I had no idea what I had let myself in for when I signed up for the Challenge, never having entered anything like this before. At the 215 (or was it 216) entry I was amazed to see over 1000 register. That nearly put me off.
I planned to have 5 posts in hand throughout the month, this quickly fell back to 3 – Easter nearly saw me quit.
The main negative for me was trying to read too many blogs each day and after 10 days or so I had to give up searching. Then I discovered the Next Blog and Surprise Me buttons on someone else’s blog and they led me to a wider set of Challengers.
However this meant I was unable to comment on every blog I visited.
Another disappointment was the number of entrants who didn’t. I‘d love to know how many actually completed the challenge.
My followers increase by 66% and by the end I had made it past 100. My thanks to all that joined me.
I was honoured to received three awards – I didn’t know they existed before. Thanks for those and also to Elizabeth Mueller for the laughing Zebra at the end.
Would I do it again? Yes – probably, but like many I would have to trim the length of some of my posts.
Finally congratulations and grateful thanks to Arlee and the ‘gang’ who organised the whole shebang. You did/are doing a great job.