Reflections is an additional bloghop connected to the challenge. It is a chance to tell the team and the world your thoughts on the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2024.
Sign up between May 2 and May 9 with a direct link to your reflection post!
Some points to consider for your reflection post: ๐
Visit others in the reflection hop!
See how your fellow A to Z Bloggers felt about the challenge this year.
Roadtrip Sign up from May 4-25
Be sure to join the RoadTrip, a commitment to visit blogs in the hop (especially ones you may have missed) and highlight the favorite post you created in April. More info on May 4!

@a.to.z.challenge Instagram
@atozchallenge Facebook

@AprilA2Z "Twitter" X. Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
- Did you win?
- Did you post an alphabet of letter-inspired posts?
- Did you HOP to other A to Z participants?
- Do you believe your blog saw an increase in traffic and comments during April 2024?
- Did you check the MasterList to be sure your entry was correct?
- Do you feel the A to Z Team (Arlee Bird, J Lenni Dorner, Zalka Csenge Virรกg, John Holton, Jayden R Vincente, and Ronel) supported you, your blog, and this challenge enough in 2024?
- What changes do you hope the team might consider for next year?
- Will you do the challenge again next year?
- Did you use the http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/2024-graphics.html Graphics page?
- Is the HTML useful to you?
- Are there any other images or graphics the team could offer to help you?
- Any suggestions for the team?
- Any thanks?
- Any requests for the 2025 team's theme? (The posts you'll see on this site in April.)
- Any post ideas or requests for our monthly posts on the blog from June to February?
- (Guest posting requests? Poke team captain J! https://jlennidorner.blogspot.com/)
- Have you followed the social media of the A to Z Challenge?
- What was your favorite comment left by another A to Z participant on your blog during the challenge? ๐
- Did any other A to Z participant make you and your blog feel especially valued this year?
- Do you have a favorite blog that you found during the challenge this year?
- Do you feel you had a positive impact on the Blogging Community during the hop?
- Did you invite or encourage any other bloggers to join the challenge?
- Have you learned anything because of the #AtoZChallenge?
- Did you use a theme in 2024? Any thoughts on themes?
- Was taking part in the challenge a positive experience for you and your blog?
- Consider the significance of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge, our values (community and inclusion), and your feelings about the experience. How may this influence your future blogging, learning, or actions?
- Any other thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the #AtoZChallenge 2024?
- Will you consider doing the challenge again next year?
Visit others in the reflection hop!
See how your fellow A to Z Bloggers felt about the challenge this year.
If you've earned it, display your winner's badge!

(HTML on the graphics page)

(HTML on the graphics page)
Roadtrip Sign up from May 4-25
Be sure to join the RoadTrip, a commitment to visit blogs in the hop (especially ones you may have missed) and highlight the favorite post you created in April. More info on May 4!

MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!

Thank you to the team for all your hard work!
I'm still grateful you, the a-z team, keeps the challenge going. Thank you.
Thank you to our great A to Z Team as well as all of the bloggers who participated in this year's Challenge.
Arlee Bird
Many thanks for once again organising the challenge - it is a great annual highlight for me. I do use some of the graphics and I do enjoy reading other people's blogs as well as having vistors leave comments. I enjoy that many participants have contributed in past years too. I will be doing the challenge again next year and am already thinking and planning - but first some research.
Another great year of A-Z Challenge thanks to the team and all the participants - Way to Go!
A to Z was a blast this year. I know I say this every year, but you post reflections too soon. This year I was glad when you posted on Tuesday for Z see you on Monday for reflections. 6 days that's an adequate time to reflect. Imagine my surprise when I saw that you posted the reflections spreadsheet yesterday (April 2nd). I know that I can wait and post later in the windoe, but the truth is the higher you post your reflections the more likely you will have people seeing it. Next year could you wait on posting the reflections until at least May 4th or 5th. Thanks.
Thanks for keeping up this challenge and keeping up with us all ;) I have 2 posts in the Reflections list. This because I wrote one early - like Dave Roller I would normally prefer more time before the reflection post - and then all your questions motivated me to yet another post - as just adding to the firs would have mde an imposiibly long post.
Apart from wanting to most warmly thank the team and all visitors. I would humbly suggest that next year there's only one sign in list not a team reveal AND a master list. And maybe fever questions on the master list ... or just the possibility of not answeing. Eg. each year I agonize over when and how many A-Zs I participated in, my genre - don't have one - and well ... Keep it simple, please.
I've finally had some time to reflect on things... LOL.
Ronel visiting for Reflections for A to Z Blogging Challenge 2024
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