A to Z Post Challenge Road Trip 2014 Sign-up List

Who's ready for a more leisurely pace than that of April?   The post challenge trip is a meandering journey through the list of participants, at your own pace, with your own rules, and very few expectations.  A to Z co-hosts Tina, Nicole, and Heather are your guides.

Tips for the road: you're in charge. Want to visit one new blog a day? Want to visit hundreds of blogs a day? No problem. You're driving. Unless you hitch a ride with a friend, which I think is a good idea. You might want to take turns driving, or playing the tunes. It's really just some friends hanging out and continuing visiting.

Some strategies you might want to try:
Visit all the blogs with your same category
Visit all the blogs whose names intrigue you
Visit all the even (or odd) blogs
Start from where you left off and keep on truckin'...

Whatever you do, don't forget that this trip is a journey, not a destination. Signing up on the linky doesn't mean you're committing to visiting ALL the blogs. All you're saying is, “I ain't done yet.” We'll have some encouraging rah rah posts along the way, and a chance for you to share your best “finds” along the road.

If you want to be a part of the fun then add the link to your blog to the list below.  Please be sure to check what you add to make sure you're giving us the correct information so we don't have to go back to make any changes.

Here's the list:

This linky list is now closed.