Showing posts with label Blogging from A to Z Reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging from A to Z Reflections. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Only ( #AtoZChallenge )

     Only less than a couple weeks to go!   You can coast to the end if you've gotten this far.  It's all downhill from here...



        My kids used to pull that bit of persuasion on me when they were young.  "But Dad, it's only twenty dollars!"   To which I'd reply in mock horror, "Only!"

          "Only!" is how some of you might respond were I to remind you that there are only less than two weeks left in this Challenge.  We all have confidence that you can finish this thing if you've managed to make it this far in A to Z.  You've been doing great!  You will win this Challenge.

           After the letter "Z" you only have one more post to do:  The Reflections Post.   I won't get into that yet, but the A to Z veterans will likely remember the recap posts we all do in early May.  We'll have a post soon telling you about The A to Z Reflections post and when it's all happening.

         But don't fret on that for the time being.  Now you've only got to finish this Challenge.  You can do it!

#AtoZchallenge 2018 friendly new badge logo
If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:
If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:

#AtoZchallenge 2018 traditional badge logo
Click here for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!

       Do you tend to wear down or put in the extra energy as you reach the end of a project?  Have you been managing to post on time every day so far?   Are you a long range seer or a for the moment doer?  

Monday, May 8, 2017

Reflections of 2017 #AtoZChallenge

It's Time to Reflect!

Be sure to copy the Survivor Badge
to proudly display on your blog.

       Since the first Challenge in 2010 an annual tradition has been established for A to Z participants or followers to provide their thoughts on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge of the current year.  The time has come!  Now we want to hear what you have to say about the past month's blog Challenge.

       The premise is very basic.  Give us your opinion about how the 2017 Challenge went for you.  Provide your overall observations about the 2017 A to Z Challenge which can include your favorite blogs, outstanding blog posts you read during the month, your favorite posts from your own site, and whatever else might have been particularly rewarding to you.

        It's okay to include some bad with the good.  We want to know what you really thought about the 2017 April A to Z.  Let us know what you liked the most, but also what you liked the least.  And most importantly perhaps for this year, let us know how not having a Linky List worked (or didn't work for you).  Did you have any problems finding participant blogs in the A to Z Blog comments, the A to Z Facebook page, or elsewhere?

          Next year would you like to see the A to Z Challenge be conducted with the same social media strategy or would you prefer us to bring back a Linky List?   Or do you have some ideas that might work even better?

            Your Reflections Post can cover anything you'd like to say about the Challenge.  We are looking for your kudos and criticisms alike and even more importantly, we want to hear your suggestions for making future Challenges even better.

Ready, Set, Post!

           Some of you already have put up your Reflections at your sites.  Or you still might need to compile your reflections for the 2017 Challenge.  Whenever you have your link ready then spread the word just as you did for your April A to Z posts.  Please include your link in the comment section below, but don't forget announcing it on the A to Z Facebook page, Twitter (#atozReflections or #atozchallenge) and anywhere else you'd like to tell the world that you have your Reflections on the 2017 A to Z ready to be pondered.
           Be sure to check out as many of the other Reflections posts that you can to see how your observations compare with the other participants   And don't forget to grab the A to Z 2017 Survivor Badge to show off at your blog site!

Please Take the Survey

        Also co-host J. Lenni Dorner has put together a survey where you can tell us what you thought of this year’s challenge: what worked for you, what didn’t work for you, what you’d like to see, etc. It’s open until May 20, so you have a couple of weeks. Take the survey here.    This will also be of great help to us.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Just One More Thing! (#atozchallenge)

Did You Finish the Challenge?

         If you made it through to the end of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, give yourself a big pat on the back and accept a hearty cheer of congratulations from all of us.  That was some feat  and you are well deserving of recognition for having achieved it.

        As a survivor of the April A to Z Challenge you have earned the official A to Z Survivor Badge to wear proudly on your site to show all of the world your amazing accomplishment.  Feel free to copy the badge image which you see above and paste it on your blog sidebar or wherever you'd like to display it.

        By letting everyone know that you've got some great A to Z posts to read if they missed them in April, the Badge will be a reminder for them to go back and check out the work you put into the Challenge.  The official posting days of the 2017 Challenge may be over, but your Challenge posts are there for posterity and we hope that everyone will go back to visit posts they missed in April.

