Showing posts with label A to Z Video Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A to Z Video Challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

#atozchallenge: Sunday Summary March 11, 2012

Official A to Z Logo Badge
Artwork by Ada Zdanowicz
For most of you in the United States, did you remember to set your clocks forward for Daylight Savings Time?

The A to Z Video Challenge Contest ends tonight.  We must have your videos turned in by 11:59 PM EST tonight Sunday March 11, 2012.  Finalists (which may be all submitted videos since there are so few) will be selected by readers via a voting poll which will be made available between March 15th and 19th.   Since there are so few videos entered, the poll may actually appear earlier than March 15th.  Be watching the A to Z Blog site to vote for your favorites.

Kern Windwraith at The Odd Particle [Re]View decided to take the plunge into the alphabet soup of April.  Don't worry, Kern, you'll be fine.

Deena will be busy in April as she participates her blogs Deena's Days and On the Road with U2.  On the latter she'll be doing her 26 favorite U2 songs from A to Z--that should be fun.

Of Glass and Paper made the A to Z announcement to make it official.

Victoria at Always a Booklover makes a hard sell for her readers to join the Challenge.  Good promotion Victoria!

November Rain has her own special A to Z blog at A-Z Bloggit Write.  She debuted her site with a Challenge announcement.  Go over and become an early follower.

Rek from A Chronicle of Dreams submitted her video offering last week-end and had a few more words to say about her entry and the A to Z Challenge.

Some great Challenge tips are offered at a post from RJR Daydreamer.  This might be a good checklist for everyone to review.

Ruth at Welcome to Me offered a Challenge post awhile back showing that it's not always all about her.

LB from LB & J blog is taking the big plunge to make her first blogging challenge the April A to Z.  She's planning a fun theme revolving around Disney.

The official announcement of acceptance was made at Club Creative Studio.  I guess we should be expecting some creative posts from this blog.

Suze at Analog Breakfast offered some helpful tips about A to Z Blogging on her site.

Pick a day at My Write Spot and you're apt to find something about the April Challenge.  Donna's doing it right/write.   Maybe you can help her out.

My dear blogging friend Debra Harris-Johnson from Dream Weaver puts the A to Z Challenge in perspective as she reflects on its value and its potential for those who write.

A to Z co-host Damyanti is still looking for your help with story prompts for her April Challenge entries.  Read about it at Amlokiblogs.

Telling others about the A to Z Challenge works.  Read the story at The Writer's Experiment for a testimonial.

I missed this mention from early last month.  Jan at begin...begin again made the announcement shortly after sign-ups opened and I'd be amiss not to mention this.

Rhonda Parrish is asking readers to ask her a question.  Go to her blog to find out why.

Pam at 2 Encourage tells about how her Challenge theme in April will be about "The Blessings of Blogging".  There are so many aren't there.

Carrie Anne Brownian will be digging up characters to bring back to life.  Hmmm--that maybe isn't phrased quite right.  I've made it sound like a zombie theme.  You'll have to go to her site to read more.

You might find it helpful to read Jo's fine article at In Which We Start Anew--good advice for all.

Jarm Del Boccio at Making the Write Connections wants lots of bloggers to join in the A to Z Challenge.  She would also like for all of you to stop by and give her a little help.

The Left Wright Brain also took the time to promote the A to Z Challenge with a nod to famous alphabetist Sue Grafton.

JoJo at Tahoma Beadworks and Photography has made the A to Z commitment with an announcement of intent.

Ms. Pat at just sayin' has a lot going on, but she's moving forward with the April Challenge on top of everything else.

Texas Yellow Rose from Phoenix Once Again does some contemplating about the Challenge--yes, it's going to be fun.

Story Gush gushed about the Challenge.  Well, at least gave a short mention.  The chosen topic sounds like a fun one.

Kela at Teardrops On My Book also gave A to Z a plug just in time to make this week's Sunday Summary.

We're trying to keep up with all of the mentions.  If you run across one that you think should be included in the next Sunday Summary, please let us know.  Make sure you stop by today's featured blogs and tell these bloggers hello.

Another video entry came in, this one from Rachel Morgan:


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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Me and the A to Z: Guest Post from Mary at Giggles and Guns

Me and the A to Z

I'm smiling, no laughing, that Lee wants me to write about my experience with A to Z 2011.

Let me tell you...

See this doppel of me from Facebook? There's a reason it's not a photo. I'm bald now due to A to Z 2011. I'm kidding. All but a few patches have grown back. If I do a comb-over like a middle-aged man you can hardly tell. Honest.

        I watched the 2010 Challenge from the sideline. Most of it anyway. I discovered it late and was embarrassed to join half way through. I promised myself I would do the next one. When registration came up I jumped right in. I started preparing posts in February. I was on it like fleas on a dog. All I had left were my six doozies -- Q, V, F, Z, U and Y. I refused to skip an entry. A couple of times I think I was almost putting up posts only a few hours apart.

       As April approached I watched the list of blogs to visit grow ... and grow ... and grow ... More than once I prayed the monitors would shut down registration. They finally did. At something like 1200+.

       Seriously, guys, what were you thinking? My original plan of scheduling posts and spending xx amount of time visiting new blogs and checking out old friends was lost. No way. After all life goes beyond blog reading. Life, eye strain and headaches can put the brakes on visiting all those sites in 30 days. Best laid plans and all that. I think it was August by the time I got to the final participants. (My humblest apologies inserted here.)

      I notice that a lot of folks hit the high hundreds (and even thousands) with new followers. I didn't gain that many. Maybe because I didn't follow every blog I visited. Everyone handles the whole following thing differently. Some click the Follow Me button everywhere they stop. Some follow only those who write a certain type of posts. Some only follow where they want to return. To each his own.

      Well, A to Z 2012 is fast approaching. I was prepared to blow it off this year. But the more I see that button and read how excited everyone is the more I have to join, no, want to join. Besides, what would I do with all the posts I've already written. They wouldn't make sense to use any other time. That's right, guys, I'm ready. Bring on April!

My hints?

  • Prepare early
  • Keep it short
  • Turn off the darn captcha and word verification. Many participants skip blogs where those are necessary. (Guilty) Imagine 1200 blogs each requiring two steps to leave a comment. That's a lot of wasted time and typing. I block anonymous comments on my blog because of an overzealous shoe salesman. Again to each his own.

THE most important thing to remember ...

ENJOY YOURSELF! Have fun. It's all about the fun and friends, old and new. I'm looking forward to visiting everyone -- hopefully, before the A to Z 2013.


There are just a few days left to submit you A to Z promotion video.  Look in the appropriate tab at the top of the page for more details.    Here's something fun from Tracy Jo Blowers at A Brand New Day.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

#atozchallenge: Sunday Summary March 4, 2012

Your A to Z Challenge promo posts are appearing all over the place and now it's getting difficult to keep up with all of them.  I'm sure we'll miss some of them, but please bear with us as we love them all and appreciate every mention that we get.

We tried our best to get to 1000 sign-ups this past week.  With your help we can still make it.   By April 1st I hope to see at least 1500.  Keep encouraging everyone you know to join us.

Don't forget about the A to Z Video contest.  We haven't had any submissions in the past week and we'd love to see a few more before next Sunday's closing date.  The video doesn't have to be professional or anything elaborate, just you and something you want to say about the A to Z April Challenge.

Here are some of the special posts we came across this week:

Jessica at Visions of Other Worlds is in a quandary about how best to approach the Challenge.  She even offers a poll for those who want to help her decide.

I believe the announcement on ReAhkemiH's fullishness in its fool blog was in Portuguese, but her final sentence assured readers that her Challenge entries will be in English.  A to Z is a worldwide event!

Jennifer Wells declared her love of a good challenge and exhorts her readers to sign up for A to Z in April.

Overcrowded Book Shelves blog makes an April Challenge debut in 2012. Can anyone help her with the letter "z"?

Back for her second year, Miriam joins in Jenny Pearson's A to Z Tag questions on her blog An' de walls came tumblin' down.  She found the questions on the blog Wake up, eat, write, sleep where Annalisa Crawford also answered the questions.

Teresa at Jounaling Woman has been posting about the A to Z Challenge with some regularity now including this Open Letter.   Hang in there Teresa--chocolate marshmallow eggs are the best cure-all for all that ails you.

Sarah Allen at No Write No Wrong is back for a second year and she tells how she's ready to go.  She'd like to hit the 200 follower mark and as I write this she needs 74 more to make it. Maybe you can help her out right now by visiting her blog and clicking the "Friend Connect" button.  Maybe you'll get a new follower as well (that's usually the way it works you know).

Julie at Empty Nest Insider recalls how last year's Challenge got her fired up.  She's looking forward to the 2012 Challenge.

Yadin Bromberg is making lemonade:  Main ingredient the A to Z Challenge.  That's the way my blog friend!

Lucy Jane is at her Writing Desk and geared up to go in April.   She's in for a second year.

Theres Just Life has joined the A to Z party and is crazy about the Challenge.

Sylvia at Writing in Wonderland is returning to the Challenge and offers some good reasons why others should be a part of this great blogging event.

Then there was inspirenordic who passed on an award with a "join the A to Z Challenge" stipulation.  We condone bribery in this case.

Kelly at Kelly Said... said that she was accepting the Challenge so said Kelly at Kelly Said...  Now say that quickly three times.

Thank you Jennifer Fischetto for the mention.  Also Cynthia at Read Is the New Black, and Tambo Writes.

Tracy at A2ZMommy gave us a great shout-out in her post.  Thanks, Tracy!

I leave with a video idea offered by Nicole from Madlab Post :

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More Easy Production Ideas for A to Z Video Challenge Entries : Guest Nicole from Madlab Post

Nicole from Madlab Post
         Nicole from Madlab Post is back with some more tips about making videos.  For those who are new to the A to Z Blog or just happened to miss the announcement along the way, we are having an A to Z Video Contest where you can submit a promo video for the April Challenge.  Details can be found by clicking a tab at the top of this page.  There is also a tab where you can go to visit some of the videos that have already been sent to us.  For those who may be intimidated by the prospect of making a video, Nicole is offering some assistance.

More Easy Production Ideas for A to Z Video Challenge Entries – Part 2

        Live shots, which are one of the easiest ways to make a promo for the A to Z Video challenge and get it up online was covered in Part 1 of my production tips for bloggers. Since all videos are not made equal, there are additional ways that you can promote the 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge using video editing programs that came with your computer and video footage that you recorded on a camcorder or modern day gadget such as an iPhone or digital camera. Here are some options that can be used to step things up a notch on the editing side when making an online video.

        Import the recorded footage that you want to use into a video editing program that came with your computer. This can be done using either a firewire cable or a USB cable, depending on the camera that you have. If you are using a PC, then you will be making your video with Windows Movie Maker. Mac users can use iMovie to edit their videos.

       To make this process easier, it may be better for you to start off with one or two Live Shot recordings based on the previous post (Part 1) on video tips. Once your video footage is imported into the video editing program, you can trim the footage so that the finished video only includes the portion of the footage that you want. You can also add titles to the video, which makes for a good time to add the address of the A to Z Challenge website in your video somewhere. The screen in Windows Movie Maker and iMovie will display the running time, so you can make sure that it is 2 minutes or less.

      You can also add a music track by importing an MP3 song or audio recording from your computer, into the video editing program and then adding it underneath your video on the timeline (assuming you are either using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie, but other editing programs such as Adobe Premiere Express allow you to add music as well…I just don’t remember what the interface of that particular program is like, so I won’t comment on it at this time) for an extra layer to your Blogging from A to Z promo. Once you have the video done the way you like it, export it or save it and then upload it online somewhere where it can be viewed by the public and submit it using the submission form on the A to Z website and then you're done.  

       Actually, you’re not done….don’t forget to promote it to your blogging friends and social networks or mention it or embed it on your own blog.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A to Z Video Challenge: Some Ideas from Nicole

         Now that you're signed up for April you've got 2 months to get ready for it.  This is a great time to make a video to enter into the A to Z Video Promo Contest.  Make a short video about the A to Z April Challenge and submit it to us.   Check the above tabs for more details.  And to provide some helpful tips on video ideas we have Nicole from The Madlab Post with us.

Easy Production Ideas for A to Z Video Challenge Entries – Part 1

Nicole from The Madlab Post
Contrary to what some bloggers who are Blogging from A to Z in April may believe, making a video for the A to Z Promo Contest that is open now, is pretty easy. It’s 2012! Meaning, you don’t need rolls of 8mm film and conversion equipment to submit something to the A to Z Video Challenge. All you need is a video recording device. Don’t have a camcorder? That’s ok too.

In this day and age, you probably own at least one gadget that has the capabilities to give you a two minute long video recording, such as an iPhone, iPod, Digital Camera (you know, the ones you use to take digital photos of your vacation or kid’s birthday party with? If you have a newer model, as in the last 5 years or so, it should have a video recording feature), Flipcam, Android phone with video capability, DSLR with video capability or a webcam…yes, I said a webcam, but before you either get your undies in a bunch or start losing them to get ready for your closeup because you’re such an exhibitionist, read on as I unpack a box of the simplest ways for Bloggers participating in the A to Z challenge to make a video promo for this event….webcam not included!

It’s all in the Live Shots

Make a video that features everything you want all in one shot, or rather, one recording. You just press the record button, record all you need to get in the video…in 2 minutes or less, of course, and be done with it. It does not matter what you choose to be the subject of your live shot nor does it matter what you record, so long as everything is included to convey the message that you want to get across to viewers.

You can record yourself talking to the camera, similar to the style in which one would record a live video podcast or TV contest entry. For those of you who are camera shy, like me, you also have the option to let the world or your surroundings speak for you. Record your pets or an area of beautiful scenery in your town and then signage to convey the message of your video. Want music? Play a song on your radio in the background while recording the video. Don’t have a radio? Fine. Put a CD into your DVD player and turn on the TV to let the sound play through the speakers in the background. Problem solved!

Have kids? Great! Let them be the star of the live shot and instruct them to talk about the A to Z challenge or the alphabet in general. You can also use props to spice up your live shot so that it doesn’t look like a talking head from the local news broadcast, boring viewers to death. That is of course, unless you want to have a talking head video as your live shot. There are ways to make this work without being boring.

You can either record a simple video testimonial, talking about your previous experience with the A to Z challenge, why you plan to blog from A to Z in April or what your exact blogging strategy is to complete the challenge and come out on the other side in one piece…OR…you can find one of those silly Bobble head toys (they make a lot of them for NFL players) and record the bobble head while you act as the voice in the background. The live shot approach works well for those using digital cameras or video camcorders that can be easily connected to a computer for sending to a hard drive and/or then uploading to YouTube or other online video website of your choosing.

Stay tuned for more ideas for the folks among you who want to take it a step further and get all fancy with recorded footage! In the meantime, if you need inspiration or need to see examples of how simple yet powerful one shot or live shot video recordings can be, just check out some of the “My Secrets” uploads on YouTube. This one made by Kaline Bran almost moved me to tears.

Visit Nicole at
The Madlab Post

video link:

Here's a quick sample that Nicole put together for this post that will further illustrate what she's talking about above:

And here is our latest entry sent in from Kathleen at Living 2012:

See--isn't that fun?

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Countdown Begins.....


           Kick off for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge starts in just a few hours.  Are you ready?

           Are your blogs dressed for the occasion?  Badges, buttons, and banners?   Are you ready to meet your fellow bloggers who will be taking part?

         Have you been planning posts and strategies?   It's time to put on your best blog face and show the blogosphere what you've got?  

        Wait a minute!  We still have two months don't we?  Sure we do, but it's not too soon to start getting ready.

