorming inspired by the "How It's Made" TV show.
Teresa at Journaling Woman was having an internal debate about the Challenge, but it looks like the Alphabet won.
Mish at Writer-In-Transit got very creative with her Challenge post. Just goes to show what kind of inspiration comes from Blogging from A to Z. Can you top this one?
Marcy at Maine Words (#235 on the Linky List) played the "Getting to Know Me" game by answering some of the questions posted to co-hosts. Always a good time to get to know one another better and everyone is welcomed to join in the fun.
Dave at Dave Wrote This is another blogger who joined in the "Getting to Know Me" fun--Dave went with the entire list. Whether you answer them all, just some of them, or make up your own questions; we'd all enjoy hearing some of your answers. As we head into the Challenge you might want to set aside a post to introduce yourselves to the others who may not know you yet.
Susan Gourley/Kelley at Susan Says provided some important tips on her blog that can't be said too many times. I hope everyone listens to what Susan says.
And hooray Inspire Nordic who also touted the Challenge on her blog. So glad you're with us this year.
Patricia Stoltey is a solid supporter of the A to Z Challenge. She's been giving weekly shout outs for us on her blog.
Janice at Jabblog had some kind of snafu with her sign up on the Linky List, but it gave her a reason to post about the Challenge which is always good. Might as well turn lemons into lemonade.
Call it what you will, there's no reason to be in a tizzy about the April Challenge Lizard Happy--who is #370 on the sign up list by the way.
Tower of Archmage is a gamer blog that is returning to play the A to Z Challenge for the second year. Have fun!
Thank you Christine Rains for helping push for the March 1st 1000!
I'm learning about Twitter and in doing so I spotted Laurie Carlson's Challenge to her readers. Check out Laurie's great A to Z Post. Then follow her blog while you're there--she deserves it.
Spirit Called put forth a call out for more folks to be a part of the April A to Z. Yeah! That's the spirit!
The adrenaline is pumping high at Whatever. Thanks Gossip Girl for your energetic post.
Susanne Drazic at Putting Words Down on Paper announced our drive to get 1000 sign-ups by March 1. Come on bloggers! Get everyone you know involved in the April Challenge. Let's make this a party to rival any Oscar party out there.
Lindi from F.A.I.T.H. Girls gave the Challenge a nice mention and provided the link for others to sign up. Anyone can do this--how about you?
More and more of you are posting about the Challenge. We are trying to keep up with these posts to list on our Sunday Summary. I'm watching Google Alerts, emails from co-hosts, and the messages I receive from you who contact me. If you've posted something and we've missed it here, let me know and I'll try to put it up. In the weeks to come we may have so many mentions that I may have to distill them into the highlights and the most unique posts.
But Please! no matter what--keep on promoting A to Z to get more sign-ups. We are looking for 1000 by this Thursday and it would be nice to pass 1300 by April 1 so we can surpass last year. Our goal is to make the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge bigger and better each year. Thanks to all of you for helping us meet this goal.
And now a word from our sponsor courtesy of Ron Easton at Dads Unlimited: