The following are the links to the Google Forms for experienced users who want to fill out the forms in advance. Please remember that the links must be Direct Links to your post.

LetterDateWeekdayForm LinkList Link
Sign Up Instructionshttp://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/2018/03/master-list-sign-ups.html
Master List
https://goo.gl/forms/H8MapvAD7mKYpgsV2Master List
Theme Reveal
https://goo.gl/forms/jLtwu8iMAOSaYZko1Theme Reveal List
A4/1/18Sundayhttps://goo.gl/forms/QXYD9nTt8ETZ0HuC3A List
B4/2/18Mondayhttps://goo.gl/forms/pGqdzMMVoARv6xjT2B List
C4/3/18Tuesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/lm6VpNqy4WC6qc2Z2C List
D4/4/18Wednesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/ju8KOKZpTb6E8Zok1D List
E4/5/18Thursdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/RmTGYV8Mde9f1VxM2E List
F4/6/18Fridayhttps://goo.gl/forms/hZqznoRlxYZucnMq1F List
G4/7/18Saturdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/wHHsG7TpAr0joGRN2G List


H4/9/18Mondayhttps://goo.gl/forms/GPdbv4dvaZeJbGMw1H List
I4/10/18Tuesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/lBg7Iip9gH6WC3xj2I List
J4/11/18Wednesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/Zl7vH7BcEf5nkzGh2J List
K4/12/18Thursdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/lhaqnSO8JI3Ox1vG2K List
L4/13/18Fridayhttps://goo.gl/forms/W5xtiqnsCQruhnHu2L List
M4/14/18Saturdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/48QoDubD8GkHuCs02M List


N4/16/18Mondayhttps://goo.gl/forms/BVgqTJFcHPCqE70k1N List
O4/17/18Tuesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/ryxp3REaSpil2AC72O List
P4/18/18Wednesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/62BFUoHnhjuB7JWv2P List
Q4/19/18Thursdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/f9g7ZMNMOBsJqJTR2Q List
R4/20/18Fridayhttps://goo.gl/forms/uMLRUqb7gxMvKuTQ2R List
S4/21/18Saturdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/r7D0DAnZBPyzv8Fq2S List


T4/23/18Mondayhttps://goo.gl/forms/t9klBrEn8Q95BVcV2T List
U4/24/18Tuesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/6uQrstqCNj9XGY1x1U List
V4/25/18Wednesdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/MP3P1Hf8ZC4SynHv2V List
W4/26/18Thursdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/CDOa2v3K4Oq2uJ5o2W List
X4/27/18Fridayhttps://goo.gl/forms/AlXbVsKzfo18H5po2X List
Y4/28/18Saturdayhttps://goo.gl/forms/lqllqK9SIEOP39p13Y List


Z4/30/18Mondayhttps://goo.gl/forms/NRXdfwnmvu5YYHpk1Z List


Sue McPeak said...

Will the scheduled direct links convert to the daily posts? In other words if the url shows to be a 'preview' when posted to the daily list, will it change as a live post on the day scheduled. I am in Blogger, and that is the 'preview' option is the only way I can see to post to the list in advance. I hope this a clearer than mud question.

Donna B. McNicol said...

Sue, no the preview link won't work. I use Blogger as well. On the right hand side there is a clickable link for PERMALINK. Click that, then click the button for CUSTOM PERMALINK. That will assign either the link before it's published. By default, it will use the post title. I assigned my own name. You can do either way.

BUT, to get the correct URL you need to do this.
1) Assign the custom permalink and click DONE
2) Click PERMALINK again and highlight the assigned full URL shown...don't change anything. Click DONE.

Sue McPeak said...

Thanks...I think I did it. Good directions for a step by step learner. Is there anyway you can check it for correctness before I go to the next letters? If not I will wait for Sunday. If I did it right, it should be on the Daily List...right? I've been on blogger since 2009 and never knew about the permalink. Sure glad I asked. I bet I'm not the only Blogger user that would benefit from your directions.
Thanks again,
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

Sue Bursztynski said...

I've just done my first post - what now? I've done the Google form thing, but where do I find what other people have posted? And how do they find me without looking at a speadsheet?

Donna B. McNicol said...

Wish I could but they haven't published the link to the daily lists themselves, just the form to enter them. Glad I could help...I've used Blogger since 2006 and only dabbled with the permalinks in the last couple of years. LOL! We tend to use what we need, especially with something new. Guess we will see tomorrow!

Shilpa Garg said...

Here's the LINK TO LETTER A SPREADSHEET https://goo.gl/CeRMy3

It is shared in this post - http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/2018/04/a-is-for-amazing-alphabet-team.html
Hope this helps.
5 Reasons Why Adventure Travel is Good For You #AtoZChallenge

Shine Kapoor said...

Day 1 of April #AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z http://blog.shinekapoor.com/2018/04/are-you-day-one-of-to-z-challenge.html

~Lee~ said...

Thanks -- I couldn't find it either...even with my Dragon's Eye View!

A Momma's View said...

Can I still join in?

scarlett79 said...

This is my 3rd year in the AtoZChallenge. In the previous years, I would have to take a copy of my post link and post that link on a certain page. I don't see where I am suppose to link my post for the challenge. Can someone tell me, thanks.

Pearson Report said...

Hello team! Like a few others I don't know where the time has gone. (no excuse, but seriously, it has gone somewhere without me knowing) LOL

Anyway, I'm as confused as a few others. I did go and read the related posts regarding signing up to the master list - which I understand is now closed.

I have been adding my daily posts to the daily link page, but... I don't know where to find the daily posts of others.

Is it all based on the master list - if so, I guess that's where I'll start, though no one else will see what I've posted.

Now, I get it, the list is close... but... really, I figured it would be open for a day or two afterwards.

Anyhow, if it's not doable, it's not doable... no worries. I'll get back to doing my own thing.

Cheers, Jenny - Happy blogging. :)

Pearson Report said...

So, with a little more looking I realize it's pointless adding a direct link to my posts as there is nowhere for them to show up. So sad...

That won't stop me for Tweeting and posting anyway. However, I do think this new system is missing something. Feels to mechanical, lost an element of "people" in the mix.

Good luck with it all. Cheers, Jenny :)

Unknown said...

http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/2018/04/ This page lists the letters and a link to the day's posts from other bloggers. Scroll down and you'll find links to each letter. I agree, they were hard to find...
Here is the link for today - "c" --
If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Hello! Each day, when new posts go up on the A to Z Blog, the Daily Lists are also published. So anyone who views the daily lists will see your links.

The other great way to get your blog viewed is to comment on others' blogs.

We'll do a survey at the end of the month, so keep your suggestions in mind for how we can improve!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-Host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Absolutely! You can join in by posting your link on the daily forms. The list of links will publish each day with the post on the A to Z page.

You can also comment on other people's blogs! That's one of the best ways to participate.

Happy blogging!
Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Hello! You can post your daily links on the forms above. The list of links will be provided each day in the post we make on www.a-to-zchallenge.com

Happy blogging!
Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

When we post each day at www.a-to-zchallenge.com the lists are published then, too. This page is provided merely as a way to allow people to put their links up if they pre-scheduled their posts. The biggest complaint from last year was that you couldn't publish your link until the day of, which didn't allow for anyone to pre-schedule.

At the end of the month we'll be doing a survey, and we'll be happy to hear your suggestions and make adjustments for the future!

Happy blogging!
Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

KJ Scrim, Writer said...

I forgot to add my 'G' post when I put it up and now the list is no longer available to add to. How can I add it? https://kjscrim.com/2018/04/07/g-is-for-geography/

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The list closes 48 hours after it opens, but you've posted it here, so people can access it that way!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

A. J. Sefton said...

Quite a few dead links...how does that happen?

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The only thing I can think of is that people don't post the correct links? Sorry to hear that, though!

Unknown said...

My name has not appeared on the masterlist even though I registered 3 days before the campaign began. Can anything be done now?

Sue Bursztynski said...

Here is the link to my S post. The theme is Aussie Children's Writers, the letter is S Is For Seven Little Australians


J.Q. Rose said...

Uh-oh. I've been posting the permalink to the daily list, but I used the automatic one, not the custom. I think that will still work. Fingers crossed it does. I haven't bothered to check for my link because there are so many bloggers listed. Thanks for this A to Z opportunity to promote our blogs. What a huge job you have.
JQ Rose

Red said...

Where is the X list? I've been waiting and waiting... it's now the 28th here, which means evening of the 27th for you. I think there must be a problem. It should have been up hours ago.

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

I thought I posted the exact X one for the Story Crossroads blog, though here it is: https://storycrossroads.com/2018/04/27/x-is-for-xhosa-xenial-xenodochial-a-to-z-blog-challenge/. Theme of Mythology and Folklore.

KJ Scrim, Writer said...

Is there a glitch in the lists? I haven't seen one since "W". X,Y, and Z aren't listed. I just posted my Z. Everyone can check it out at: http://kjscrim.com/2018/04/30/z-is-for-zoo/

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The lists don't auto-post, but if you read our daily posts, that's where they have been all along. :) Glad to know you're accessing them here, too.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The lists don't auto-post, but if you read our daily posts, that's where they have been all along. :) Glad to know you're accessing them here, too.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

We have the daily lists for just that reason. :) You can also comment on blogs!

Dena Pawling said...

Do you have a 2018 survivor badge? I'm not seeing it.

Heather Erickson said...

I had the same question. I've seen them on other blogger's sites, but I can't find it.

scarlett79 said...

When is the Road Trip starting ???

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The 23rd. :) Soon!