Monday, March 24, 2025

Sign up for the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2025 #AtoZChallenge Blog Hop

#AtoZChallenge 2025
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
#AtoZChallenge Sign up!
This is THE ONLY way to sign up for the official April Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2025

Sign up before April 5!

Do you have problems with the form or spreadsheet? If the FAQ didn't help, please contact Jayden R. Vincente (or email the team if you can't reach JR).

That's the spreadsheet with the Master List. Only sites on that spreadsheet are officially in this hop!
Please contact a team member if you have problems or questions. We'll try our best to help.
Consider making a copy of the spreadsheet for yourself to keep notes. (File > Make a Copy)

There's a page with letters and badges for your use. Using these lets visitors know they're in the right spot.

Be sure to visit the A to Z site for daily inspiration, encouragement, and positive community vibes. Let's have a great blog hop! The whole team is grateful for bloggers who participate. There's no hop without you! The #AtoZchallenge community strives to be supportive, encouraging, and respectful of each other. 

To respect the time each blogger takes to visit, we require sites to allow easy commenting (no sign-ups) on A to Z posts. We ask for your "comment name" because sometimes bloggers wish to "comment back" by visiting the commenter's blog, and there isn't always a link. But the Master List is easy to search! (Ctrl+F on Windows, Command+F on Mac -- F for Find! ๐Ÿ”) The location is just because some people want to reach across borders and find new blog pals. We've taken off social media, though feel free to put your links on your own posts to ask visitors to follow you. (Ours are listed below and on the sidebar.) Ronel has sensational, inspiring images planned for the A to Z Instagram this year!

Thank you for joining the #AtoZChallenge2025. We are grateful to have so many dedicated bloggers in this community. ๐Ÿ’—

Sign up before April 5!


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

Instagram     Facebook logo @atozchallenge
X Twitter #atoZchallenge @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge 


Al Penwasser said...

Looking forward to it! Even though my theme is "history," it's history with a bit of snark. Trust me, there are facts from which to learn. The "challenge" (no pun intended) will be to determine which are real and which are not. Some won't be as obvious. For instance, I learned that the Aztecs referred to themselves as "Mexica." Yep, sounds like me being a wiseguy, but it's true.

TWW said...

I am sorry to say I won't be participating this year; I can't think of anything to do, so I'll just follow some blogs and offer encouragement.

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Thank you. This sentence: "We've taken off social media, though feel free to put your links on your own posts to ask visitors to follow you" made me make up my mind and join.