A to Z Challenge Reflections Post

         Even though the alphabet posts are officially finished for 2017, there is one more thing we ask of all of you who participated in this year's Challenge.  In what has become a yearly tradition, we invite each of you to join us with your own A to Z Reflections Post.

           Past participants will likely be familiar with this Reflections post, but for those of you who aren't sure what we're talking about we'll explain.  On Monday May 8th we invite everyone to provide your thoughts about the 2017 Challenge.  What did you like best?  What did you like least?   What worked for you and what didn't?

           You can tell us about favorite themes you ran across during the Challenge.  Or tell us about some of your favorite posts.  You can even tell us your favorite posts on your own blog.  We want positives (lots of positives we hope) and we also want to hear the negatives (though we hope there won't be too many of those).   Bottom line though is that we want the truth about what you thought about the 2017 Challenge.

          This year it's  especially important for us to hear from you since we tried the new social media method and discarded using an official Linky List.   Your input will help us make decisions about next year's A to Z.  Your constructive suggestions can help guide us in making the 2018 Challenge better.

How Do You Do the Reflections Post?

          The official Reflections Post day is next Monday May 8th, but you can put yours up anytime between now and then.  We will do the same as we have done throughout the month of April by posting an announcement on this A to Z Blog and putting up one on the A to Z Facebook page as well.   Just like you've done in April to spread the word about your daily posts, you can post your Reflections link in the A to Z Blog comment section, on the Facebook page, on Twitter, or anywhere else you normally would do such things.

         In other words, promote your A to Z Reflections Post in the same way as you've been promoting your other A to Z posts.  And even if you haven't done much in promoting posts, by visiting the Reflections posts of the other bloggers and leaving your link in your comment on their post you should reap some visits to your own post.

          Please help us with Challenge feedback by putting up your own A to Z Reflections Post.  At the same time you might be helping others by sharing your ideas or you might be getting more visits to your April posts.  This is intended to be a win-win situation for all of us so we hope you'll be a part of this annual tradition of the A to Z Reflections Post.

Please Take the Survey

        Also co-host J. Lenni Dorner has put together a survey where you can tell us what you thought of this year’s challenge: what worked for you, what didn’t work for you, what you’d like to see, etc. It’s open until May 20, so you have a couple of weeks. Take the survey here.    This will also be of great help to us.

          If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about the Reflections Post then please leave them in the comment section below.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

#atozchallenge Sunflower Survivor

A to Z Sunflower as it appeared in the afternoon of
Saturday May 2, 2015

         Anyone who has been following my Sunday A to Z Blog posts probably has figured that I've adopted this sunflower in my backyard as a sort of A to Z symbol or mascot.  I've followed its progress from first bloom on the Challenge opening day on April 1st, 2015 with my Tribute to Tina post and followed it to the end of the Challenge.

           Considering the story (which can be found by going back to the first sunflower post linked in the preceding paragraph), this sunflower is an apt symbol to represent the participants of this Challenge.   Most of us are a bit weary after our month of blogging and networking, but we're still standing and ready for whatever is coming next.

          The first A to Z  related post-Challenge event is the A to Z Reflections post which we hope you will put up on your site any time between now and Friday May 8th.  Some of you already have your posts up and I've seen some good reports.  But keep in mind that your Reflections don't have to be all good.  We'll listen to the downsides as well though we hope there aren't many of those.  For full details about this please visit Wait! A to Z Is Not Over! Not Quite.  This post should tell you just about everything you need to know about the Reflections Post and if you still have questions then just ask.

           Don't forget to add the Reflections badge to your Reflections Post and be sure to flaunt your A to Z win with the Survivor Badge in your sidebar.  All artwork is courtesy of our official A to Z graphics guy and hard-working co-host Jeremy Hawkins.  Be sure to drop by his site Hollywood Nuts! to say hello and thanks.   And be sure to order your A to Z Survivor T-shirt (see badge link in the sidebar of this page).

A Bit Tired, but We Survived !

Here's the A to Z Sunflower on May 2nd getting ready for the beginning of the Reflection Posts during the week beginning on Monday May 4th.  We're all still hanging in there!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Wait! A to Z Is Not Over! Not Quite

The Reflections Tradition

         Oh sure, the alphabet is now behind most of us.  Your letter posts should be finished and now you're ready to start blogging as you normally do--or maybe even take a respite from blogging.  But hold on before you leave this 2015 Challenge completely behind you.  We ask you one more little thing:  Tell us about your A to Z experience.