         The list will be going up soon and hopefully you will be adding your name to this blog roll of honor.  But don't forget your fellow bloggers.  This year's list is bound to be big.  So big that few of us will make it through during April.  This week will be the time to start meeting your fellow A-to-Z-ers.

          Over the course of the next couple of months take the opportunity to get to know the others in the Challenge.    Go through the list and follow your favorites or follow them all if that's your preference.   And please don't forget to follow the hosts of this Challenge.  We've been working hard putting together the mightiest blog event of them all. There will be a lot happening on all of our blogs and you won't want to miss any of it.

           Keep your eyes right here on the A to Z Blog for all the latest happenings.

           Also, don't forget that there is still the A to Z Video Contest going on.  Let's have some videos.  On Wednesday we'll have a special post about the Video Contest that may be of big help to you.

            A to Z is everywhere.  Keep your senses alert!     

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Letters Entertain You: A Word from Arlee Bird

English: icon of Keep Your Word by bambooappsImage via Wikipedia

         Are you having as much fun with the alphabet as I am?

         I've been preparing my A to Z posts and having a great time with it.   I think I've come up with some fun A to Z posts for April and maybe some surprises.  Since last year I'm sold on the idea of preparing posts ahead of time so I can do more visiting come April.

          Alana Garrigues talked about the idea of preplanning in her A to Z guest post this past Monday.  If you missed Alana's post, it's well worth your time to go back to visit it.   She provides some excellent tips on how to tackle the Challenge and breaks things down into some easily digestible bits.

           That's the way Alana operates.  Visit her blog Writercize and you'll see what I mean.   I had some fun with one her writing exercises the other day when with a tip of her hat to the A to Z Challenge she posed the following:  

       Write a 26 word glimpse of a story or poem in which each word begins with a different letter of the alphabet, in alphabetical order, from A through Z. 

           With my mind filled with thoughts about the A to Z Challenge, I offered this: 

        "A big challenge daunts everyone. Forget gentility. Have 

intrepidation! Just keep laconic. Make notes or prepare quite 

rigorously. Such tactics unleash victory. Winners--Xerox your 


           Alana suggested I put my attempt here which was exactly my idea as soon as I had finished writing it.   See how much inspiration the alphabet can offer.

           The biggest A to Z news this week was the announcement of the A to Z Video Challenge.  If you like to make videos I encourage you to try this.   

          Contrary to some of the comments we received, making a video such as this doesn't have to require immense video making skill or many hours in creating a video.   You can make a pretty decent video entry in an hour or even less.  Try it--you might like it!   And the more entries we get, the more fun prizes we'll come up with.

           So there you go.   Lot's happening in Alphabetland.   The April Challenge sign-ups are now only a week away.   Are you ready for the fun?

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time to Sign Up for the A to Z Video Challenge!

     Are you ready to sign up for the A to Z Video Challenge?  We hope so!
        The A to Z Video Challenge is a bit of an experiment so we hope you'll bear with us if we occasionally have to tweak it a bit over the course of the next       couple of months. Please feel free to provide any suggestions or comments that might help   us in this              experiment. And of course, feel free to ask any questions you may have about the Video    Challenge.
        First let's review the two videos that kicked off this challenge:

               These great videos are from Ron Easton and Ada Zdanowicz.  Each of them provides an example of what your video entry should include.  

          We want to encourage creativity in this Challenge.  Your 
video can be funny, dramatic, commercial, arty, educational, or 
whatever style you choose.  But for the sake of uniformity we  have some rules.

          Here are the A to Z Video Challenge rules:

1.   Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes in length including credits.

2.   Subject matter of video must pertain in some way to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge and include the site address of prominently in the video.

3.  Content should be suitable for general audiences.

4.  The video must be new and made for the A to Z Challenge and it must not have been previously posted online anywhere including a blog or website.

5.  Videos must be downloaded to YouTube or a similar site where they can be shared in order to allow them to be placed on the A to Z Blog and to be linked to for viewing purposes by the audience.  The video creator should place their entry or entries on their blog or web page if they have one.  The entered link can correspond to any of these placements.

