
Monday, April 15, 2024

Now or Never, or maybe Next Time #AtoZChallenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter N #AtoZChallenge2024 badge1

We are past the halfway point! Pat yourself on the back, if you have made it this far! The Challenge is an intense undertaking, for sure. So this is your halfway reminder to be kind to yourself. Celebrate the posts you made! Even if you didn't have as much time, or haven't done as much research, or visited as many people... you are still doing it, and that is great!

Also halfway through the challenge, whether you are a newcomer or a veteran, things usually become more clear. Take a moment to take some NOTES. 

What are you doing well NOW? What are the things you are enjoying this time around in the challenge?

What are you NEVER doing again? Is there something you would change?

What are you going to do NEXT TIME? Keep, discard, change - were you inspired by someone's blog, or theme, or style? Do share in the comments!

Keep on blogging! :) 


Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.

Please follow us!

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  1. Now or Never! Yes, A to Z is challenging, even more if you write fiction, even more if you set a certain word count per day to accomplish, and no cheating, everything is brand new and fresh of the press.

    So, yes, a big pat on the back and cheers to everyone who reached this point!!

    Warning: Sore is More is an 18+ only spanking fiction blog, and not everyone's cup of tea. Proceed with caution. Some A to Z stories are darker than the others. For more of a feel good type, start from the letter G:
    and all the way to M

  2. Here is my N for today.

  3. The choice of Commodities for this year's theme was worrying in as much as I doubted whether it would be interesting enough but so far the comments have been encouraging and the poems helped...
    Last night I have firmed up an idea of what to write in 2025 - getting ahead of myself...

  4. Always a good point to start taking notes (which I'll share in my reflections post).

    Ronel visiting for N: My Languishing TBR: N

  5. Well I *HAD* a lot of posts ready to go, then I changed my mind on a few! I am still ahead of the posting game and has been to most of the other blogs.
    I am replying to everyone that posts here, the Facebook group and the masterlist. I hope to visit everyone multiple times.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
    2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D

  6. I think at the midway point it starts to get easier to write every single day. Maybe initially you wonder about what direction you're headed in, but by this point you've laid out where you're going and you're in a rhythm.

    Blogging now at:

  7. If I hadn't a few drafts in place, I don't think I'd be able to complete the challenge. A map of what you're gonna do from A to Z is always a good idea!

    And, about "N", well, let me talk to you about the Five Nations:

    (article in Spanish)


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