         The A to Z Reflections Post has become a tradition as most Challenge vets will remember.  We've done this since the first Challenge in 2010.  What we request is that in a post on your own blog you tell us all something about the Challenge that impacted you the most.

         Actually this post can be about any April A to Z related topic and presented in any form that you like.  Your post doesn't have to be long and complicated unless that's what you want to do.  Like the regular A to Z posts the Reflections Post can be whatever you want it to be just as long it's about the April Challenge.

           This is the time for you to register your complaints about anything Challenge related.  Let us know the weaknesses along with your suggestions as to how they can be improved.   We don't mind hearing the negative aspects of A to Z, but we hope you will have some positives to report as well.  Relate your anecdotes about interactions with the A to Z staff or other bloggers.   Offer praise to the outstanding bloggers in this year's Challenge or tell us about particular posts or themes that you think deserve recognition.

          Incidentally, even if you didn't participate in the Challenge itself or didn't finish the A to Z Challenge but have something about it that you think is worth mentioning, you are welcomed to add your own Reflections post as long as you were following some of the A to Z posts.   Do not take this invitation as a license to just get on the list with some random post that has nothing to do with A to Z.   These non-Challenge related post links will be removed from the list.  

          The Reflections Post is your time to tell everyone what's on your mind about the A to Z Challenge.  If you want to brag about your own blog then go ahead.  If you want to brag on something else then that's definitely welcomed.  Good, bad, indifferent or however you feel, tell the rest of us.  Whatever you feel is worth saying, then say it.   Even if it's just your blog stats for April--that's valuable information that might help us get some ideas.  Say what you have to say and we will listen.

We Want Next Year to Be Better

          The Challenge of 2015 was pretty darn good by my estimation, but there's always room for improvement.  That's one reason why we like the Reflections Posts.   We get ideas on what not to do in the future and even better we get some ideas on what we can do to improve future events.

          Many of you have some good ideas that the A to Z Team may have never considered before.  Let's hear those ideas so we can do some brainstorming.   And even if your brain is not brimming with ideas for improvement, just your general thoughts can stimulate some thinking.  Don't think that you have nothing to say because everything any of you say is worth hearing.

          Bottom line is that we want to hear from you.  All of you are important to us and each of you has some valuable input that will be lost if you don't tell us.

"What Do I Do?"

         If this is the question you're asking then let me explain.   Starting anytime between now and Friday May 8th, put together your thoughts in a Reflections Post.   No rules on this as it can be as short or as long as you like and it can be composed in any way that you wish.    Once your Reflections piece has been written then add the "Reflections" badge that you see at the top of this page to your composition.  When you have your Reflections ready to go then post it on your own blog site.

          On Monday May 4th the Reflections Linky List will appear on this blog--The Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog.   Add the link of the Reflections post that you have already posted on your site.  ***NOTE:  Add the link that directs to your Reflections Post and not your general blog URL***Please don't do this wrong and expect us to have to go back to fix it!

         You can post anytime between now and next Friday May 8th.  You must post your Reflections to your own blog before you can add it to the list at the A to Z Blog.  Only add your link to the list if you have actually done a Reflections post.  This Linky List will be accessible to all for the rest of the year so it can be advantageous for you to participate.

       Hopefully this is all clear to everyone, but don't hesitate to ask questions in the comment section if there is anything at all you don't understand.  

         Those who have successfully completed the 2015 A to Z Challenge are invited to copy the Survivor badge below and display it on your own blog to show your visitors that you are an A to Z Winner!

      We'll be looking for your Reflections Posts in the week to come!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weary Sunflower of the #atozchallenge

Tina's sunflower as it appeared on April 25th, 2015
     Each Sunday I've been doing a sunflower update post.  To read the series from the beginning you can start with The Special A to Z Tribute and the follow each Sunday after that one.

       I'm guessing that more than a few of you are feeling a bit like the sunflower pictured above.  This flower has managed to make it through April and looks like it will make it to the end of the Challenge.   I'm also pleased to report that the majority of those who began the Challenge on April 1st are still hanging it there and will be crossing the finish line at the letter "Z" on Thursday of this week.  