6.   All videos will remain property of the creator with permission granted to A to Z Blog for exhibition on that site.

7.   Finalists will be chosen by a panel of judges that may include A to Z Team members or others selected by the Team to act as judges.  Videos will be accepted for judging until 11:59 PM EST Sunday March 11, 2012.

8.   Winners will be chosen in a vote by the A to Z audience between March 15th and 19th with winner(s) announced on March 20th.   Voting will close at 11:59 PM EST on March 19th.

9.   Number of winners may vary depending on number of entries received.  If  there are enough entrants categories such as most creative, funniest, best animation, or others may be opened per judges determination.

10.  Prizes will be determined by the A to Z Team and subject to any additional prize donations.

11.   Rules for the A to Z Video Challenge may be subject to minor adjustment depending on number of entrants or other unforeseen factors.

       We hope this is simple enough for everyone to understand.  If you have questions please ask.

         Now about the prizes.  Since this is a rather hastily assembled contest and an experiment at that, prizes will be limited primarily to promotion and recognition.

          Winners of the Challenge will be given special guest or feature opportunities on some of the A to Z Team Blogs.   All video entries will be featured on the A to Z Blog with winning videos featured again in special promotional spots on the A to Z Challenge Blog after the Video Challenge has closed and during the month of April.  

          As stated at the opening, this A to Z Video Challenge is an experiment we are trying out this year to see what the level of interest is.  If all goes well, perhaps next year we'll start putting this Video Challenge together earlier and get some bigger more tangible prizes.  But the exposure and promotion gained for your blog, website, or video-making talent can be very valuable gaining you new fans or even clients.   And the bragging rights could be fun too.

        As the Challenge continues this year we will probably see some  surprise prizes appearing along the way.   It probably won't be big cash awards or expensive premiums, but we might be having some fun things to add to up the ante.  It depends on how many of you enter the Video Challenge.

         So now for the entries.  The entry form is included in this post today and will continue to be found at the top of the page by clicking the tab marked "A to Z Video Challenge Entries".    Fill in the form with the link where your video can be found, your name or the name the entity submitting the video (blog, website, company, organization, etc),  your email address so we can contact you (this will only be seen by Challenge administrators), and tell us if you will be participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  

        That's all there is to it.  So if you already have a video made, then submit your information now.   Or come back later and submit it when your video is ready.  You have nearly two months to submit your video since we will be accepting them until 11:59 PM EST of Sunday March 11, 2012.   But please don't tarry.  We're anxious to see your videos.

        Now let's get creative!

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Saturday Updates

       Have you heard about the A to Z video challenge yet?  If not be sure to check the posts earlier this week here and here.

        To eliminate any confusion, you don't have to make a video to participate in the A to Z Challenge.  The Video Challenge is just an addition for those who have an interest in making video.  It's also something to entertain the rest of us between now and April.   Hopefully by the middle of April we'll have some pretty slick videos to use as  A to Z promotion.

        If you like to dabble in video, I encourage you to join us.  More information about the A to Z Video Challenge will be given this coming Wednesday on this site.   In the mean time, start putting together your videos and let's have some fun!

       On Friday January 13th we had a nice post from Melissa's Imaginarium.  We appreciate these fine posts that help get the word out.  The best promotion comes from word of mouth and it's nice when people who know about the Challenge endorse it.

       Also on Friday, Our Life in a Caravan gave a mention to the A to Z Challenge.  Who says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day?

        Have you started preparing any posts for April?   Has anyone started putting together anything for the video Challenge?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ada Z's A to Z Video

               What can you come up with?   Enlighten us.  Entertain us.  I think I see some cool ideas coming.

Thanks to Ada Z as in Zdanowicz.  That was excellent.  And if you didn't see Ron Easton's videos you can find them here or here.  Now we're looking for your video.

We're going to be having an A to Z Video Challenge.   For more info, please read Wednesday's post.
