Showing posts with label DL Hammons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DL Hammons. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

#AtoZChallenge K Is for KNIGHT RISE

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:



Hat’s off to J, Arlee, and the others for allowing me to commandeer the blog (and the letter K) for a little self-promotion. I participated in the A-Z Challenge many moons ago and I remember what a fun time I had.

This year’s theme of Accomplishing Your Dreams is very appropriate for me, which is why I’m choosing to talk about just that with the letter K. I started my publishing journey a dozen years ago, right about the same time I began my own blog. Six novels and numerous short-stories later, it’s finally happening. It was a long road getting here, but it was a journey I thoroughly enjoyed (even if it was a bit frustrating at times). Making your dreams come true isn’t something that necessarily happens over night — I’m living proof of that — so stay committed!

KNIGHT RISE is my first foray into publishing. My mystery/suspense novel debuted last November, published by Wild Lark Books, and I’m pleased to report it has been well-received (4.80 rating on Goodreads). The reception was so positive that a follow up book (FALLEN KNIGHT) is scheduled for a June 1st release.

What’s the first book about? Here’s a summary – 

A picture containing Knight rise cover

A group of middle-aged friends embark on a sentimental quest.

A female Private Eye obsessed with a decades-old unsolved murder.

A killer trying to erase an old mistake, along with anyone in his way.

Twenty-nine years ago, Lee Hamilton was a college student having fun with friends on Spring break in sunny Florida. It was there that he met the beautiful and unforgettable Andi Taylor. They spent a magical week together. Lee was confident it would go somewhere. Then, months later, he received word that she had died.

Many years later, Lee is a widower, his own children now away at college, and after having fallen out of touch with his old college friends, Lee turns to his blog as an outlet. Taken by nostalgia, he writes about his week with Andi and unexpectedly sets off a dangerous string of events that will reunite him with old friends but could cost them all their lives.

KNIGHT RISE is a fast-paced, intriguing page-turner with a lot of heart. Follow this crew of enjoyable characters through stunning plot twists for a thrilling ride you won't forget!

Sound like your cup of tea? Here is where you can find it.

Wild Lark Books Online Shop


Barnes & Noble



If you’d like to know more about me and/or my writing journey, you can visit my previous debut author spotlight on Operation Awesome, where J Lenni Dorner interviewed me. (Link)

Thanks again to J for this opportunity.

What's a big dream you are working to achieve right now?

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Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
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