        At my last count we had lost 328 links from the opening count of 1888 when the list closed for sign-ups.   Over 1500 bloggers will finish the Challenge they set out to accomplish.  You all are to be congratulated.  A few might come up short for one reason or another--we understand that things can happen to derail participants sometimes--but many of those have indicated that they still plan to continue blogging the letters even if it takes them until sometime in May.  We honor everyone who at least tried.  If you didn't meet the Challenge this year you can still give it another try in 2016.

        Hang in there those of you who are blogging until the end!    On May 1st be sure to check this site for information about the A to Z Reflections Post on Monday May 4th.  This is the annual event where you have a chance to reflect on your A to Z experience and tell all of us what you think of the Challenge.  Full details coming up on Friday, but be sure to reserve May 4th on your blogging schedule.

        Let's make this final few days the best ones of all.   Get your posts up on schedule and try to make as many blog visits as you can.  Four more days!   Can you believe the end of April is so near?

        Do you have your last posts ready to go?  Will you be joining us for the May 4th Reflections?  Are you just a wee bit weary as we reach the end?


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Sunflower #AtoZChallenge Update

          As we head into the final ten day stretch of the 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, some of you might be feeling a little worn and ragged like my poor sunflower in the above photo.  If you don't know about my sunflower you can read the beginning of the story here as well as the follow-up here.

         I've mentioned previously that I'm not much of a gardener and this sunflower is essentially on its own as it struggles during our current California drought.  Maybe this is what a sunflower bloom is supposed to look like after two and a half weeks, but I wouldn't think so.  In any case, this flower is still hanging in there and hopefully will continue to stand until at least the May 4th A to Z Reflections Post.   This Reflections post has become a yearly tradition of the Challenge and we hope that everyone who finishes the Challenge will join us in this event.  Be watching for more information in the days to come.

Stay Strong!

        My sunflower is hanging in there for April.   Are you hanging in there as well with your posting and commenting?    Maybe your initial A to Z bloom has wilted away some, but we hope you're still meeting the Challenge as it was initially stated.   Since opening day approximately 250 links have been removed from the list due to not keeping up as the Challenge calls for.  We hope you aren't one of them and hope you don't become one of them.

        So how are you doing right now?   Up to date with posts?   On the right letter (tomorrow will be the letter "Q")?  

Don't Slack Off!

         As we find those of you who have fallen behind or just slacked off for some reason you may feel is fitting to not post, we are trying to leave reminders and notes of encouragement to nudge you into catching up or at least letting us know that you are there.  The co-hosts don't want to appear to be insensitive, but keep in mind that this is a challenge and not just some idle blog hop where you put your name on a Linky List and just expect it to stay there.  

        If you are not keeping up, not keeping readers informed about your status if you are not keeping up, and not communicating with the co-hosts when they attempt to find out what's going on, then you will be removed from the Challenge list.  We want to be fair to all participants including those who are faithfully posting according to the guidelines we've set for the Challenge.  When these participants take the time to visit a blog only to find that blog hasn't posted according to the letters or has shown no activity for many days then they are wasting their valuable time because that slacker blogger wasn't considerate enough to keep their blog updated.

        If you look at the instructions in the "Sign up List" tab you will see that we clearly state:
Blogs on the list showing no activity once the Challenge starts or miss five days in a row will be removed. 
We try to show some leniency and compassion for most of you other than the blogs that are obviously only on the list to be on the list and having no intention of participating--those blogs are cut without mercy when we find them.  But the others we try to give a chance before removal.  It would be unfair for anyone to say that the A to Z Team is unfair in maintaining the list to reflect actual participants.  

We're Only Human

       Admitting mistakes can happen, but we do everything we can to correct the errors when they are brought to our attention.   If you feel that you've been unfairly cut from the list then we apologize and hope that you will let us know so that we can do what we can to fix the situation.

        We are still weeding through the list in hopes of finishing with a list of bloggers who mightily made their way to the end.   And I hope that if you are reading this, you are one of those champion bloggers who cross the finish line with your letter "Z" post and stand with us in the winners circle of the May 4th A to Z Reflections Post.

          You are almost there.  You can do it!  Don't give up when you are so close and catch up to the rest of us if you have fallen a bit behind.  This Challenge is doable.

