Seems like only yesterday it was April 1 and at the very beginning of the A to Z Challenge for 2024, and here we stand ready to wrap things up and put this year's Challenge to bed.
If you've gotten this far and are going to submit for the letter V, you're only four posts away from completing the challenge and earning that winner's badge! If you're trying to catch up, don't worry, we have faith in you that you'll come through and finish in a blaze of glory.
Whatever your status, we're proud of you and hope you had a chance to visit other blogs and enjoy what everyone else had to share. If you didn't, no worries! There's always the Road Trip to accomplish that. Details to follow!
Keep the faith! Just five more days to go!
MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!