
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge2025

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

We are excited to officially announce our theme for the 2025 A to Z Blog Challenge! If you read our schedule post, you may have noticed that our posts are going to center around gratitude and our blogging community. We are grateful for all of you, whether you're joining us for the 15th time or the 1st time!

This is an optional pre-challenge blog hop, where you can submit the link to your Theme Reveal post on this Google Form for others to find. You can find the list of all posts by clicking here.

We recommend that you make a copy of the Google Sheet once the Theme Reveal closes on March 15th, but you can start hopping to other blogs right now! If you make a copy, you can change the column that says no to yes for all the blogs you visit. It's an easy way to keep track of which blogs you've visited! You can also sort and filter when you have your own copy of the Google Sheet.

The one that matters most, the official sign up, will begin on March 24th and end on April 5th, so be sure to come back in that window and sign up! We'll have two bonus blog hops in May, so don't go anywhere! We're excited to see what you have to share with our blogging community this April!

Please follow us!

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X Twitter #atoZchallenge @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge 


  1. I'm very excited about the Challenge this year. Also very happy that I am near the top of the list ror the reveal hop. Looking forward to the beginning of next month and I love my theme the ABC's of Me. I think I stole that from a movie. I will recheck the movie I'm thinking of but if anyone wants to guess at the name of the movie, the character who said it, and the actor (male or female) who said it. That would be great!

  2. I added my link to the real list, but forgot to indicate what my theme was specifically about. The theme is Novelty Songs.

  3. Giddy up. I list my theme as "history." Well, yes, it is that, but it is history with a dose or two (or four) of snark throw in for good measure.

  4. @Jamie I added it to the sheet for you!

    If anyone has any issues with the sign ups, just let us know!

  5. Woot! It’s started (well, sort of) I’m revealing all tomorrow (10th)

  6. Looking forward to this year's challenge, seeing some old faces and some new!

  7. Sheesh when you don't blog for awhile it's hard to remember all tricky little ins and outs of the way things work... things are always changing. No more classic editing on wordpress (unless I'm missing it) I will be participating again this year for my 11th round! Check out my 2025 Theme Reveal


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