          Are you keeping up to the letter of the day?    Has there been a point during the month where you fell behind or maybe even considered giving up?    Will you be joining us for the Reflections Post on May 4th? 


Friday, May 2, 2014

Easy Friday #atozchallenge

A Big Thanks!

      Hope everyone is catching up with some rest and relaxation after the conclusion of this fantastic A to Z Challenge of 2014.   It was a good one in my eyes and I wanted to take a moment to thank the incredible crew of co-hosts that we had this year.   So much creative input and active participation from everyone from this blog, to the Facebook page, to the Twitter Chats, and everything else that went on from the A to Z Team.   Be sure to stop by all of their blogs to give your gratitude.

         Here is the A to Z Team with their links:

Arlee Bird: Tossing it Out
Alex J. Cavanaugh: Alex J. Cavanaugh
Stephen Tremp: Author Stephen Tremp
Tina Downey: Life is Good
Damyanti Biswas: Amlokiblogs
Jeremy Hawkins: [Being Retro]
Nicole Ayers: The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim: M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
AJ Lauer: Naturally Sweet
Pam Margolis: An Unconventional Librarian - 

         Also at the tab at the top labeled "Co-host Helpers and Assistants (2014)" you'll find the list of the folks who provided invaluable assistance in helping monitor the list and spreading goodwill throughout the blogs.  Be sure to visit these bloggers as well to show your appreciation.

Don't Forget Monday!

         Yes, this coming Monday May 5th  we'll open the list for you to add the link that goes directly to your A to Z Reflections Post.  This is the time when you let your thoughts about April be known and to make suggestions to make next year's Challenge better.  Some of these posts are already up and you can put yours up anytime between now and Friday May 9th when the Linky List will close.  Don't forget to add the link to your Reflections Post when the list opens on Monday.  

A Badge for You


        Most of all we want to thank you the participants.   The part you played in April was the real success of A to Z.   If you finished the 2014 A to Z Challenge be sure to grab the survivor badge to add to your own site.   And be watching the A to Z Blog for more post-Challenge news.  April may be over, but there's still more to come for A to Z.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Evaluation of A to Z based on Reflections

     Did you get your Reflections Post done and on the list?  We ended up with 382 links on this year's list.  Not a bad showing I'd say.   Like in the Challenge itself, there were some outstanding posts presenting thoughts on the 2013 Challenge.

        I'm still wending my way through the list and leaving comments at each one I visit.  I hope that more of you will do the same in order to show appreciation to the A to Z participants who took the time to add their thoughts and experiences.

        For the most part the Challenge reviews have been glowing or at least positive.  The usual negatives are there--word verification, commenting difficulties, lack of visits or comments, and not as many new followers as in previous years.   We had less of a problem with non-participant blogs thanks to our teams of helpers.  A big thank you to all of you who were part of that effort.

Here are a few specifics that some mentioned:

Adult Content Labeling:   Nagzilla and a few others expressed concern about the labeling on the list.  Some thought we were practicing censorship, but I emphatically disagree with this charge.   The AC labeling is a warning in the same way the film industry labels films with content adviseries.  And even FCC blocking of such content from public airwaves is probably not considered censorship.  Offhand I'm not sure what you call that, but A to Z is not unique in calling for some sort of screening for content that some find offensive.  We will continue to study this issue and hopefully come to a satisfactory solution.  We welcome your thoughts about this and ask that you try to understand our position on this.   I don't see that we are unreasonable in any way.

Topic Labeling:   Many of you liked having the opportunity to have blog categorizations to make it easier to find blogs that interested you most.   This is still in the experimental stage.  I agree that all of the different labels were difficult to remember.   Many suggestions have been offered on how to improve this.  I will stand by my suggestion from previous years of having a flexible programmable list that requires a few more registration steps.   The Linky List is fine for smaller blog networking events, but somewhat impractical and labor intensive for an event that has become as large as A to Z.   Any expert programmers out there who would like to contact me about this?   Since A to Z is an all volunteer project, we can't afford to pay for a programmed list, but I'm willing to listen to your ideas.

  Creating subgroups and communities:  I was interested in what Corinne Rodrigues organized from her site From 7Eight.   You might want to check out her post.   This may be part of the future of A to Z and the idea of creating communities is something we've encouraged since the event began growing as it did in the second year.  Corinne Rodrigues will be visiting the A to Z Blog on May 20th with more information.

