Saturday, April 20, 2024

Rah! Rah! Rah! #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter R #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

Rah! Rah! Rah! ๐Ÿ“ฃ

We're so close to the end! You can do it!
If you comment on about 21 blogs a day for the rest of the month, you'll have successfully hopped through the whole masterlist! 

What about comments you've received? Have you checked your "spam" and "awaiting moderation" folders?

Spam Folder image

The above is a copped screenshot of a Blogger blog with 42 comments in spam. Most were not actually junk. Please take the time this weekend to see if people have been leaving you comments but your blog-host has misidentified them.

And then keep posting next week. We're so very close to earning those winner badges!


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

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Frewin55 said...

I get emails on the blogs I have subscribed to but my own blog is on Wordpress which is perfect at keeping track of comments. It is not cheap, and I don't use all the knobs and whistles but I am pleased I made the move from Blogger...
I am especially pleased with today's post although it contains some distressing material...

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Rah! Rah! Indeed :-)

Ronel visiting for R: My Languishing TBR: R

Lisa said...

I am supposed to get emails to approve comments (Blogger), however I often find them waiting for authorization when I look myself.
21 blogs a day? But, a lot of my time is spend revisiting the blogs I already visited and liked enough to come back daily!
Although, some on the Master List never began, others quit. And, honestly, there are a few that are not for me. I don't mean boring, I mean something I may not agree with.

Gonz said...

I decided to change my plan for "R". I was about to do remote places, but I'll combine those contents alon with "X" and terra incognita. So, today, I introduce you to...

"R is for Regalport and how to make your pirates special" celebrating #Eberron20 along the A to Z challenge and the #RPGBlogCarnival

jmd CREATIVE said...

Agree with Lisa on that, and also changed my R post last minute, and also not talking about Remote options, in terms of employment, education, and the reasons for that. I may discuss that as part of some future post, on this blog or the writing blog I am currently trying to get setup in time for the end of the A-Z. If I will, is another thing entirely. I have enjoyed interacting with the bloggers I have visited and the visitors who have stopped by my blog. :)

Jamie Ghione said...

A few of my comments have appeared in my spam folder. My "All comments" tab comes up by default, making me miss some of the comments that get into to spam folder.

Yes, I can't believe it's nearing the end. All my remaining posts have been scheduled for their designated letter days. I posted a bonus post today, inspired by something that came up on my Facebpk memories yesterday:

debi o'neille said...

I never thought about checking my spam folder for comments. Thanks for the tip.