Showing posts with label A-Z Theme Reveal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-Z Theme Reveal. Show all posts

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge2025

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

We are excited to officially announce our theme for the 2025 A to Z Blog Challenge! If you read our schedule post, you may have noticed that our posts are going to center around gratitude and our blogging community. We are grateful for all of you, whether you're joining us for the 15th time or the 1st time!

This is an optional pre-challenge blog hop, where you can submit the link to your Theme Reveal post on this Google Form for others to find. You can find the list of all posts by clicking here.

We recommend that you make a copy of the Google Sheet once the Theme Reveal closes on March 15th, but you can start hopping to other blogs right now! If you make a copy, you can change the column that says no to yes for all the blogs you visit. It's an easy way to keep track of which blogs you've visited! You can also sort and filter when you have your own copy of the Google Sheet.

The one that matters most, the official sign up, will begin on March 24th and end on April 5th, so be sure to come back in that window and sign up! We'll have two bonus blog hops in May, so don't go anywhere! We're excited to see what you have to share with our blogging community this April!

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallenge @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Theme Reveal 2021! #AtoZChallenge

Welcome to the Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal of 2021! 

Are you planning on doing a theme this year? Do share! Reveal your theme on your blog, and join the fun! Our Theme Reveal list opens today, and will be open until March 20th! 

You can sign up for the Theme Reveal with this form, and you can find the list of all the blogs participating in the Theme Reveal on this list! Make sure you visit other participants to see what fun themes everyone is coming up with!
(Please make sure you share the link directly to your Theme Reveal Post, and not your general blog!)

The Master List for the challenge will open on March 29th. Stay tuned!

Be sure to join the Theme Reveal by Saturday, March 20th! After that, the form will be closed. 

Happy A to Z! :)

Master list opens: March 29
Sign up for the main challenge then!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

2018 Pre-Challenge Blogging from A to Z Survey #AtoZchallenge

Jayden, our new co-host, has crafted this poll to help our 2018 challenge be a huge success. It can't happen without you.

Please take a minute to fill this out. (It doesn't matter if you've been with us since 2010 or if 2018 will be your first time-- we want YOUR ANSWERS!)

As a bonus, there's a special prize pack for one lucky random winner!
Any A to Z participant who completes the survey and publically shares this post is eligible to win.
Closes March 3, 2018.

2018 Pre-Challenge Blogging from A to Z Poll #AtoZchallenge prize pack

Disney's "Frozen" executive trio stationery set (leather journal, writing utensils, light keychain), Thor: Ragnarok coin, keychain (nail clipper, bottle opener, logo of 2018 Superbowl champions-- the Philadelphia Eagles), Minion Dave sticker, "Party Rd" Pennsylvania Amish country novelty road sign, 5 postcards (Pennsylvania state images, Pennsylvania Dutch direction sign, Pennsylvania Amish horse and buggy Intercourse picture, Whoopie Pie recipe, Shoofly Pie recipe), and "Be Insta Famous" social media journal.
(Estimated value= $50 US)

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Pre-Challenge Survey Closes   ---  March 3, 2018
  • A to Z Challenge Sign Up   ---  March 5, 2018 
  • Theme Reveal   ---  March 19, 2018
  • "A" post   ---  April 1, 2018 (No fooling! 😁 )
  •  After Challenge Survey  ---  May 3, 2018
  • Reflections  ---  May 7, 2018

Mark your calendars. 📅 

Don't forget to SHARE THIS POST!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Get your A to Z Theme Reveal badge!

You have been practicing! We put up a trial post yesterday so that people can experiment with posting their links in the comments, just as they will during the challenge - and everyone seems to be doing pretty great!
So, what's the next step?

Well, if you'd like some more practice - and also, if you are planning on doing a theme! - we are happy to inform you that even though we have no Linky this year, we do have a Theme Reveal! The date is March 20th (Monday), and there will be a Theme Reveal post up here on the main blog, so that you can link your own reveal posts in the comments. 

AND we have a badge for you to display in your post! You can see it below, or download it from here

We are looking forward to all your wonderful themes! Mark your calendars for March 20th!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#atozchallenge Have you … Huh? Huh? Huh?

With the Challenge approximately a month away, now would be a good time to take stock of where we're at and what's left to be done. Have you …

   a.    Invited people to participate?
   b.    Shared information about the Challenge via social media?
   c.    Decided on a theme?
   d.    Signed up for the A-Z Theme Reveal,   which is on March 21, 2016?
   e.    Done any research on your topic of choice?
   f.     Written up any of your posts as yet?
   g.    Scheduled said posts for the designated dates?
   h.   Gone down the list of A-Z participants and checked out a few new blogs?

     If you haven't done any of the above, now is an excellent time to get moving so you'll have more time during the Challenge to blog hop, socialize, and stay ahead of the game.

Have fun as you prepare to rock the Challenge!