 Comment complications:   My Rite of Passage provided a good overview of the problems some blogs have in their commenting systems or even tracking back to the blog of whoever commented in the first place.   You might want to read this for your year round blogging activities.  Not getting as many comments as you'd like?  This post explains some possible reasons for that.

Highlighting other bloggers:     Rosie Amber is among several bloggers who added lists of other blogs to her posts.   It's a nice touch to feature others and make friends in the process.

Watching stats and recording blog performance:  Katie at Adventuringathome was into stats.  You can check out how she did during April and read about her thoughts on the Challenge.  How was your month?  Did you keep an eye on blog stats?

        Please continue to visit the links on the Reflections Post list.  That list will be accessible all year.  And join us on the A to Z Ultimate Road Trip.  That list will be open all year so you can join us any time, but now is the best time so you can stay caught up.

         Do you have any observations about the A to Z Challenge that you would like to add here?   What do think about some of the points made in this post?

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Leave Yet! There's One More Thing....

Badge artwork by Ada Z from
You Mean It's Over? 

           There's a certain sadness as well as a relief when the party's over.  Yes, this April A to Z party is now finished, but the Challenges haven't ended yet.  We have a few more things that we'd like for you to do.  Don't worry--it will be fun and painless.   Certainly not the stress of the daily April postings.

             Most of you are probably aware of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post that we have scheduled for next Monday May 7th.  Some may still not be aware of what this is all about.  Let me explain what's going to happen with this May 7th post and thereafter.

May 7th -- A to Z Reflections Post

             This is your time to tell us about your A to Z experience.   Share your pleasures, your pains, your setbacks, your gains.   Who did you meet along the way that you found to be especially helpful or inspiring?  Did you have a favorite blog post?   Or a favorite series?   Which blogs did you discover during April that you will be returning to in the future?

             Express your gratitude or vent your frustrations.  If you'd do this again, let us know why.  If you hated it. tell us why.  We want you to tell your A to Z story to the rest of us and tell it in the way that suits you best.  Like the Challenge itself, this Reflection post is your creative outpouring.  Be it prose, verse, song, video, or images, you can express yourself in anyway that you like.

              And guess what:   You don't have to have finished the Challenge or even entered the Challenge to be eligible to submit a Reflections post.  Didn't finish or never got started?   Let us know what happened and tell us how you feel about that.   If you were an observer who followed some of the A to Z blog posts and even commented on a regular basis, give us your thoughts about the Challenge.   I know of a few of you that I could name, but you know who you are.  Your thoughts are important as well.

               You can put up your Reflections post anytime between now and Saturday May 12th.  The Linky list will be made available on May 7th.  Please add the link that goes directly to your Reflections post and not your general blog link.  This list will be up for a while and since there could be a large number of links on the list it may take a while for readers to get  through it and we don't want visitors to have to be searching for your Reflections post.

Evaluations Posts

             On the last three Mondays of May, I will be putting up posts evaluating this year's Challenge.  I did this last year and it provided us tremendous insight.   Even though all ideas received last year were not implemented in this year's Challenge, some remain under consideration for future Challenges.

            This year I will once again be drawing upon what you have to say in your Reflections, what some have requested in direct emails, and observations made by the A to Z Team.   I will be looking at the good parts of the Challenge and the bad parts that might need to be changed.  Then on Monday May 28th I will wrap things up with some conclusions and final thoughts about the Challenge.

            We hope you can join us for these days to add your thoughts and help us out.

Post Challenge Challenge

            For those who would like to stay active in this A to Z community until the end of the year, A to Z Team members Shannon Lawrence and Tina Downey will be reviving last year's popular Post Challenge Challenge.   More details will soon be appearing on the A to Z Blog as will a sign up list.

We Want You!

           There's lot's of open space on the A to Z Blog in the coming months--after all we A to Z Team members can't do it all and you'd probably get sick of hearing from us if we did.   We are inviting you to come and post something in this space.  Anything that would be of interest to the A to Z community is welcomed.  If you are interested in submitting something please contact one of the A to Z Team members.  Contact information is in the tab at the top of the page.

           We look forward to your participation in all of these above mentioned events.  Thanks for Blogging from A to Z.
            The A to Z Blog will be taking a break for a few days.  Come back on Monday May 7th for the Reflections Post sign up list.
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